Memorable or over the top deaths

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dieter Perras, Aug 28, 2014.

  1. LodeTria

    I think the most memorable ones for me is the ones where I land my ESF or Lib on a landing pad, only to get out and fall to my death because it too near the edge.
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  2. hostilechild

    Took a jump pad from an outpost to the biolab, midflight i was mowed down by a mossy. He was just as surprised as me!
  3. Pootisman

    My favorite deaths: Every time when i blow up a (spawn) camping MBT with my ***** flash. (j i h a d gets censored LOL)

    Other peoples deaths: Unlucky/weird deaths, i.e. a few days ago, a VS engi threw a grenade and it bounced back and somehow got stuck on this head. He frantically tried to run away from the grenade and almost blew up a group of friendlies.

    The special kind of teamwork noobs and randoms have also makes me smile sometimes, i.e:

    (watch in HD; The engi places a C4 on the turret and his heavy friend shoots a rocket at it at the same time.)
  4. VonStalin

    I was low on health, friendly medic came by, killed me, and revived, so it be quicker this way to restore my heath... was a bit strange.
  5. Halathorn

    Saw a cluster of enemies threw a grenade, it bounces off a friendly TR's head who decided to run in front of me at just the right moment, it kills me and 3 other TR. :\
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  6. RomulusX

    Sounds a lot like this video I once saw...:eek:
  7. _itg

    The Terrain Republic strikes again!
  8. K2k4

    Was in esamir shortly after harasser came out. Came over a hill and got stuck in a little gully with a "friendly" harasser blocking the end of it. Suddenly the "friendly" harasser starts shelling me with his halberd and kills my fresh harasser with 4-5 slow methodical shots, even as I protested on voice chat.

    I proceeded to respawn at the base where this occurred as a light assault and c4 them dead. They did not move from the location. It was a 3/3 harasser. To this day this is probably the only intentional team kill I have done that I remember in detail.
  9. Lection

    in a non-contested enemy base i had accidentally used my c4 in the open (from the top of a building), but as i was just about to leave it some unlucky guy just about to pass by looked down and got killed for his curiosity.:D
  10. current1y

  11. Noktaj

    That time while I took a jump pad down from an almost empty Allatum Bio and got road-killed by a sprinting through enemy reaver mid-air.

    I /tell my compliments to the enemy pilot and he replied "I was wondering where the frak I got that kill!!" and we both laughed.
    Was a funny moment.
  12. Demigan

    You forgot that you placed C4 on both Galaxies you pass, kill the pilot and are smashed into by a TR soldier. You land on another Galaxy on your way down. The Galaxy you shot the Pilot from crashes into it and then you ram the AMP station.
  13. Demigan

    It's not really that strange.

    You fired your Phoenix and made it fly straight before you exited the view mode. The rocket will keep flying from that point until it reaches it's limit. The missile is so slow that aircraft can overtake it. The Liberator for some reason decided to go faster and rammed your rocket from behind.
  14. Bonom Denej


    OT : As far as I'm concerned, I was playing Infiltrator, we were between bases and I saw that an enemy HA saw me. I was low on health, there was no way I could kill him so I ran the opposite way.
    That HA followed me by foot on 800 meters before killing me (I mesured the 800 meters afterwards with waypoints). That was some dedication.
  15. Salojin

    Ar J908, I took the jumpad up to the Bridge capture point, on the way up I see a friendly galaxy flying by.
    "Hey," I thought "I know that pilot!"
    "Hey," Thought the pilot "I know that flying guy!"
    And I smashed into the hull of his galaxy midair and insta-died. I can only assume my armor plating fodded up his turbines and sent his galaxy crashing into a fresh infantry wave of friendly AOD. Or at least I hope so.
  16. Demigan

    My most memorable death is one of pure luck and no skill.

