My Fellow Mattherson TR

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by CptFirelord, Jan 8, 2014.

  1. Spacedad

    What struck me as being the oddest thing about it all was we were doing alt-ops night for literally no other reason than "it was alt-ops night, this thing we do every week or so." But at one point, the TR coms chat was abuzz with conspiracy theories and narcissistic paranoid fantasies about 'what we were REEEEALLY up to.' Whether it was spying, or undermining someone's e-cred, or sabotage, or whatever...I don't know.

    Really - why couldn't it just have been an Occam's razor of something as mundane as "these guys are playing on this faction tonight." Why the overblown conspiracy theories?

    I don't recall the individuals by name, but there was at least one guy in particular who was talking about us as if everything we were doing was all about going out of our way in some grand design specifically to target themselves and their apparently fragile ego. As one of our mic-chatting members put it to me when I expressed how stunned I was by this reaction, "...It's because it's all about HIM. Everything is about HIM."

    And the feeling I got after that was a kind of a slightly creeped out feeling - specifically the feeling of having a narcissistic crazy person misinterpret your actions to fit in with their ego-maniacal view of the world.

    Really folks, we're just here to play vidya games and shoot 'lazars and bulletes.' With the occasional smacktalk and upside-down galaxy crash. Pewpew.
  2. Popgun

    You do realize that neither you, nor anyone else anywhere is actually a member of the Terran Republic and gets to decide this, right? Pressing a button to pick the color of your shooty-mans in a recreational videogame is about the extent of the action, and your nonsensical declaration about what is or isn't wanted is essentially your own fanfiction, as is a grown adult typing "easymode Vanu scum," in a situation where a players faction is just a momentary situation regarding the character they're currently logged into. No one is actually a member of any faction. You should consider taking a break from playing TR, it's going to your head. Try out the VS weapons for a while.
  3. Spacedad

    No kidding. It always amazes me how instinctive it is for human beings to engage in petty tribalism over the most meaningless of things.

    Makes me wish that planetside 2 had more of a team fortress aesthetic, with black humor and comedy built in that mocks the pointlessness of the faction struggles the way that valve mocks how meaningless the fights between Blu and Red are in TF2. It might take the edge off the game for some people, by quite literally reminding people that this is a game. (This is also why I tend to avoid modern military shooters - people there are a million times worse.)
  4. Giggily

    The funniest part is that when DA plays NC nobody cares.
  5. Mustarde

    Quite frankly, after listening to NS7 basically equate KomradeVirtunov and his FRZA outfit members to 1930's Germany, he has absolutely no right to be hosting a meeting to bring other TR outfits together. His immaturity and clear inability to lead with dignity was shocking (I don't usually sit in command chat but last night was an exception). He can be the leader of his own outfit and platoon, but he has no business leading other outfits with the kind of behavior he demonstrated yesterday (and yes, there was audio recording of it somewhere).

    And the fact that you would tell FRZA how hated and unwelcome they are just discredits your entire thread. "My Fellow Mattherson TR". Are you kidding me?

    The embarrassing drama threads and video of command chat meltdowns haven't taught you guys anything. Grow up.
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  6. Spacedad

    Thanks for that hard but entirely warranted slap of reality, Mustarde. Cheers. :cool:
  7. RoyAwesome

    You are so nice for not trying to associate yourself with teamkillers.

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  8. Wingman

    Just like to point out that I am not a 'leader' of 903, but have enough power to say this: I never have condoned TKing, its outright ******* stupid. I personally witnessed one member TK a FRZA, and asked who it was. (I think the guy that was TKed was Mouse something) I believe I have both names and will be letting the higher ups know if this.

    I lead platoons occasionally, and squads, for the 903rd, and you bet your *** if I was leading last night, those 2 would be out of the outfit instantly. I would also like to point out that many people of 903 have been actually paying attention to how they act. Unfortunately 'mob mentality' does take over for a few. So I apologize for their actions.

    Even with the drama around TR right now, a few of us are for TR as a whole, so if FRZA wants to play and help (if im leading) then you bet your *** I have your back, and those I command will too.

