MAX units should NOT be able to stabalize generators

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Visk, Dec 18, 2012.

  1. Arkrath

    I disagree, looking at a MAX from a users POV. This is how it stands.

    MAX's Pro's:

    1. Fair Amount of HP to take on a small group of infantry without explosives.
    2. Fear factor.
    3. Good at leading a charge offensive.
    4. Can disarm generators.

    MAX's Cons:
    1. Clunky slow movement leave them open.
    2. They are big and easy to hit and hear (distinctive noises).
    3. Only effective at short-to low-mid range.
    4. In-ability to capture points.
    5. Poor vehicle damage, to both Air and Armour.
    6. Highly reliant on an engineer to survive long term battle.
    7. Only transportation available is Sunderer and Large Air Transport.
    8. They use resource and have a long timer on them, unless you spend a lot Certs to reduce it.

    So as it stands, I don't think they should take the ability to disarm Generators, MAX's would just become more of a waste of time and boredom.
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  2. Arcanum

    MAX doesn't have poor vehicle damage, it just has to sacrifice all AI and AV capability to more efficiently scare air while it almost always doesn't have much opportunity to damage ground vehicles as you have to be up close and almost always exposed. But it is capable, and as AV it can dish out more damage over time than an HA without worrying about ammo.
  3. Visk

    5. Strongest AA configuration in the game (Dual burster)
    6. Strongest infantry DPS in the game.
    7. You can switch between roles (AI/AV/AA) instantly, free of charge, and without a timer.
    8. Extremely dangerous in groups (Max Crashes, Burster Camping)
    9. One-shot kill melee
    10. Charge special ability allows you to plow through infantry (and do damage). Also works great to escape from heavy fire (I use it very often when I begin to get hit by a volley of A2G rockets)

    Just to be clear, I don't want to get rid of any of the above at all. The generator/SCU ability simply doesn't need to be there. It's outside of the MAX unit's role ingame.

    I strongly believe vehicles should not be able to capture points. It's BS.
  4. Craeshen

    MAxes have hands. No reason to not let them. /thread
  5. JackOfClubs

    That's not because MAX AA is awesome, it's because all other AA sucks. Shouldn't be used as a point.

    I've never seen the numbers for MAX weapons, so I can't say much about this.

    So can all infantry units with access to the necessary equipment.

    Everything is dangerous in groups. Infiltrators with pistols can be scary if there are enough of them.

    False. Not even infiltrators die to a single MAX punch.

    Pretty sure that's also false. Last time I charged into someone I instantly died, and when teammates charge through me (as any other form of infantry) I just get nudged to the side.
  6. Arkrath

    I'm not contesting your strength of opinion. However I'm not confident you have played enough with a MAX long enough in a different number of situations. Dual Burster AA is mostly just a pestering tactic to keep air busy and off ground units, unless they decide to get close to the ground (more fool them) because the accuracy is poor at long range, especially on a fast manoeuvrable air vehicle.
    Visk said:
    “6. Strongest infantry DPS in the game.”
    Only in enclosed rooms or corridors / choke-points. (CQC) Out in the open you are a walking rocket / tank / long range infantry / air craft big purple red blue glowing target.
    Visk said:
    “8. Extremely dangerous in groups (Max Crashes, Burster Camping)”
    Highly reliant on an engineer for long lasting battle.; makes this point a negative when playing a MAX.
    Visk said:
    “9. One-shot kill melee”
    Since when? Only happened on a weakened target.

    Visk said:
    “10. Charge special ability allows you to plow through infantry (and do damage). Also works great to escape from heavy fire (I use it very often when I begin to get hit by a volley of A2G rockets)

    I've charged into lots and lots of infantry, cant say I've killed one using that particular skill. WITHOUT charge, MAX's would just be rendered a walking scrap bucket.

    I'm sorry but MAX;s need love, not more nerfs. I agree they shouldn't be able to capture a CP at least not on their own. MAX's are very scenario orientated, if the right scenario isn't happening,... then running a MAX would just be a pointless waste of a resource, and a potential hinderence if you need a MAX later with the long cool-down.
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  7. SpartanZero

    MAX's cannot drive vehicles or operate turrets, they may have hands, but the digits are not small enough to have the articulation to operate the controls or the capacity to fit in the seat. They are strapped into a miniature bipedal vehicle that is designed for one purpose only, dispensing death an destruction. The finer points of capturing/disabling/disarming should be handled by infantry. That means pilots of vehicles need to exit the vehicle to capture a point.
  8. Arcanum

    Incorrect. It's possible to man Galaxy and Sunderer turrets.
  9. Cryptek

    here's a reason why MAXes should be allowed to stabilize generators and SCU's: They have very little going for them to make them a attractive class to play.

    If you're having trouble with MAXes, grab some C4 and one shot them...