MAX Punch Auraxium

Discussion in 'MAX' started by JakyKiller31, Oct 20, 2014.

  1. MaxDamage

    I agree, it was unnecessarily changed, now there are bright noobish grey panels over it. The coverage was lessened and it may almost as well be the basic original armour aesthetic upgrade.
  2. DatVanuMan

    You're the best damned MAX in this game, man. As much as I DESPISE your race, you are a respected figure to be reckoned with.[IMG]
  3. MaxDamage

    That's crazy talk. I'm just dedicated. :p

    Anyway, examples of recent changes to Auraxium MAX armour coverage (outlined with bold red lines):

    And a second screenshot both wearing my favoured "War Embers" camo, which seemed to match well until the pads were hideously altered to look like stock composite armour:

    Absolutely unnecessary change.
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  4. DatVanuMan

    Indeed. I mean, I understand the logic of how the armor sort of makes people more obvious targets, but would that matter for a MAX? Hell no! It should be shiny, with mini explosions appearing for TR armor. That would be epic:D
  5. Waratorium

    What maxes really need is access to a Max version of the Cavalier hat, even if its a Cavalier hat perched on top of a max helmet for maximum LOLs
  6. MAXArmar

    Well the thing with MAXes is that you want to look them flashy and scary, in order to make your opponents think you are a dedicated cheesesuit player. That increases the chance they will run away instead of going all-out with small arms fire.

    Only 1000 more MAX punches to go 'till Auraxium..
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  7. DatVanuMan

    Well, bro, here's to you.
  8. NoctD

    And now I don't really want to do it anymore. Cause why bother? :(
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  9. MAXArmar


    *ahem* Couldn't resist.
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  10. DatVanuMan

    And to think that heavily armored and armed machines couldn't beat...
    People who used trucks and mini guns...
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  11. SoldierHobbes

    As an NC max, since I get in so close to begin with, I can usually save ammo by using a single shot from one arm and then punching my victim for a quick kill. Works effectively on lone targets. Just be aware you're not able to do anything but walk for about 2 sec after you punch. A punch should always be used as a finisher.
  12. patoman

    Still would be good to have more directive options for max, other classes have more max has 5.

    Keep the punch option (which is hard to get) but add something else.