Miller - The Yesterday's Battle

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Fab, Jan 4, 2013.

  1. VSMars

    So I logged in around 1900 Zulu, noticed we (VS) actually hold a sizeable part of Amerish for a change and went there. It ... didn't go well for us. Shortly after we lost Ikanam and I went on to man the eastern West Foothills AA turret to try and prevent the TR at Ikanam from meeting up with the attackers at the (then still ours) Kwahtee.

    What happened next was pure chaos. TR sent a lot of libs and ESFs at us, we fought them off. They rolled a few tanks, we destroyed everything. They tried a Galaxy drop, we shot it to pieces and recovered from the landing troops. They came from above us, from the south-eastern hills (over at DeepCore), we pushed them back. By then Kwahtee fell and the armoured column from there arrived in our backs and confined us to our spawn room; if it wasn't for the stupid base design allowing that in the first place, we surely could have hold on for even longer.

    We still held the eastern garrison of Ikanam from a failed attempt to retake it, so I next went there, knowing fully we could only delay the inevitable. It's in a quite defensible position so we managed to hold on for another half an hour or so until TR got enough tanks and infantry on the spot to remove us there too.

    It was glorious, if futile, and I'm honoured to have been there with my brothers and sisters in arms.

    Back in Indar, our forces yet again took Saurva and were fighting a hard battle for Dahaka, so I went on guard duty in CoraMed Labs (no ghost capping on my watch!). As the inevitable counter-attack of TR first cut off then conquered Saurva my position basically got overrun within seconds, so it was back to defending Indar Excavation (which was almost lost, so all I did was to blew up one of the deployed TR Sunderers and move on), then Quartz Ridge (which held off a bit longer, buying time to prepare the Hvar defences). Hvar held properly, with the TR only being able to get the north-eastern gate and most of their forces seemingly going for Allatum instead. Predictably, we pushed back and established a secure defence at Quartz Ridge again, which was were (at around 2300 Zulu and after making sure every single turret at and around Hvar is fully repaired) I logged off.

    Fun fact of the day: If you are a TR infiltrator and try to be all sneaky and set up a camp at one of the southern towers of Quartz Ridge ... make sure the AA turrets aren't actually manned. They will be looking in your general direction anyway, and the flak can and will kill you. ;)
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  2. AquaKiller

    Here's a vid from our perspective:

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  3. Xasapis

    Its funny sometimes to hear complaints about "magrider spam" (usually by NC), then witness what comes out of he Esamir tech plant when the other factions get their hands on it.
  4. Deathwatch

    A few days ago, Renegade Legion was having some fun holding (and also taking back) Scarred Mesa Skydock from our Vanu "friends" ;) on Indar. This base always tends to lend itself for some nice smaller squad vs squad fights.

    And of course we had some people complaining about us being MAX Legion when we were defending a biolab, even though we didn't have too many MAXes out, but I guess you can't avoid that as NC. :)
  5. VSMars

    This base is in such a great place and yet makes such little sense being set up as it is. It should have a bunch of AV turrets overlooking the road as well as some AA turrets in the peaks on the other side of the road (reachable by jump pads or something like that) to help with Tawnich defence. It's also fun and games until a bunch of AI pilots show up and ruin it for everyone on the ground.

    The nearby Red Ridge could also use some AA goodies facing north.
  6. SharpeShooter

    HAHAHAHA, Hi guys Sharpe from BRTD here, this was are Monday Madness, after he had pushed you guys out of still water we all lined up for a pic hahaha, when you all came back in libs I can tell you we were all shouting "SCATTER" its was brilliant haha. Thumbs up for a good fight!

  7. SharpeShooter

    hahaha looks like you have my forum name lol. my ingame name is Sharpe :)
  8. LordMondando

    This thread keeps getting better. Keep it up.

    Just got a new CPU, hope to start recording the adventures of DL soon.
  9. BaptistsK90

    Enjoyed reading Karma’s Battle report and watching the Twich Tv footage of it, so I thought I’d write up Talon 2’s Take on the night.

    After being told to form up into are respective squads by Karma I’d drew the illustrious position of leading Talon two, the second of the six squads which Consortium fielded that night.

    After a short but rousing speech in which I told all my men that they were warriors of the Keyboard and to fear not the evils of Magriders or Prowlers, that they would overcome them all as long as they followed orders and kept themselves between the enemy and their Squad leader.

    We set off in Galaxys .. are friendly Zukhov was in need of aid at a Bio Lab and we were being called in to help, I may be getting nights mixed up here, but (And I love Zukhov) but we always seem to be coming to his Aid … so I’ll skip on.

    Bang Bang Bang Fighting in Bio Lab screams of Medic on Green one and the crys of my men demanding squad beacons, we eventually win. And then head to Apex.

    Which would become the greatest battle I’ve ever been apart of in Consortium, if you watch the stream Karma Posted which you should, it’s amazing and you get to hear me scream once in awhile, the first time is when reports come in of a massive TR tank column moving in from the North, the first time I seen that Tank column was watching Karma’s stream, because in reality I was to the east where I was fighting with all of Talon 2 I might add, at least five lighting Tanks, let me tell you much was the screaming of Medic on green one.

