[Suggestion] Medic Ignorance

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by nooblet91698, Aug 25, 2013.

  1. nooblet91698

    Medics need to concentrate on their role in battle, which is fighting, but also healing and reviving. MAX units are a priority when they are down and there are medics around...please dont ignore a dead MAX if you are a medic...i've met too many people like that...if you cant reach a guy with your applicator, use your AoE heal...some tips for some medics....
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  2. asdfPanda

    Yup. Medics need to look for the death symbols on their screen and minimap, as well as keep an eye out for allies that are at low health.
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  3. MarioPIe

    too many times have i chased down a medic calling out for them with commands and proxy chat. then they run outside and get blown up
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  4. Mostadio

    I like to teabag people that cry for medics in proxy chat. I'll get to you when I'm finished with what I'm doing.
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  5. Qasar

    Whenever I played Medic, if people were up and needed heals, that's what I did. They were full, I was shooting. When people are down, clear the area then revive. Pointless to raise someone that's just going to be shot down again.
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  6. IronWarrior

    Sometimes in a sea of people, trying to find the guy who wanted a medic is almost impossible.

    For example, I was fighting in a base last night and was in a middle of a horde of players, least 150+ swarming together though a base cleaning it of terrorist scum and as a Medic I gave up trying to heal people using my tool or going to people and just used my AOE heal every so often.
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  7. WarpmanDIM

    Well, there are three kinds of Medics.

    THE GUNNER. The dude just likes the best guns in the game. Tool is mostly for dire situations.
    THE NECROMANCER. He runs around and resurrects his fallen minions. Guns from time to time.
    THE MEDIC. He resses, heals and dies doing so.
  8. Qasar

    You forgot the combination of the gunner and the medic: The Combat Medic. He likes having the best guns and he likes having his squad mates alive to help him with the shooting. And nobody dies unless he says so ( you'll probably note the gray area here... :p ).
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  9. BlackbookPS

    There are a lot of new players out there.

    I am an experienced CM so I know the score.

    As you know they don't check the minimap or generally have a clue, take it for granted some of the enemy is the same.

    Other players are the same, getting shot dead by spawn shield warriors. They even b.i.t.c.h when they cant get a revive.

    Shame it can get you killed quite often as you can only check so much before reviving.
  10. Danath

    Don't you need lvl 5 medic tool to revive a MAX? Not so many medics with that ;)
  11. TheRighteous

    No, you don't need one, they just revive MAX suits with higher health.

    I too am annoyed by bad medics who don't heal and just try to shoot things.
    Do your jobs guys.
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  12. nooblet91698

    Medics are needed on field...fulfill your purposes, even if your applicator sucks
  13. nooblet91698

    really? any level can revive a MAX okay? Level 1 revives MAxs at 2 bars of health and Level 5 revives at 8 bars of health
  14. Doc Jim

    Lately I've been in battles where half of our force was made up of medics - that is a situation where going full Rambo is ok.

    At least injured players don't run away from medics as often as last year, this has made topping up a lot easier.
  15. BlackLight

    There are several rules which i have developed over my time playing medic as a medic which have allowed me to be incredibly effective in the area of green beams of health.
    1. Never whip out your medical applicator to 'heal someone' - It means you cant shoot back, puts you in a vulnerable position and gets you killed. Use your AOE to heal people. The medical applicator is only for revivies.
    2. Bunny hop - Do NOT stand still when reviving someone... Enough said.
    3. Prioritise your revivies - Take a look at this example: You see 2 medics, 2 engineers, 1 max, 4 heavies and a infiltrator on the floor. Who do you revivie first? Making the correct decision here means the difference between life and death. Really, it depends on the situation. But, NEVER get the Max up first unless there is a engineer nearby. Also, try and get the medics up first in all situations.
    4. "I need a medic!" - Oh, it hurts my ears... I will not waste my AOE heal on you when you have only lost 10% health. Adopt the rule: Only when someone has lost over 25% health you heal them up. Otherwise, your wasting a crucial ability which could save your life seconds later.
    5. Why are you still satnding still? - Keep moving!
    6. Volume = Up! - People need to understand sometimes when they call for a medic that maybe the medic's computer is muted? Well, there are two ways to counter this. A) Turn your volume up. B) People dont need to call for a good medic... Hes already there!
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  16. PWGuy93

    • For me, always revive other medics, leaving a few dead for them to revive and get xp from while I move to the next group.
    • Never stop moving. Medic even with Camo means those dang white suit markups make you an enemies #1 target.
    • Use F ability when passing by others, if you see heal XP, then someone probably needs your tool too.
    • Healing grenades > revive grenades. If you can keep them up before they die, your side wins.
    • Don't rez players that will immediately die when revived. Let them rez to the Sunderer without raging at you.
    • Always have your weapon out when moving, not your heal tool.
    • Nanoweave 6 and Flak 5 are your best friends, know which one to bring with you for that fight.
    • Don't waste time trying to heal Engineers on their Mana Turrets, they can't be healed.
    To the original posters comments:
    • Maxes are just like any other fallen comrade, revive and keep moving.
    When I play engineer I play like a medic, always keep moving, if a Max feels you should follow them and be their play pal, then they have no regard to you, I let em solo. When I play Max I don't expect Engineers to follow me around, I go to them, they're squishy as a Max you're not - a Max is a vehicle, I don't know a lot of Engineers that only follow a tank just to heal it up. Some "rare" occasions playing Engineer and helping a Max full time is useful, depends if the person playing the Max truly understands their class - in my view, most don'tand think they are more important than the five heavies next to em with missile launchers who will actually take targets down and not just intimidate them with lots of tracer fire. If it's a tower fight and there's overwhelming air several Maxes can help but the real assist is buying time as a target to allow the Engineers to heal the anti-air turrets. If it's a capture point and the Max has the right anti-infantry weapons out they can help move the battle, but they can't capture points in a Max suit, so again they are more like a distraction to keep the enemy occupied while other infantry capture the point or use the distraction to flank.

    I do play Max, I have certs in my Max and use it as needed but don't limit my play to that class. I can understand with the Infantry point nerf that you can't just pull a Max out die, then pull more and that players want to stay in the Max for as long as possible as the point cost is high now - just like vehicles - which is actually what a Max is, but from my playing, Maxes have a limited role, good in some situations but not all.
  17. ThunderSock

    Medi gun should lock to the target that needs it the most. Left click cycles targets.
  18. Shiaari

    Agreed completely. Down MAXes have priority.
  19. Shiaari

    My only problem are medics with lower ranked applicators who do not realize they must heal after reviving.
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  20. JarinArenos

    I am... baffled by people who would play medic and not heal. Why would you bother playing medic in the first place? o_O
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