MAX suits are not fun to play against and there is too many of them

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Surmise, Feb 3, 2014.

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  1. Mystogan

    MAXes are fine- you are killed quickly by rockets, C4, mines, decis, tanks, you are slow, you are big, you cant sprint, you are first target for enyone.

    MAXes are MECHNIZED EXOSKELETONS with firepower and durability enugh to drop infantry. Thats why MAX exists- to stomp infatry like flies, because thats what they are to MAX. And thats why MAX has cooldown, resources and longer revive time and need engi to be effective at longer then 3 minutes. And thats why infatry has C4, AV grenades, rockets, concussion greandes etc to counter MAX and pull their own MAX. Everything is balanced.

    If MAXes wouldnt so strong, there would be no place for them, as they would just be another HA, gimmped.And they are exoskeletons, they will be stronger then any infantry for god sake.

    Your faction can pull MAXes too and every class besides Infiltrator can drop MAX in sec if they are smart and dont try "rambo" on MAX. MAX is rambo, not you.

    Also, game is more then 1 year old so dont you think SOE like their MAXes? I think they do. They balanced MAXes weapons that were OP but MAXes are in fine place right now. Doing their job great but countered quick if players have brains and tactic.

    Just L2P or try to cert your MAX and see if this is so easy to make killstearks/be invincable and not being killed by any decent players. Noobs you can drop in any class or tank. Try to be MAX in any big fight and we will talk then.

    Grass is alwas greener on other side....
  2. Axehilt

    Overpowered is bad. Underpowered is bad. Balanced is just right.

    Currently they're overpowered. No amount of "mechanized exoskeleton" explanation rationalizes the fact that they make gameplay shallower if they're overpowered.

    The problem for me isn't that I'm unable or unwilling to play MAXes. The problem for me is that I'm forced to play MAX a lot more often than I'd like, because they're overpowered. And also that the resulting battles aren't compelling (I completely stomp my opponents with very little challenge or skill involved.)

    So they'd be better if they were "just right". Balanced. Meaning they don't absolutely stomp infantry but they act as a proficient frontline fighter who can tank significantly more damage than other classes. They should force a weapon switch to be dealt with, but if you brought the right weaponry you should have a better chance of winning (since right now you're just squashed in 0-1.2 seconds and might not even get the first rocket off.)
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  3. PraiseTheSpandex

    If you think they're awesome and they'll help you win... use them.

    Pull MAXs. Cert them up. Cackle while you do so.

    Of course, you might find -- as with lock-on launchers, Coyote missiles, yadda yadda yadda -- that if you picked it up and went to town with it, it's not actually going to eliminate all challenge from your life.

    You might find that, while awesome, it's not as awesome as it seems when it's killing you.
  4. Mystogan

    No. They are balanced. They counter infantry, infantry have tools to counter MAX. There is always more flesh-infantry then MAXes, so there is more counters to MAX then MAX can counter (read-kill multiplate targets).

    You are not forced to play MAX- if you think you are, you are just bad player. Nobody in this game is forced to play anything. Same can be said- you are forced to play tanks to counter tanks, you are forced to play air to counter air, you are foeced to play infiltrator to conter infiltrator. Thats a BS. I know nobody (and I am in outfit and play against other outfits) who think that you are forced to play something.

    Sorry but you are just bad. I kill solo many MAXes, with outfit squad (no MAX, not even full 12), like 5 people you can easly kill alone MAX, just focusing fire from good position and dont try to stand in front of it. If you bumb in small room and around the corner to MAX- what do you expect? That you will solo it? Stop looking for exuses. You are just bad and think MAX is OP. It is not.

    And it is BS that you play MAX. If you play as one you would know how easy they are counter with brains and tactic. And uncerted MAX? Please, only noobs can be stomped by one. Same is with tanks, aircraft and anything. I play against top outfits in Miller and with. NOBODY is complaining about MAX being OP. They have their role and they are fine as they are.

    MAXes are to break choke points, retake heavly defended points, defend heavly attacked points, counter vehicles and air. Without MAXes choke points would last forever, there would be no way to break enemy lines without them, battles would last forvever (how you storm point place with 3 MANA turrets and infantry camping entrance without using MAX?). And without MAX you play as HA or go home, since you have no other range counter to tanks and air.

