Memorable or over the top deaths

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dieter Perras, Aug 28, 2014.

  1. Axehilt

    The most memorable deaths tend to be ones caused by severe game stupidity, like easily killing someone's harasser as it races towards you, and then having their wreckage continue at 60kph towards you to one-shot your tank from full health.
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  2. The Funk

    Yesterday I was running up some stairs to a tower and literally just fell over dead. The game told me to stop killing myself. Guess that clone had had enough.
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  3. Booface

    Just a couple days ago I had chased down an infiltrator and had my shot lined up. He didn't see me coming, was busy headshotting one of my teammates off of a speeding Flash, which (the Flash) went out of control, veered a sharp turn, and roadkilled me right before I could take my shot.

    Couldn't even get mad about it, that was just impressive.
  4. Ownasaurusrex

    Being teamkilled by a friendly mossie's tomcat missile
  5. Beef Wellington

    I was playing a MAX holding a room, with a ceiling, doing pretty well.

    Suddenly shrapnel from a destroyed air vehicle landed on me, killing me instantly.

    Did I mention I was in a room, with a ceiling?
  6. TheKhopesh

    Memorable deaths?
    How about a cool one I got when I was messing around with a buddy on TR with the infinite boost glitch a while back?

    (Please note, we did not "abuse" this glitch in any way whatsoever.
    We merely wanted to have fun with it for the sake of fun, and we did not impact anyone's gameplay in the slightest by doing this.
    MAN was that fun! :D)
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  7. Spectre 694

    I was on a flash and spotted another flash. He also spotted me, so we drove towards one another, bailed and started shooting eachother. I killed him with some chest shots but survived with a sliver of health, when i went out of ADS, i barely noticed his flash in the corner of my screen and a moment later his flash roadkilled me.

    Earlier this week i had the ejection seat bug on my flash inside a tech plant as infiltrator. I fell to my death right on the control point with about 3 enemies there. Felt embarassing.
  8. Naejin

    Clipped the spike at the top of one of those towers with the wing of my fully loaded galaxy. It somehow spun us around and accelerated us into another TR galaxy, destroying both galaxies and all 24 members inside. To add insult to injury, it weapons locked me for team killing. :)
  9. Abraham with Cheese

    Not sure it's over-the-top, but...

    Several times I've died from galaxy dropping onto a galaxy right underneath us. An allied galaxy.

    I've collided with many an enemy (and friendly) ESF while flying from one biolab jump pad to their satellite bases.

    Me and a heavy VS ran at one another with our rocket launchers and fired at the same time. I hit (and killed) him, but he hit the guy behind me and the splash killed me as well. When we both died, we (my ally behind me and I) landed so close together, our hands looked like we were doing a high-five on the ground.

    I once fell down a sheer cliff face on Indar, surviving somehow, but then was killed by a piece of a falling tank. There were no tanks nearby.

    I once tried going up a hill on my Flash, but hopped off when I realized I couldn't. Appearing behind it when I jumped off, the Flash rolledl backwards, pushing me along for maybe a meter before it roadkilled me.
  10. DrPapaPenguin

    Our investigators have recreated the event as closely as possible:

  11. Beef Wellington

    Wait, you can exit view mode while the Phoenix rocket is still in the air?

  12. Mythologicus

    I've had so many stupid deaths. This is primarily because I spend the majority of my time playing with someone who breaks game mechanics in passing. I don't even know how he does it, but everything around him just breaks. And it's contagious. But anyways...

    Flipped over in a Harasser and bailed out as it was sliding across the terrain. Both of us fell under the map, and proceeded to spend about 6 seconds or so shooting at each other in space before the autokill kicked in.

    Another Harasser one: Jumped a hill, landed right on top of a Lightning. Physics proceeded to break as the Harasser's tyres gripped the Lightning, picked it up and tossed it into the air. Both of us (Harasser/Lightning) went cartwheeling to our deaths.

    Watching a video of someone doing some gameplay of PS2 ages ago, watching them buy a tank and then sliding down a cliff on Indar off the edge of the map. Three months later, I buy a tank and do EXACTLY THE SAME THING. I was laughing so hard it hurt.

    Not really a death as such, but my vehicle exploded: Backing up down a steep slope in a Lightning, using third-person. As I was backing up, I turned sideways and started sliding. My camera achieved an impossible angle and my tank proceeded to trip over its own gun. Third-person camera can defy PS2's own vehicle laws, and as the main gun always follows where the camera is pointing...

    Having my friend's Vanguard squashed by a Liberator wreckage from out of NOWHERE. (Seriously. It just spawned on a hillside and started gently rolling toward us.)

    Walking into a Claymore, dying, getting revived and then ONLY A SECOND LATER exploding on another Claymore in the same spot.

    Bailing out of a Galaxy over an Amp Station and getting swatted by a Liberator. :eek:

    We didn't die, nor did the vehicle, but it's worth mentioning for the awesome factor: Galaxy catching a drop pod and doing a barrel-roll mid-flight.

    Most of the above I have videos of (woo, Shadowplay!) but I haven't got around to uploading all of them yet.
  13. Demigan

    press "E" if I remember correctly. I use it so often I don't even think about it anymore :p
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  14. Mythologicus

    Had to reply to this, because yesterday I stood on top of a hill and directed a good 6 or so people on an Infiltrator hunt with my Lasher. The Infiltrator ran a similar distance down the road, with the pursuers changing course every time the plasma balls shot over their heads. Eventually his energy ran out in the middle of the road and he got mowed down. Poor guy.
  15. lawn gnome

    does it eject you into the air above the missile? that would be awesome!
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  16. Zeppelin123

    I once chased a half dead LA into a building and promply got the jump onto him with my repair tool in my hand..........
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  17. Demigan

    If you were thinking of firing rockets at enemy ESF from above I have bad news for you. You would still have the Phoenix launcher in your hands...
  18. lawn gnome

    no you fire it, fly above a tank and then eject above the tank for some surprise C4 lovins'
  19. CNR4806

    Trying to drive up to the Crown in my Lightning, and got killed by a Harraser wreck sliding down the slope instead.

    It's been months or close to a year since that happened but I still remember it, because it was RIDICULOUS.
  20. Chaingunner

    I was making a few hundred meter run from our Sundy when an enemy Sundy noticed me. He decided to go for a road kill, so I decided to throw down my AV turret. He ran over it exactly when it spawned and flipped his Sundy on its back and blew up. We both laughed so damn hard. I only had this happen twice and is difficult to do. After accidentally doing it the first time a few months back I have been trying to do it again daily.