Miller just died

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Collin, Nov 24, 2012.

  1. Collin

    Nothing is working no more! No repairs! Afterburners are not depleating aso.....
  2. Mikenumbers

    Confirming this, couldn't repair/rearm/reload or even de-construct my mossy. :3
  3. CorBlimey

    confirming it from vanu side.. nothing works
  4. viddey

    Nothing will despawn, grenades, pods, destroyed vehicles and nothing can be repaired. It's all done wrong after the server restart.
  5. EwAB

    debris is hanging mid air, landing pads wont restock flying stuff, same for tanks, sunderers doesnt restock vehicles either. i just went and teabagged my own dead body.
  6. kill

    Confirmed. Miller is malfunctioning again.
  7. EwAB

    There are so many nades on the floor they "clip" when you walk over grid edges, what to say. Yeah..
  8. Mazzio

    Just kill the dying server already, preferablky with a sledgehammer. Merge us with Woodman and you got yourself tons of happy ex-Millerites buying more station cash.
  9. don

    fix the fix
  10. Audiofly

    its ok, its just beta. . . . oh wait. :(
    • Up x 2
  11. Marinealver

    the only Good Miller (Not an SOE product)
  12. Nexeus

    *Sad panda mode activated*

    This is the closest server to me but full of problems.
  13. DerageGamer

    For **** sake man! Everything was finally just sort of working right before they restarted to apply some 'patch', is this your idea of patching?

    Thank god this game was in beta for such a long time, really paid off.

    I just left because I couldn't handle the endless sounds of 100 droppods in and around the base we were defending, wreckages didn't dissappear, there were grenades on the floor everywhere, I just left because some moving wreckage was trying to ride me over and there was no way to destroy him/her/it. What the hell!? Seems like some people manage to abuse this crap.

    They better rollback this crap because this caused some major issues.
  14. Grotpar

    I actually saw a vehicle pad flying through the air.

    Yes, that thing that vehicles spawn on.
  15. EwAB

    Actually i dont think it died, i think it was hacked.
    A wreck is flying around and running people over.
  16. Audiofly

    reps not reping, drop pods not disappearing,we have guys (TR) in VS WG!! it might need fixing :p (miller) god game tho :)
  17. viddey

    There are grenades and wrecks everywhere, in between the pods. Really need a restart or fix soon.
  18. Bulletbiter

    Is there any release date known ? Don´t want to play the beta anymore. ;-)
  19. grandwazir

    Why do the US servers seem to work fine with the same load (on the selection screen) compared to Miller which has continuously been up and down all weekend? Every time I have tried to play since the game was released the server has either:
    1. Restarted on me while playing
    2. Been impossible to join due to queue bugs
    3. Been down
    4. Not working correctly (chat lag, etc)
    I find it inconceivable that someone has not noticed that this server is having issues by now. It would be much better to shut it down than leave it in this broken state.
    • Up x 1
  20. Sphere

    How come the server still hasn't been restarted? It's been over half an hour in this state now...