[Suggestion] More Ammo For HA's (Rocket Launchers)

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Stormlight666, Jan 13, 2013.

  1. Rago

    Im against it ! Play with you team thats why you have a engineer with You.
  2. Gav7x

    Agreed, it would be great if you could put sights, diferent types of ammo (HE, HEAT AP) as atachments on the launchers.
  3. Stormlight666

    The Max is not AV infantry. Especially the TR Max. The amount of shots you'd waste trying to hit a vehicle at lone range with one is pretty sad. They are in serious need of love from SOE to make them more like their former PS1 selves.

    And yes, I joined a squad that had 4 engineers since I got tired of suiciding once I ran out of ammo far away, and joined a base fight. Still got ZERO ammo.

    All I want is a few more rockets to be able to finish off the vehicle I start to attack. 5 more rockets would allow me as an HA to kill 1 Vanguard through its front armor if it lets me hit. Or take out a Sunderer at long range hitting it's front armor and no one repairing it.

    Don't raise the ammo cap. Just give the munitions pouch 3 rockets per level instead of 1. That makes it a good tradeoff for not taking Flak or Nanoweave.
  4. Stormlight666

    I joined a squad last night to see what'd happen. 4 engineers and none would give me ammo despite taking the time to ask in squad chat. I have more luck asking random tanks for ammo out in the field.
  5. Hosp

    Mods Yes, Ammo Types NO
  6. Stormlight666

    I don't want unlimited ammo. I want a handful of rockets so I can take out 1 vanguard through its front armor (if it'll let me) without running out of ammo with it still alive. Or take out 1 sunderer at long range that's hiding next to a rock without having to run back and reload.

    Just make munitions pouch give 3 rockets per level instead of 1 (a fair tradeoff for not taking flak or nanoweave) and then I could do just that.
  7. Korban

    Why not ammo types? U can have very fast ones but only do 10% dmg or slow ones that do a whopping 65% dmg.
    Summary: many bee stings or a Rocky Balboa punch!
  8. Hosp

    That won't happen because the devs already put that tradeoff into the specific launchers. Also, you don't want ammo types because people will be using them more for AI than they would AV.
  9. Palor

    Now it has been a very long time since I played the original Planetside but if I recall to get the lock on launcher took lots of play time to acquire. Then since you mostly certed out your character for a specific role, (IE pilot, infantry, tank driver) there were just not a lot of people running around with the lock on launchers. With how PS2 is and how a brand new player can spend $7 to acquire the same launcher instantly it would unbalance the game for them all to have 15+ rockets. Just think how quickly an entire squad or platoon of players can go from anti infantry to anti armor, takes all of 20 seconds. For balance reasons they could not give tons of rocket ammo, if that happened we would not be talking about vehicle spam but rocket spam.

    Though perhaps I misremember Planetside and how it did lock on launchers, been like 7 years since I played it.
  10. Hosp

    Lockon (Infantry) Launchers were TR specific in PS1. The Striker was a 6? Round Semi-Auto Lockon Launcher with Dumbfire Capability. It's downside was that it didn't pack a punch vs MAXes indoors so many TR took to using the Decimator indoors which packed a hell of a punch. It's lockon Capability outdoors could also be used while on the run.

    EDIT, Might as well Add:

    Pheonix was a Single Shot Camera Guided Rocket which packed a punch for the NC. Long reload time for indoor use, but you could carry more ammo for it than you could the Decimator. However, it's splash vs Infantry was minor whereas a decimator splash could potentially knockout someone who had already taken some damage. Its biggest appeal was as a short range scouting drone to look over base walls and hills more so than being useful from cover. While guiding the rocket, the user was completely vulnerable (particularly to cloakers).

    VS had the Semi-Auto 6? Round Lancer. It was an AV sniper Rifle. It fire very quickly, very accurately, very long ranges. It even had a small splash that could be used to scare someone away from light cover. It was moderately effective AI at ranges as well in the event the user was only carrying a shotgun and needed to put fire downrange. Because it had a slightly higher RoF than the striker (I think) it was used a bit more indoors compared to the TR Striker. But alot often still switched to Decimators.

    Then there was the common pool decimator. You know most all about it from above EXCEPT it had an unguided camera mode which could be used to remote detonate the warhead early as well as use as a ghetto scout drone.
  11. LabRatTy

    I looove playing Heavy with the lockon launchers too. There are two ways that I deal with ammo.

    1) I pretty much always keep a flash near me. Not just for the awesome scout radar, but it makes resupplying much, much faster.

