MAX killers

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Lightwolf, Oct 13, 2013.

  1. Lightwolf

    So what kills a max? Most often, most quickly, or most effectively? What scares max players?
  2. Mastachief

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  3. Ripshaft

  4. eldarfalcongravtank

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  5. PieBringer

    Lasher. By far the most dangerous small-arms weapon to face as a MAX unit, especially when it's in groups of 4-6 or more.

    A close second would be fully certed HEAT Prowlers with decent aim.

    Lastly, pretty much either of the two ES Anti-Infantry tank secondaries. (the reason I say two is because you'd be better off using a Beamer than a C85.)
  6. doombro

    Explosions to the face (C4, rockets, tank shells, etc)
    A couple mag dumps from any automatic weapon
  7. Anvildude

    Persistent zerglings with regular guns.
  8. NoctD

    Tank cannons
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  9. Dead soldier

    A light assualt. They aren't afraid of Medics =). They always shoot my Light assualt with C4 before anything else, but my Medic=C4 leaves them with aa Giant Question amrk over their head.
  10. Ocaml

    Most dangerous things:
    1. C4. One-shots MAX unless he has Flak Armor (then he will be more susceptible to bullet fire).
    2. Direct hits with rocket launchers.
    3. Anti-Vehicle grenade.
    I am most scared of platoon commander words: "Quickly redeploy to another place!".
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  11. RobotNinja

    I killed quite a few MAXes and even chased down a few with my Infiltrator today. At one point, one of them started chasing me, then I turned around and started running, then I shot him some more, then he turned around and started running again...he didn't make it.

    People usually advise against sniping MAXes because it attracts unwanted attention and usually they're right but never underestimate the power of coordinated fire.
  12. Ceskaz

    Deci + Jackhammer !! But I guess C4 is more efficient.
    Except when using C4 (2 pack if he use Flack armor), the first thing to that kill a MAX is to kill his pocket engi if he has one
  13. Xasapis

    • Fury/Marauder/Vulcan for vehicles, especially on harassers. The other cannons kill only when totally without cover.
    • Main cannon of ESFs. Rocketpods not so much, unless totally exposed.
    • Shredders for Liberators (they outdamage the double bursters).
    • Three guys (infantry) shooting at once.
    • Two anti vehicle grenades.
    • Two anti personnel mines and a bit of extra damage.
    • C4 if lured into it or if having comets equipped.
    • AV turret direct hits.
    • Infantry rockets do get me, but not from full health.
    Those are the things that kill my (usually) ZOE enabled MAX. As for me, the best way to take out an enemy MAX is via Comets or Vortexes. The regular AI weapons do the job, but on a 1vs1 encounter, the better equipped and less damaged prior guy wins.
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  14. Pie Chasm

    I make it my job to kill the enemy MAX most of the time.

    I would have to argue that flak armor is the most useful damage mitigation you can choose, because most of the damage that kills you is the spike damage that can't be outrepaired by engineers.

    All it takes is two decimator and a few shots from an AV weapon to kill you. 2-3 suicidal heavies will kill you, or one unnoticed light assault; generally it's hard to get C4 close enough to a MAX unless you place it there beforehand *hint *hint*

  15. Mxiter

    In bases (biolabs, tech plant, esamir bases):
    -Decent AV max weapons (Fractures, comet and Raven by a small magrin).
    -C4/Av nades.
    -Shotguns. (especially autoshotties)

    Liberators, tanks, harassers.
  16. -Synapse-

    Lockdown kills a ton of TR MAXes, it's pretty much the deadliest ability out there.
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  17. Pikachu

    I killed 2 vanu MAXes today with 2 C4, with my medic. :3
  18. Hosp

    Pretty much /Thread w/this.
  19. Liewec123

    VS/TR maxes
  20. BITES

    As an NC MAX ... normally lack of bullets.

    Then C4 aka "Light Assault Presents"
    then probably point blank "Were playing quake" decimators .... which I still can't figure out how the **** the other guy doesnt get obliterated....