    MAXes make infantry gameplay deeper, more interesing and shows people that they cant be "lone wolf owning noobs". Thats not BF or COD. Shallower would be without them, since it would be just another BF or COD. MAXes are something fresh and new, requaire invesment, learning and force teamplay (but solo players like you dont understand that), making engineers to do their job and synergies well. If you think MAX=shallow gamepaly, you are just bad at Planetside 2 and you cant see the game as whole. You only see your KD and crossair.

    Game is multi class game, all has pros and cons. If you want to just stick to one aspect/class and think you can just solo everything- go find another game, since you are spoiled brat.

    MAX is outfit class that shines in team play. Solo it is good only against noobs and people who have no certed counters against MAX.

    And you also forget when you play infantry- it is MAX who pull dual bursters to counter air so they do not lolpod you. MAXes are there to shoot at tanks while you cant do nothing against them. And they are running inside rooms whre there can be mines, c4, claymores. Without MAXes being so strong as they are now- you would get no option to break lines and counter tanks and air.

    Tanks kill MAXes, MAXes kill tanks, air kills tanks, tanks kills air, infantry kill MAX, MAX kill infantry, infantry kill tanks, tanks kill infantry, air kill infantry, infantry kill air. You are just one of those people who cant see further then end of your nose. Everything in this game is really blanced.

    So stop your complainig which has no reason, no argument, no experience (wonder how much you certed your MAX) and no idea about counters and tactical gameplay.

    Do you even play with outfit/squad? I bet you dont, since no good outfit see MAXes are OP and tactical gameplay can drop MAXes as fast as tactical used MAX can drop them.

    You expect to being able to solo everything- thats not game for this.

    I am tired of complains about everything that cant be soloed or dare to be stronger then me. L2P, kid.
  5. Pondera

    I didn't have much time to explain myself before, but now I do.

    MAXs are extremely balanced. They fill a niche between the average infantry unit and the power of a tank. They also fulfill a number of roles, being able to counter vehicles in the hands of a sufficiently skilled runner, and being able to counter an infantry zerg and just mow down the hordes. And their usefulness in their burster role at breaking an air siege cannot be overstated.

    However, they have a number of weaknesses. Their toughness at absorbing small arms fire is somewhat overstated. I ran the numbers some time ago, and the average MAX can absorb most of a clip of LMG ammo before dropping, so a single heavy can seriously hurt an exposed MAX. Furthermore, when someone sees a MAX, their first impulse is to get out their rocket launcher. It only takes 2 missiles to put a MAX down, and then there's C4, which every class except the infiltrator has. Let a MAX see you and come in for the easy kill, drop a brick of C4 around a corner, and when it rounds it, blow him to pieces.

    What I'm trying to say is that, while MAXs are tough in the hands of the skilled, a single player can take them out. This is the same situation with tanks (a single engineer with tank mines or C4 can destroy an oblivious tank), and aircraft (flak turret, burster MAX, AA launcher kills an ESF in 2 shots)

    I'm also seeing that the OP doesn't really know how to deal with MAXs properly. They're not unbeatable war machines.
  6. Axehilt

    If your expected K/D is less than 1 against a target, you're not countering it. It's countering you. In a game where manpower efficiency is the primary element (because it's a FPS), this makes MAXes overpowered.

    I'm "forced" to play MAX in the sense that I don't willfully play to lose, so when something is overpowered I feel obligated to play it. Indoors, MAXes dominate.

    Outdoors, vehicles dominate. But notice how "vehicles" is much broader than a singular thing. It's not Prowlers or even "tanks", but nearly all vehicles are viable outdoors. So the outdoor combat ecosystem has plenty of variety and if you don't like tanks you play as aircraft.

    Indoors there's just one singular thing that's overpowered: MAXes. So yeah, that's what you have to play if you don't want to be fodder. The design flaw is that since vehicles naturally dominate outdoors (but it's fine due to a balanced variety) it's especially problematic that MAXes dominate indoors because that leaves nowhere where standard infantry classes are genuinely strong. They're always disadvantaged everywhere.

    Notice that these comments come entirely without MAX support in mind. A MAX doesn't need support to absolutely stomp infantry. I do it constantly, usually with no support (anyone who's played the game solo for any length of time knows how often people just spontaneously come up to repair you -- it happens, but it's fairly rare, and it's not constant support.) Even with that sort of weak support, I absolutely thrash infantry. They have no chance; the base attributes of MAXes are just too overpowered for them to hope to kill me.