    2) Bring along 2 or 3 friends with the same lock on launcher you're using. Between all of you, you have 15-30 rockets, and that goes a long way. Not to mention your ability to kill stuff as a team is increased by, oh, about a billion times or so. Give or take a few million.
  12. Palor

    uhhh so did lots of people have any sort of lock on launchers? I dont remember seeing lots of them, but like I said above I haven't played it in so long. I only played for like 6 months after launch and then tried again for a month or so maybe a year later. I still think with the popularity of the HA class giving them all 10+ rockets would push an already explosive spam heavy game over the edge.
  13. Quor

    See, you're not looking at it from a cost/risk point of view. You want to be able to spend...100ish certs, to get 7 or 8 total rockets, depending on your RL, which will then allow you to solo any ground vehicle in game, regardless of the direction you attack it from.

    The problem is, rockets are free. Spawning as a heavy is free. Spawning a tank or sundy is NOT free, and the very nature of being infantry vs a vehicle is that the infantry should be disadvantaged unless proper play and terrain are present and used correctly.

    But most importantly, what you want goes against the spirit of the game (teamplay) as well as the upgrade system. One extra rocket means the difference between killing a vehicle instead of it getting repaired to full from the brink of death in most cases. Ergo, the one extra rocket you get from munitions pouch is very much a sidegrade to the damage reduction you get from flak armor, or the extra health you get from nanoweave.

    Both of these things are core concepts in PS2. A fully certed pouch HA can take out two lightnings or MBTs instead of one, when attacking from behind. That's pretty nice, but not so significant that it completely overshadows what a BR1 HA can do (which is still successfully kill a lightning or MBT from behind if they're careful).
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  14. TheBloodEagle

    Probably mentioned already but there's a CERT for that. It seems like NO ONE wants to change their loudouts EVER. They want to have everything and anything for every situation all the time with zero need for a need to make a choice. It's not a lot of certs really. If you find yourself in situations often where you don't have the extra ammo you need, then just cert for the more rocket ammo.
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  15. ScrapyardBob

    Join an organized outfit, work with your engineers. It's an ongoing educational job as the engineers need to learn how to help push out the flanks and how to keep the advance supplied with ammo. Too many of them assume that ammo should only be placed in the center of the mob or near the Sundy. Instead, engineers need to learn that where they place ammo may help decide the flow of battle by keeping the troops spread out towards the flanks instead of balled up in the middle.
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  16. Stormlight666

    Considering launchers in PS1 had the ability to carry 18-28 rockets, 4 is a serious downgrade. I'd be happy with 2 rockets per munitions level. 1k for 1 extra rocket is highway robbery.
  17. Mordrake

    SOE is revamping the XP gain for the support classes so probably after the patch engies will have more incentives to drop their little packs of love.

    Let's keep blowing up stuff and buzzing engies in the meanwhile.
  18. Quor

    Tell that to the engineers who need to spend 1k for an extra prox mine.

    Besides, this isn't PS1. There is no inventory system. You can make an argument that the cost, especially for the last upgrade, is cost prohibitive, and I'd be inclined to agree, but the fact of the matter is, certs are effectively unlimited in this game. Given enough play time, everyone will max everything eventually, and the nature of the sidegrade system is to make it so that a long-time veteran doesn't have an insurmountable advantage against a new player, and pricey final upgrades are a part of that philosophy.

    Now, I could see dropping the costs for the munitions pouch by like 10-20% across the board. Would help people use it more, but really it's just a situational thing. Other suit upgrades tend to be more ubiquitous due to their versatility (more life or faster shield regen is ALWAYS useful) while others gain power due to the current meta game (as with flak armor, due to the prevalence of high explosives).

    Class also determines usefulness; ammo belt is the single most useless cert you could get for an engineer, but it's golden for a light assault or infiltrator, two classes who, ideally, won't be under fire very much (making the survivability certs less valuable) while also tend to operate far away from resupply. Conversely, the nature of being HA means you are A.) generally pushing with the main body, or else flanking with the main body, and B.) near many other supporting classes, like engineers, that effectively mean you have unlimited ammo. Combined with the HA ability, going for survival certs makes more sense in more situations than munitions pouch.

    Besides....and while I hate to add the "realism" argument into this....but what the hell would happen to an HA that was carrying 15+ rockets when he was shot??? He'd detonate instantly, killing everyone around him in a spectacular fireworks display of gory gibs.
  19. Stormlight666

    Same with flamethrower guys, C-4, mines, LA jetpacks, Max power cores.
  20. Stormlight666

    To get the 15 rockets they'd need to spend certs on Munitions Pouch, and lvl 3 costs 1k certs. Plus with engineers and ammo there already is rocket spam. All I want is to have extra ammo for when i'm out on a "sniping" spot so i'm able to hit the zerg coming in to soften it up before it reaches the base.