    Long was the fighting and in the end Talon 2 rose from the ashes of the battlefield to link with the other Talons in a charge down the hill towards death and glory.

    Great Night ! Great People ! Great Fun!

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  10. Sharpe

    hehe yeah, so you're the one that stole my shiz! :D
  11. VSMars

    So, another AAR from a lowly grunt.

    As usual when I have some free time, logged in on 1900 Zulu. There was some inconsequential fighting going on in the Vanu territory on Indar, mostly around Crossroads, so as usual I hopped on and went repairing and doing AA jobs.

    Then Quartz Ridge got under attack from TR and I went there to defend. It didn't last too long before a big push came and we lost though, and had to fall back to Hvar, which was under heavy attack at once as well. Quite the quick job; and other fronts were threatened as well by the Reds. After the TR tanks rolled in and the defence of Hvar was in full swing, I switched to Infiltrator instead of my usual Engineer and sneaked back to Quartz Ridge.

    It was empty. One hacked vehicle terminal and spawned and deployed Sunderer later and we had some 10-15 unorganised randoms taking it back behind enemy lines while keeping the TR who tried to respawn there confined into their spawn room. We actually managed to take it back, cutting the TR influence at Hvar to zero; about half of the people went back to help mop up the remaining attackers, while the rest stood and held back the red reinforcement as long as we could. We failed after some 10-15 more minutes, of course, but it was enough to ensure Hvar was secured, for now.

    This is what happens when you don't have people staying behind in just-conquered territory.

    The fighting was far from over though. TR pushed again, hard; finally taking both Hvar and Allatum; even as far as Tawnich on the eastern side. Hvar turned into quite the meat grinder; after a while, not having the nerves to do it, I went south to Indar Bay Point (an aircraft tower) to try and secure it from any impending attacks, as well as provide some AA coverage over Sandstone Gulch and southern Hvar. Some Reds tried to be sneaky and hacked the terminals below the tower at one point and spawned a Sunderer, but this was quickly mitigated by the means of a few tank mines. Just in case, I spawned my own party bus and parked it near the secondary cap point of the place.

    With the tide slowly turning in our favour, I hopped on the bus a short while later and drove it in the direction of Hvar, hoping to provide ammo to our vehicles and some AI HE goodies. However, there was a shout that Vanu Archives (still in TR hands at this point) needed an AMS, so I headed there instead. One Sunderer deployed at the hill west of it, near the bombarding tanks, when I arrived; so I instead went to the vehicle pads and the [C] spawn and set up camp there. After fighting off the usual swarm of Engineers and LAs trying to blow my pretty bus up (though to their credit, they did manage to bring down the first one near the tanks as well as a back-up one near my position), the Reds got overrun. Our own people moved on, to Snake Ravine and Allatum.

    As usual, I stood guard to make sure nobody tries anything funny. A pretty well organised TR squad showed up and we (about five people still at and around the Vanu Archives) had our fun fighting them off. I think they pulled out at least three Sunderers from various hacked terminals; not that it helped them much. In the end, we didn't need to beat them, we just needed to make sure they don't beat us until the surrounding area was painted in nice purple colour.

    The remainder of the time was spent repairing stuff and dealing with random enemy stragglers behind our lines. I made sure the turrets at Hvar are fully functioning before logging of at 0100 Zulu, just as another TR tank column rolled up from Quartz Ridge.
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  12. MrK

    Meanwhile, 35% NC on Amerish piled in a Biolab and lost all the continent.

    I'm unfortunately not kidding
  13. Xasapis

    Are you doing something in there the rest of us shouldn't know? ;)
  14. MrK

    Errr.... It's good the shields were kept up, things were happening in the SCU room.... I will not describe
  15. FeiXue

    Yeah sorry, impromptu "Bio Lab defence" training session that inexplicably extended to nearly three hours :) I can assure you though NC numbers there were far fewer than 35% cont pop.
  16. MrK

    You should have checked more. We had 35% pop for a long long time, seeing our territory shrink all the time until we get gated. Yes, perhaps, at this point, we lost some players. Natural, because being farmed underpopped trying to defend because too many can't get out of their teleport room farm is going to make people log off.
    I ended in the Biolab when TR where attacking the last hex before NC WG. NC pop was still 30+

    It was utterly ridiculous. Weapon balance my ***.
  17. SharpeShooter

    hahahaha :) sorry but Iv had the name "Sharpe" in like every MMO I have played in the last several years hehe. Sean Bean FTW lol.
  18. Tigga

    Aye, when our outfit moved to amerish the pops were roughly even (44-12-44 ish) and the NC were pushing on our warpgate. On the way out to defend we bumped into CONZ and they put up a good fight for a little before disappearing never to be seen again that night. The red tide swept northwards, conquering all in our way (with some pretty nice fights along the way, it has to be said. It wasn't ghost-capping!), until we were sitting outside the NC warpgate and the populations were STILL even.

    I've a feeling you guys like those bio labs a little more than is good for you. Why won't you come out and play? :(
  19. Axler

    If you had our MAX where would you be if you could?
  20. Rolfski

    Keep these AAR's coming and please people, make screenshots or video as this will make it a far more vivid read.