Miller World Population

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ncDieseL, Feb 6, 2014.

  1. ncDieseL

    What happened to the population on Miller? All this week it's been really quiet. Any time after 9pm GMT it's like a grave yard.

    Downtime & game crashes finally starting to scare off the more casual players?

    WDS is going to be a bit of a walkover on Miller, basically whoever can be bothered to ghost cap Amerish & Esamir will win it.
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  2. Liquidrider

    Same is happening on Waterson with the TR, I have seen entire outfits leave the game over the past few months. I think people are just burnt out.
  3. NevarxTR

    People are getting ready for tomorrow.
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  4. MGP

    Many TR players have left the game. But wasn't this the sole purpose of ATRA? You have won. You can now celebrate your victory in peace and quiet.
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  5. LordCreepy

    Either play outfit events or while listening to music.
    Both ways I can't be bothered to play for longer than 3h max before I get bored to death.
  6. LordMondando

    Oh MGP.

    Next you'll be blaming the lizard men.
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  7. LordMondando

  8. MGP

    Stop stalking me! You're freaking me out!
  9. Irathi

  10. Copasetic

    The only change in population I've noticed lately is VS hovering near 40% during prime time.
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  11. Xasapis

    1am is prime time for Vanu, not the rest of you,normal folks.
  12. ForumSidePro720

    The VS is waiting for midnight to take maximum advantage of their OP Black Camo.
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  13. Xasapis

    Too bad RL midnight doesn't coincide with in-game night, right?
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  14. ValorousBob

    I'm passing your compliments along to ATRA high command as we speak.
  15. ForumSidePro720

    Shhh, don't tell anybody...
  16. innersphere1

    like i said, new server merge incoming pretty sure
  17. ncDieseL

    What do you mean, that shows that this week has been one of the quietest, if you look at this weeks stats, each day fewer players log in. According to those numbers we had 2287 last friday, yesterday 1769, a 23% decrease (approx 500 players). If you look at the previous weeks, is was peaking in the 2000s every night.
  18. Goretzu

    Quit? They were all playing Vanu last night. :eek:
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  19. OldMaster80

    My experience: the b italian community seems to cut by half. Not because the game is bad but because content needs to be extended: 3 maps and lack of continent lock sre slowly killing the game. Many left waiting for nexus hossin and new stuff.
  20. Xasapis

    I wonder who will end up taking Indar as their home planet.