MAX units should NOT be able to stabalize generators

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Visk, Dec 18, 2012.

  1. Visk

    Plain and simple.

    I feel that this needs to be looked into. A max unit can currently disarm generators. In addition, players aren't required to face the generator or stand still while they're disarming. As long as you're holding the interact key down and you're very close to the generator, MAX units can disarm them. A single max unit can clear and disarm the generator room (or cause any non-heavy/non-max player to retreat from the generator's location to find cover) while disarming simultaneously. I'm not sure that they can disarm SCU overloads, but if they can, they really shouldn't be able to.

    What are your thoughts?
  2. Saviorself

    Don't want further restrictions on the MAX. MAX units are already incapable of capping control points, if they can't even help protect a base by stabilizing generators they would become a liability.
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  3. TripleAych

    What next, MAX should not be allowed to change weapons from Sunderers?
    Not allowed to man the guns of a Sunderer or a Galaxy?
    MAXes not allowed to use stairs?
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  4. Jac70

    I agree with OP.
  5. Kaon1311

    "MAXes not allowed to use stairs?"
    lol like daleks and ed209 :p

    Why not make it engineers only!
    btw sarcasm

    some people :/
  6. Amur_Tiger

    I agree in principal that MAX suits shouldn't be able to stabilize generators since MAX suits are supposed to be a combat oriented specialization of super infantry. However currently MAX suits don't really excel in combat enough to really see the upside of this specialization outside of AA buster MAXs and the NC's shotgunMAX. Until we see MAX suits given much better anti-vehicle weaponry across the board and VS and TR given equal-but-different alternatives to the NC's shotguns I think stripping away stabilization is just pushing them close to being completely irrelevant.
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  7. Visk

    As it turns out, MAX units can also arm/disarm SCUs.
  8. Amur_Tiger

    Glad to hear it.
  9. Mulch

    So blow up the MAX. He can't come back.
  10. Xil

    Let MAX's disarm generators. But I totally agree that while disarming / stabilizing, you shouldn't be able to do anything else.

    Unless the generators have Dragoon Naturally Speaking installed as an interface and we're actually just singing to calm them down. Then that makes sense.
  11. Deathcapt

    I'd rather see MAXs able to hold control points, whilst not being able to arm/disarm generators. I mean, currently an esf can hover over a CP and flip it, whilst a MAX cannot.
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  12. SgtSliver

    a MAX should not be able to flip a control point, overload/secure a gen or SCU, or man turrets. non of that makes sense as you arms are trapped inside the arms of the max suit while wearing it. also, the player inside a vehicle should not register as part of the group capping a control point. they really should just bring back the CC hack n hold. at least for the outlaying bases.
  13. Scorponok

    how boring are you trying to make the game?Give it a breake...let the maxes disarm what ever...i never use them anyway...and it sure helps to shoot a max if he is trying to do anything..even placing mines etc...everything has its purpose.
  14. Visk

    Add more MAX units to the equation. You could easily stabilize a heavily contested generator using only a few MAX units, especially in a Bio Lab. The distance between the SCU and the Spawn room is short enough for you to make it there using the max charge ability. The amount of time it takes to take down 2 or 3 MAX units defending a gen/scu is far longer than say 2 or 3 Heavy assaults defending one.

    The rationale behind MAXes not being able to capture points should also apply to gens/scus, seeing as they are almost as (or just as) critical as the capture points themselves. They should be providing heavy anti-infantry support for other players that are arming or disarming the generator.
  15. m44v

    Agreed. MAXes should clean the room and hold it while a team mate fix/stabilizes the generator. Team work folks, team work.
  16. Cyridius

    Buff their combat, then sure thing. Right now MAXes are pretty ****** except as air cover and NC Shotgun MAXes.
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  17. HvcTerr

    As Amur said, ideally MAX units should lose arm/disarm/cap ability in exchange for their fighting power, but right now the combat balance isn't good enough.

    My impression has been that MAXes (like TF2 Heavies at one point) are too-good with engineer support, and not-good-enough without it. (What's the minimum cool-down on using them, anyway?)
  18. Regpuppy

    I don't really see this at being ground breaking at all, considering the limitations put upon maxes since beta. Hell, the maxes inability to hold or cap a point is a throwback from when maxes didn't have a resource cost or spawn timer. Whole squads playing max exclusively over other classes. Not the case right now, so without a buff to their durability, anymore restrictions are a bit uncalled for.
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  19. Plague Rat

    I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, I feel the MAX units should essentially be a blunt object, regulated to a pure combat role to essentially serve as the blund objects or heavy shock troops at the head of an assault or the last line of defense. So on that end the less they have to do outside of pure combat the better.

    On the other hand, MAXs have some shortcomings that I feel don't fully justify the former perspective. Also while a MAX can do all these things, there's nothing stopping an opposing faction from doing the same. MAX suits are available literally to everyone, many just choose not to make use of them, but there isn't really much to prevent one from coutnering a MAX suit in an arm/disarm situation with another MAX suit.
  20. raw

    Vehicles in general should not be allowed to cap, and that was all suggested in beta but SOE forgot about it.