    So no, MAXes are an "outfit class". If they were they'd be a class whose effectiveness outside of outfit play would be noticeably underpowered. Instead, it's noticeably overpowered and gets that much more ridiculous with outfit support.
  7. Mystogan

    No. Sorry, but writing that above you showed that you are full of BS, you are liar and you are making all things up. Anyone who is playing MAX, other class, playing PS2 for a long time, have even minior interest in game mechanics and balance, play outfit and use half brain can tell you- this is a lie, a completly BS and you are making things up out of your head. What you say is totally BS and your imagination. Or you would play on server where are playing people with mental disorder to do what you wrote.

    Sorry, but this and whole this thread makes me not treat you seriously at all anymore. There is no point of discussion with you, as you have only your opinion based on "becasue" argument and nothing we say can get to your hard head. I think you are kid who always try to force his opinion on all people and always has right. Sorry, but I am too old to waste time on someone like you.

    And I call you a liar, because you are one. What you wrote is totally BS and proves you have no idea about game and about topic you are daring to "discuss". You have no idea of mechanics in PS2 and you just lie to prove your point, which is none.

    Your lie is same as "ESF is easy mode, you stomp with rocketpods ground and it is OP" or "Tanks are OP, invincible mode, there is no counter to them". Both are lies from raging kids, as is your whole thread.

    I made mistake and strongly suggest not to make replies in this thread since this is one of those "holy warriors" guys on any MMO forums, and they always become a local atraction to community. Just ignore.

    Thats what MAXes are for....
  8. AirHarper

    Axehilt, A max by itself is pretty much dead. I have killed them by myself as a HA will the default rocket launcher. I have 4 shots and it only takes two.

    If Max has support and in a room yes its hard but C4 or other tools and YES with other support you can take one down.

    AND you forget the one thing that MAX cant do. They cant take a spawn point.

    MAX are great in situations but are not a game changer. And it takes a lot of certs to bring one up to combat ready.

    And we are talking one type of MAX. INF MAX. there are two other MAX types that are pretty much useless vs INF.

    I think people forget this is a TEAM game. It takes a TEAM to do things.
  9. Axehilt

    The attributes of a MAX mean that if skill is even, the MAX wins no matter what infantry weapon you have. You have 4 shots and it only takes 2 but it takes 5.2 seconds to make those 2 shots and the MAX will kill you in 0-1.2 seconds.

    Anecdotally all of us have had times where we've killed something unusual. As infiltrator, I had an enemy MAX step on two separate prox mines and then I SMG'd him down (on accidental reflex, since normally I wouldn't attempt to fire on him). But this doesn't mean infiltrators "counter" MAXes because if that MAX had equal skill to me I would've died or ran away 95 times out of 100 fights. With HAs the battle is closer (maybe you're expected to lose 60 times out of 100) but still favors the MAX, which means that MAXes have no counter, which means that in terms of manpower efficiency they're overpowered.

    Which is why last night during the community clash all the indoor battles were extremely MAX-heavy, because the entire game revolves around MAXes when players are playing correctly. But that sucks! We deserve more depth and variety!
  10. Axehilt

    I guess you missed most of the thread, since in countless posts I've cited the objective evidence which shows MAXes to be overpowered. So no, this isn't about my opinion. Opinions don't dictate truth. The objective evidence shows the truth. And that's what I've based my position on: (a) the objective attributes of MAXes where we can see that they have no counter and soundly beat all indoor opponents and (b) the objective player stats which show MAXes outperforming other playstyles (both in aggregate and individual player stat examples.)

    Calling tanks or ESFs "OP" is wrong because each vehicle has things keeping them in check and there are a variety of viable vehicles.

    Vehicles are your "class" outdoors. There is no single Super Vehicle that stomps all other vehicles (and if there was it would be overpowered like MAXes and also need to be balanced.) That's why vehicles are fine and not overpowered (despite some balance issues existing which this thread won't be covering.)

    Meanwhile indoor you have a spread of classes and there is one single Super Class that stomps all other classes, and that makes it overpowered, and this should be fixed.

    Again, my posts are strongly grounded in objective truth. I encourage you to provide any sort of objective evidence you can find regarding MAXes being balanced, because so far there has been none. Meanwhile there's been an awful lot of evidence showing MAXes as clearly overpowered.
  11. AirHarper

    Same thing could be said about a TANK vs inf or a HA vs a INF

    or AIR vs a tank

    AGAIN MAX with support are hard to kill but with team work can take it out. We have C4 and EMP and team work and dumbfire rockets and all sorts of things.

    ALSO MAX cant cap and MAX cost resources.

