Miller - Server population: imbalanced

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Fotosynthese, May 13, 2013.

  1. MrK

    That's actually not true. I've been VS on PS1 from Aug 2003 to something like Dec 2004 (my memory fails me here) before switching to NC ;)
  2. AltF4Fun

    So you betrayed the VS spandex queen.Well,I think she will forgive you.:)
  3. VSMars

    ... after a proper spanking followed by a reconciliatory bubble bath.
  4. MrK

    ISK (which was one of my former PS1 outfit already) has some special pie treatment for traitors like me.
  5. TintaBux

    Holy Cow, what happened to Miller? Ill log in a sec and see. (Not played for over a week)
  6. TintaBux

    TR on 41% now, I guess will go down a bit during prime time but this is allot worse.

    Simple reason is, they have moved from the SE warpgate now.
  7. Stanis

    The TR population runs high. That makes them able to abuse population - meaning that unless the VS and NC are sensible they will get continent locks during off-peak hours.

    However alerts don't happen during peak/prime time.
    Then there is definitely enough population to pop-lock a continent.

    The NC population is typically higher in the early evening and tails off.
    The VS population is typically a bit lower early evening and rises after 8pm.
    TR population tended to drop after about 10pm.

    However - people stay on for the alerts now.

    I see an alert most evenings between 9pm and 10.30pm UK time, finishing around midnight.
    My experience of those is that the VS hold their own.
    The NC seem to have given up a little.

    But while victory might be at around 40% I've yet to see a total steamroll by a single empire during peak times - meaning we get 2 hours of fairly active contest and battle across the continent.

    Population and off-hours were always a problem. They are in any persistent game.
  8. Davelantor

    ***** please, we are underdogs.
    TR will be the zerg faction. Its just more farm material.

    But seriously, I must admit. Sometimes it gives me a silly face to imagine people getting a sense of accomplishment or fun from having the enemy outnumbered. Sucks that they dont accomplish much with derpy zerg tactics.
  9. Wellknown

    I left miller lvl 56 VS char its crap.
    On cobalt now much better more of balance with all factions in 30+ give or take a few.
    i was fed up with just playing on indar.
  10. Genistren

    SOE is incapable of doing anything about it, They are simply useless when it comes to "balance", on Miller, TR has the highest population, which is why more kids prefer TR, making the problem get bigger. Nothing can be done about it.
  11. Fotosynthese

    The good thing is the VS love indar and the TR and NC still fails to take it.
    Even with their "cross faction fail alliances".

    So many targets to shoot at :eek:
  12. Athessu

    Just had a prime time Esamir alert where the TR had nearly 40% cont pop for the vast majority of it (with VS being around 30-33%% and NC hitting 25% at one point but being under 30% nearly the whole time). If it's getting to the point where even at prime time population isn't balancing out then these alerts are hurting more than helping.

    The only way to fix it is to either quite significantly gate people creating new characters by saying that for Miller the TR is currently full or by offering free server/faction transfers for a set number of TR characters to take advantage of on a first come first served basis.

    A faction transfer with a cert refund and a limited SC refund that only let you spend the refunded SC on that character is a possiblity. They could even make it into a huge propaganda event war between factions.

    Indar is the easiest to defend continent by far. At this point the Vanu have made holding it their sole reason to be proud and their only objective. The other thing is that most of these attempts have been prime time attacks rather than taking it at 10am like the Vanu did or at 3am just because...Yeah.
  13. Cowabunga

    I blame the commissar hat.
  14. RWJP

    Yeah, because telling people they can't play the game they have sunk time and money in to is a sure way to make things better...

    Don't be thick. The issue here is not that there are "too many" TR players on Miller, it's simply the fact that there aren't enough NC/VS. In the end TR will still get capped at 1/3rd the total server population (600 ish out of 2000). Punishing the TR players for simply playing the game is going to lose SOE a lot more fans very quickly.

    What SOE need to do is look at how to draw more people to NC and VS. I have no clue how they would go about doing that, it may even take a merge with a more VS/NC heavy EU server to balance it.
  15. Athessu

    You misunderstand, when I say that it would say the server is full. I mean that people creating new characters would be unable to on this specific server and would be directed to another one where the TR need more people. (Yes I understand there would be problems with people being unable to play with their friends if they're just starting out with the game and such)

    Edited to prevent anymore confusion.

    It wasn't a suggestion as a long term solution sort of thing anyway.
  16. RWJP

    Ahh, that makes a lot more sense! By the sounds of your original post I thought you meant that players logging on to a high-pop server would be told it was full and booted out to the login screen!
  17. eggy

    You cant blame this all on SOE though, a large chunk of the problem is the people.

    There were enough people on the server to pop lock Esamir when the alert was on.
    There was a queue as TR to get onto Esamir , was there a queue as NC or VS? Answer NO.
    A large chunk of VS refuse to leave Indar incase they loose the lock and a large chunk of NC decided to try and take Amerish while the Esamir alert was active. So thats the first way players **** things up.

    Then we get the 4th factioners. TR are winning, swap to TR. 2nd way players **** things up.

    Then you get the quiters. TR are winning, lets give up and log off. 3rd way players **** things up.

    The pops on Miller were balance in the 3ish/3ish/3ish area not so long ago and we pop locked 2 conts.
    Block TR char creation and add a 4 hour timer on faction swapping.
  18. Athessu

    When I went and checked during the alert (I was bored of losing fights by this point)..the TR had like 65% of the population on amerish too..So I'm not sure how valid what you're saying is.
  19. GhostAvatar

    Sorry, but I am going to have to call BS on this.

    At 4pm the population was as follows.
    VS: 602 people = 27.7%
    TR: 878 people = 40.4%
    NC: 692 people = 31.8%

  20. St0mpy

    Miller needs to be the recommended server for a while to top it up.

    I dont think its had a noob infusion like that since the start and wasnt part of any merger either so naturally people have fallen away. Numbers are starting to look as low as Woodman was before they had the wand of plenty cast upon them, Miller needs a turn too now.