MAX rendering distance change.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Flarestar, Jan 9, 2013.

  1. Flarestar

    Splitting this off into its own topic.

    Would you mind explaining precisely what this will change? I understand the intent, it's an attempt to solve the current problem of MAX units having a field day on air units that can't even see them.

    Specifically, does this rendering distance change apply only to players in vehicles? From the wording it appears to, but I'd like clarification simply because nothing else works this way currently. And if the change simply makes MAXs use the vehicle algorithm for determining rendering distance, MAX units will effectively become dead meat in heavy fights due to rendering to enemy infantry long before they'll be able to see anything shooting at them - effectively replicating the current problem aircraft have with MAXs.
  2. hostilechild

    :mad: And if the change simply makes MAXs use the vehicle algorithm for determining rendering distance, MAX units will effectively become dead meat in heavy fights due to rendering to enemy infantry long before they'll be able to see anything shooting at them - effectively replicating the current problem aircraft have with MAXs.:mad:

    That is what i am afraid is going to happen too.
  3. Flarestar


    Also, anyone else curious about this feel free to tweet Higby with a link to the thread. This is sort of an important question, since method of implementation is the difference between a good fix and crippling MAXs.
  4. Izriul

    Because using a max already gave the user so much cert gain and interest to use them \o/
  5. rGlory

    Inside Biolabs? Yes. But that aspect would not change. It will mostly affect AA maxs.
    As usually Higby pronounces air nerf (like he did in GU1) which actually means G2A nerf. Nice! :cool:
  6. Flarestar

    True, but irrelevant to this thread.
  7. phreec

    Oh well, I'll be hiding inside biolabs camping porter rooms with my haxMAX anyway. Ain't no drawdistance gon' get me killed!
  8. MayorD

    i hope that zepher is gonna rebalanced too. when liber see you so youre dead. if you count that slow projectile movement of AA maxes (all AA)... so you die before you can even hit the liber.

    and well.. NC maxes are useless on open areas, so anyway they will stay in closed area.
  9. smokemaker

    Chances are, max'es will now render like a vehicle.
  10. Flarestar

    Probably. Which is why I want clarification. If that is indeed the case, we need to start raising an unholy *****fest now so that it will hopefully get pulled or reworked like the mandatory lock on to fire change did for G2G and G2A launchers. Making MAXs render like vehicles do would basically spell the near immediate death of a MAX in anything other than small engagements.
  11. smokemaker

    What is the max's main target?
    Another vehicle.
    sure some are for infantry, and they should be inside of cover... out in the open, they ( infantry max) deserve death.
    Back to other maxes, they fight vehicles, Air or ground. treat them like a vehicle. I see no issue here.
  12. Flarestar

    ... clearly this issue is going over your head. MAXs rendering like vehicles to players inside vehicles is not a problem. They'd be able to see each other at the same range. MAXs rendering like vehicles to infantry on foot is a problem, as the infantry will see the MAX long before the MAX can see the infantry. If you don't understand why that would be a problem, the only conclusion I can come to is that you don't actually play this game.
  13. smokemaker

    Currently is there a problem with a max rendering to infantry?
    If no, then I see no problem, all thats changing is vehicles will see them sooner. Infantry Ideally should remain unchanged... yes?
  14. QuantumMechanic

    I think what Higby said is pretty clear. Enemy MAXes will be visibile from farther away *if you are in a vehicle*. He did not specify if that only applies if you are in an aircraft or not, so I assume if you are in ANY vehicle you'll see enemy MAXes from farther away.

    So MAXes will be the new fodder for tanks now.

    There is no change to the distance at which enemies render if you are infantry, which is the #1 game breaking problem that PS2 suffers as far as I'm concerned.
  15. Flarestar

    Ideally, yes. That's why I'm asking for clarification. I trust informal patch notes about as far as I would trust Hitler if I was a homosexual man of the Judaic persuasion. Simply assuming that they're going to do it the right way and make write new rendering cases for the existing dynamic rendering solution is how you end up with horribly broken mechanics getting patched in.

    If you don't think clarification is necessary, that's fine. Kindly ignore the thread.

    Edit - Seriously, even the word j.e.w. is filtered?
  16. flipmoomonkey

    It does seem pretty clear cut with the wording he's used that it will only be people from inside vehicles that will gain the benefit otherwise he could have just left it as:

    - Making MAXes render more reliably at long distances


    - MAXes will now render at longer ranges similar to vehicles currently

    Its an obvious bung to pilots to stop them complaining about being killed by invisible weapons, which hopefully they can use to balance up the much needed changes they need to make in other areas with them.

    While we're at it with some of the other concerns raised in the thread there are 2 other lines in there that are important especially for burster MAXes:

    - Partial damage XP for dealing damage to vehicles that you don't end up killing

    This sounds like it will be the much requested xp for dealing AA damage, giving you some actual certs for scaring off aircraft for once.

    - Air vehicle weapon tweaks

    Frankly in this case I think we all know which air vehicle weapons need the most 'tweaks' and fingers crossed they fix them.
  17. Flarestar

    Yup. And I'm hoping that his wording reflects what's actually going to be implemented. I've just had thirteen years of experience with SOE, and I don't take anything for granted anymore. Particularly in cases like this, where the obvious "quick" dev change is to flag MAX units as vehicles and call it done, even though that will introduce a horde of cascade problems.
  18. forkyar

    request denied,i see no issue.
  19. Izriul

    It was sarcasm, and intended for AA max, since that's what this thread is about.
  20. Revorn

    Look like hard Times come, depends on what "render more reliably" exactly means in numbers.

    But in all facts its a Nerf and i dont like it. I dont have the Time, to care about this Tanks on the Topside of a Hill at the next Hexfield, while i an trying to convince some LIBs to go away.

    Could get a intresting Update ;)
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