    SO in everything you say 1 on 1 MAX for INF should be fair?

    SO that one battle you had MAX at that one base. What happen between the bases? That is a lot of MAX moving between bases and should be taken out by tanks
  12. Boomotang

    Beauty! The axeman has come once again to bury a thread in the MAX forum graveyard. :cool:

    The legend lives on.....:eek:
  13. AirHarper

    Its so funny how people see maxes.

    The MAX are not the problem. YES is some base battles all it seems like is a bunch of maxes in 1 room with ENG getting revived it can be a little tough and that is BASE design not MAX.
  14. Surmise

    Bumping this up for hopeful mentality shift in the community for the better of course.

    Post up your thoughts on MAXes becoming tankier serving as a support with at least 1/3rd less DPS than all around destroyer(check MAX DPS problem comments) with no effort it's at the moment in the game, as well as how it's easy to spam it as preemium player(see resource bonus discussion for preemium peeps).
  15. xboxerdude

    LOL Necroing your own thread (that's like pretty desperate). These guys complaining about maxes don't know how to use a conc grenade . I would be fine with 3 times more health in a max for about 1/2 of the damage I currently do (and nc max has already been ultra nerfed from its original form)

    Seriously if anything maxes are currently UP at the top levels because they can't counter conc grenades and you sit there helpless with 350 infantry resources.


    I do not think maxes should be balanced around conc grenades
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  16. Utrooperx

    Hmmm...I've tossed more then a few concussion grenades at MAX's...they usually respond by pressing two keys..."back" and "fire"...and I'm staring at a "You are Dead" screen anyway.

    Now if the concussion grenade really "stunned" they couldn't fire while under it's effect...that would be considerably better...;)

    MAX's are generally a pain...every time I run into one I inevitably end up saying "F**king MAX..." :mad:
  17. Surmise

    Sorry, i almost forgot i had this thread up lol, there have been some solid points written, hard to ignore .

    Hm top levels means if you are against some good infantry outfit?
    Concussions aren't for free 50 resources i think, also if you get concussed you may get immobilized in terms of turning around and movement speed but you can still shoot in general directions for example as a scatmax, especially if you set your sensitivity a bit higher. I use concussions only if i have the resources for example, i'd rather have medkits than concs and i rarely get resources for concs except when there are amerish fights which is rare.

    I respect that you are dedicated MAX user and all, but most of the time it's not 1 max in the fight, it's roughly 4-5out of 10 infantry people mostly this problem is even more on sight on amerish since infantry resource is at least double the amount than usual), which sucks because you have to pull them too to do anything, they just should be more restricted to players, especially to those who are subscribers and who have certed aquisition time to maximum.

    I would be fine for example if 1 to maximum 2 people out of 10 people would be MAX considering how much they are stronger than usual infantry class, right now you will pull them because many are lazy about awareness and aim, you want some no effort free certs and kdr boost, sad but true, it's for game to be blame put on, not on players iI guess. But only SOE's API knows how many players had left in the span of 6months due to ZOE bullsht.
  18. Tarius0508

    Uhhh you obviously dont use a MAX suit if you think there is no downside. As a person who uses one let me tell you why you and the OP are wrong.

    MAX suits are a specialized unit that is a mix of infantry and vehicle. It has an acquisition timer which even, pun not intended, maxed out still is a few minutes. The resource cost is huge and once a MAX is pulled it is consumed and gone. The example of infantry resources used are items that unless consumed are still available. AI MAX units are only effective in a few situations and even then they can be farmed. One situation is against a disorganized group of attackers who arent exactly focusing on the MAX. Or when the MAX has a dedicated support team to ensure that he is fully healed. A MAX by himself can be easily killed if you know the right tactics.

    I'm tired of people crying nerf because they dont know how to play the game or are unwilling to do what is needed to get the job done.

    Its like with liberators, the NC on Mattherson complained about the liberators but not one person was willing to pull an AA MAX to kill or at the very least scare them off. Either step up or shut up.
  19. VonStalin

    I hate maxes. Ruins infantry play. They have too much HP like dual LMGs would not be enough..
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  20. DK22

    I don't mind them, got many just sticking a mini-chain gun into their gut. now thats CQC.
    some MAX's don't fall for that thou, smack down, ouch! Alot of them just keep backing up till they fall over.
    actually backed one up into a corner one time, pinned him there, even had time to reload. WTH was he thinking.
    I'll always remember u bro....
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