MAXes are dumbing down infantry gameplay

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by blashyrk92, Jan 28, 2014.

  1. blashyrk92

    Being able to trade resources for a superior infantry class is hurting overall infantry gameplay IMO.
    While mostly everything in PS2 has a certain role, the role of a MAX is simply to be superior over regular infantry and can fit any possible roll (the only exception being sniping) with TOO much more firepower and health than regular infantry.

    Like some people have called them in the past, MAXes are simply an "I win" suit. It's trading resources to bridge a gap in skill.

    Biolab fights suffer the most from this, they're utterly dumbed down to whoever pulls the most MAXes.
    On top of it all, they can be revived and I see absolutely no purpose for this mechanic. In order to balance something of such power it should have serious downsides as well, and the MAXes' only downside is mobility. In fact the only scenario where a MAX is balanced is if you're playing solo - without a pocket engineer/medic. But this is almost never the case.

    In short, MAXes are noobtubes of PS2. Way too much power for such little skill requirement.

    Also, this:
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  2. innersphere1

    Bah, just drop a c4 on their face
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  3. ajma

    Agree 100%. Every time I need to go medic or engineer, I pull a MAX suit so I can res, heal and repair my teammates with impunity.
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  4. blashyrk92

    You don't need to because you have combined power of at least 3 regular infantry units.
  5. Tommyp2006

    Thank you for sharing your opinion. I disagree with it. I think the game is better off with maxes. I think it makes infantry gameplay more interesting, both as a max player and a max killer.
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  6. Kristan

    Siiiigh... Not again...
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  7. blashyrk92

    Thank you for being civil on this forum, it's a rarity.
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    the best is when people pull maxes at bases where they outnumber the enemy 2/3 to 1 or it's a small fight like with less than 20 people total in the whole base. those people are just straight up scumbags
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  9. Kristan

    With mobility of half, with hitbox of two and DPS same as default carbine. Yup.

    Dude, I saw video of LA who killed like 20 people on his own. Matter of skill. If MAX has no skill it will die in seconds.
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  10. YouWannaGetHigh

    I sadly have to disagree with you here. Strongly disagree. First of all, if you disable MAXes out of the game, i'm pretty sure this game will no more be fun. Anyways;

    1) You give resources for them.
    2) Their life is nothing more than 2 rockets.
    3) Their life is nothing more than a C4 brick.
    4) They're of course more powerful than the infantry.
    5) They need to be certed in order to be useful, unlike infantry. Basic infantry weapons are fairly powerful.
    6) Heck I once took down a MAX with my no rocket launcher no C4 infantry.
    7) So assuming to this you're hating vehicles and aircrafts as well?
    8) My Deimos LA can do the same things this guy is doing in the video.
    9) About the video, all I see is a guy walking around in Blueshifts taking down some infantry who has no explosive power and he just keeps saying how OP MAXes are.

    Ironically, MAXes are the most fun thing in the game. Why dont you go and pull one and see if you can last long?
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  11. OldMaster80

    Planetside 2 infantry fights work like this: you have more Max, you win. I've said that billions of times, Max should trade some damage output for mor armor: more tank, less damage dealer.

    Imho the game is not so broken by Max Units, the problem is when you have to face a well organized Max crash: there's so much firepower that you can only effectively answer with other Max Units. I mean... if TR come on you with 10 Max di AI weapons, do you really think you can stop them with a C4 pack or with some rockets? They will steamroll you before you even switch from your primary weapon.

    Not much time ago a TR guy posted a video where he scores a 180 killstreak. I'd say it's a little too much.
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  12. p10k56

    Maxes are fine just forbid to rez them.
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  13. maudibe

    Maxs are very vulnerable out in the open when tanks or libs are around. They rule in buildings but...without engis and medics to keep em going they die easily from 4 guys shooting them and the party then has lost the resources and cant pull another for whatever time is left. Grenades, proximity mines, C4, rocket launchers, the Max feels invincible UNTILL hes hit with those things and then he is as vulnerable as everyone else. I've killed them getting behind them as a cloaker and shoot and hide and repeat. If no one is around to protect them, they often cant tell where you are and suffer. if you haven't seen one running off because they are near dead, you haven't played long.

    I dont mind Maxs untill they are over done. Its bad when there are 20 Maxs and everywhere you go a Max is there. You finally make it to the A point as a cloaker only to find a Max guarding it while the base is under lock down with everyone in the spawn room, i mean Really?
  14. blashyrk92

    I can't help but notice that most of you are speaking in terms of solo play. Almost nobody plays a MAX solo and even if he does, chances are he'll be able to find engineers to repair and medics to revive him.

    Not even to mention that all those arguments are completely moot when a squad/platoon pulls MAXes.
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  15. OldMaster80

    Good, so we will pass from Max-centric fights to "no one is using Max Units". Come on who the hell would invest time and certs on a class that can't be revived? Instead of trying to crash enemy lines Max Units would stay in the background trying to snipe enemies, in order to avoid dying.

    In Planetside 1 Max Units were extremely "tanky": if you shot them with firearms you were doing it wrong, it was like pretending to destroy a Lightning using a carbine. You had to deal with them with rockets, grenades, minimissiles, heavy weapons. In Planetside 2 Max have a good resistance but they can be killed by firearms: the reason why they break combat is they melt toughness with unmatched damage output. They break enemy lines not because they're unstoppable, but because they blow away enemies with superior firepower.
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  16. blashyrk92

    I'd have no problem with them if they were more "tanky" but with firepower of a regular infantry class. In fact that would be really really great. Right now they're the ultimate farming tool and they completely dictate outcomes of infantry fights. And please don't tell me it takes a lot of skill to use them in the state they're currently in.
  17. Brandmon

    We've been here before.

    No. There are specific counters to them and teamwork works like a charm; not anyone else's fault if you don't roll in a squad.

    Also anyone rooting for MAX to be non-revivable is asking for a major buff to MAXes that SOE will inevitably do to compensate. Then MAXes will start dumbing down infantry gameplay.
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  18. Kristan

    Siiiigh... :rolleyes:

    TRAC-5 1787 DPS
    Dual Cycler 953x2=1906 DPS

    The only MAX weapon that seriously out-DPS infantry weapons is CQC MAX weapons like Onslaught, but they have terrible accuracy and range.
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  19. oherror

    Healing them with bullets of tears. Till an enemy HA ruins your support healing/rezing/team repairing.......
  20. Akeita

    Brace yourself, with the MAXes gone, the age of ESFs and lolpod rolfstomp will come
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