    For the rest of TR, stop being Herp-Derp, work together and have fun. Its a game, if people want to play an alt and help out, then they can. You guys have no right to TK them, or berate them. To FRZA (Goku right? :S) see you on the battlefield!
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  9. ATRA_Wampa-One

    It fails all the time 1v1 and really I can't name a single thing that the VS has that is considered "best in game" right now and would love to know what you think is so superior to the equivalent of what other factions have.

    The reality is that the VS win because they're the most coordinated faction on this server most nights (because surprise surprise non-alcoholic goons are actually good at that sort of thing) and coordination is the most OP thing in this game.
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  10. Popgun

    903 Alexander124 (who TK'd a bunch of people) and FRZA MouseOne.
  11. Wingman

    Thank you, that is the man (mouse :p), I will be informing our command of this. (I've been trying to have people in the 903rd to be respectful of others, after what happened a few weeks ago, so this doesn't make me happy. My efforts need to be doubled. Hope it doesn't cause more friction with you guys...)
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  12. Heme

    Correct me if im wrong but frza is da alt outfit, practicing for CC and PAL. I didn't put two and two together, their skills didnt exactly transfer over perfectly.
  13. BaronVonVirtu

    DA technically doesn't have a TR alt outfit, but occasionally play with EXOC. FRZA is the TR alternate outfit of GOKU, with various guests.
  14. Heme

    explains the skill difference
  15. munglay

    Did VS kill your parents or something? You have issues kiddo. Your manic obsession with purple pixel warriors who hurt your internet feelings, remarkable ability to contradict yourself, and your overall sadistic views regarding VS funhavers and the things that happen to them prove that you're a pretty bad representative of TR's better interests. You should probably stop posting now because all you've accomplished is embarassing yourself. Also I'm pretty sure you're a sociopath. I'm not saying that ad hominem; get help, seriously, contact a therapist.

    Have you SEEN the line for the Hyperbolic Time Chamber? We'll get our chance, but we're not miracle workers (unless we play TR, where we are in fact, miracle workers).
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  16. Sock

    Ouch bro.
  17. BaronVonVirtu

    I think I remember someone mentioning your name last night about calling out the TKing in prox chat. It's good to hear some rational thoughts amongst the chaos.

    We play this game to have fun, shoot mans, win fights and to get better at the previous three as time goes. I enjoy playing other factions because it's a different experience and we get to shoot the folks we normally with which we'd normally be working together. There's no worthwhile advantage to spying in this game because the map tells you where the enemy is located, and we have plenty of time to respond to a hacked base anyway. It's also really hard to take advantage of intel on TR when nearly your entire outfit is presently playing on the faction that would least benefit from said intel.

    You can also feel free to try griefing too, but doing it to "troll" or whatever it might be is only to the detriment of your faction, not our group.
  18. EliteEskimo

    As long as you guys are legitimately trying to be helpful and actually want to help us out, which would be nice since TR is underpopped a lot, you're more then welcome to follow along with BWC and help us out if one of you friend me to coordinate. There's only so much one outfit can do, and sometimes during alerts we're forced to spread out our outfit's forces much thinner than I'd like. We work with AOD and 903rd when we can, I already have 903rd's and AOD's officers/commanders in my friend list to contact, and hey the more people BWC can work together with the better.

    Oh a side note if you guys have any notably good tankers they'd probably have a lot of fun running with BWC's Rampage task force too, if you guys haven't found this out yet on your Vanu characters just look for the Indar Dry Brush Prowlers.:cool:

  19. Wingman

    Hey, I believe in fairness and respect. (lifes not fair, but meh) If you are against me, ill shoot you, if your with me, ill help. This is something that TR needs to understand.
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  20. Ender

    DA found Rampage last night on Indar ;) Though maybe it was just bits and pieces.

    I'm sorry, I made everyone use their two turns already before letting anybody else in:( Vonic has somehow managed the impossible and completed 3. He might be an android or something.