    I spawn on Esamir and get a Lightning. Driving out the warpgate I see 3 Galaxies, a Mossie and a Lib hanging around a tower. The message appears '5 minutes left before server maintenance'.
    The Galaxies spot me, the first one sets course for me, one bulldog trying to hit me. I start firing at it. The Galaxy suddenly dips it's nose... and rams the ground in front of me as I back up. I get 2 kills and see that 2 others jumped out just in time.
    I focus my fire on the two who jumped out, one is an Engineer that I kill after he places an AV turret and apparently some ammo, one is a Heavy who apparently can't shoot as he keeps missing me. The mossie starts firing at me and I return fire, it tries to dodge, twists in the air and rams the ground.
    Not a second later the sun is blocked as the second Galaxy fills my vision. It rams the top of my lightning and I get the Galaxy kill and the pilot kill, for some reason I'm still alive and only a quarter of my health gone. At this point a Viper Lightning, heavily damaged, comes around the corner. We trade shots as we both are afraid to move close to eachother, all the while the HA is still firing and missing, sometimes one rocket hits me.
    As I see 2 minutes remaining, the Liberator breaks away from the tower and heads towards me, It was damaged and smoking as it started a bombing run. I start shooting and it breaks apart inches above me. I now stand in the wreckage of the second Galaxy and a Liberator, unable to move anywhere as my turret does pirouettes whenever Debris hits it. When the debris settles I see the third Galaxy coming, just like the first two it tries to ram me, but it rams the ground just before me instead, earning me 3 more kills.
    Seeing that I have less than a minute left to survive I try to turn around. Some of the Galaxy debris is disappearing and I get some room free! The Viper Lightning went away, trying to flank me but I see him stuck between a shallow gully unable to move. I'm badly damaged and nearly dead, but I'm homefree!
    Through all the smoke, fire and debris, the HA manages to get a rocket right against my backside as I turn the corner of a hill and I blow up.
  17. Haquim

    I assume deaths of the kind:
    I shot 40 bullets, 20 to his guts and 10 to his head. The guy then turned around, shot once and I dropped dead.
    Don't count.

    So.... In a Biolab fight our teleporter room was heavily camped. After about a dozen tries and 5 minutes of very careful movement, I managed to sneak around the enemies with my crossbow-stalker and EMP grenades. I set up in a nice position with view on a bulk of enemies and some cover. I decloaked, threw an EMP grenade and switched to my sidearm. A TR heavy picked this moment to play peek-a-boo rocketprimary - he peeked out of the spawnroom and shot his rocket. Somehow he managed to miss two maxes and half a dozen other infantery 5 metres in front of him - but at least he scored a headshot on the Infiltrator behind them......
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  18. MrSilk

    I was playing LA on Indar and was escaping a base that we (NC) just lost by a huge zerg of TR, I jumped off a cliff and a Galaxy was under me, I landed on it (like in the trailer lol) and threw two C4 on it and before I could pull the trigger, ANOTHER galaxy came out of nowhere and slammed into me/the other Galaxy killing me, but exploding my C4 and BOTH galaxies at the same time.. I got 18 kills and Recursion stat tracker went haywire haha. Totally epic death.
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  19. Alizona

    As a C4 Sundy-killing Engineer, my most memorable deaths occur as I'm dropping my fourth C4 onto that Blockade-Armor'ed enemy Sunderer and suddenly begin receiving a hail of bullets. They've seen me, they're pissed, and I've got about 0.4 milliseconds to press that darned button and set these things off... am I gonna make it in time before they kill me?

    More than once, I die and hear/see the glorious explosion of their precious Spawn Point at the same instant. Perhaps they shot me, or perhaps it was because I just didn't have the option to run off a safe distance before detonating and took the full brunt.

    No matter. I'm a hero, even in death. My team will emerge victorious, but they won't raise a statue in my honor... nope. Because here I come again, with a fresh batch of C4... now where's that other Sundy of theirs? :)
  20. Kcalehc

    Yep had that one happen to me too.

    Most recently memorable, driving a Sundy past Esamir Munitions at high speed, hit a Harasser coming the other way and flipped us into the courtyard (which as far as I'm aware is inaccessible to vehicles normally); it was unfortunately completely filled with Vanu, we didn't land on a single one, but went from almost full health to dead in about the time it took for a dozen heavies to switch to their rocket launchers.