[Suggestion] Max Double Ravens in the face and they don't die?!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Shadowdev, Oct 6, 2017.

  1. Lamat

    That's what single player games are better at delivering, just need more advances in AI.
  2. Halkesh

    Solution : buff MAX punch damage to 1000 (and reduce its RoF to keep the same DPS against non-infantry target).
    This way it's much more dangerous to be too close to a MAX to C4 it.
    Infanty can still choose to avoid being OHK by using auxiliary shield.
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  3. udeadsir21

    Removing the one hit kill to infantry for heavy single shot weapons was a mistake. The other day I *accidentally* acted out a scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail in Planetside2. I was in a now super-ultra-mega-ridiculous-nerfed Spear Turret that now takes 4 HITS to kill infantry and a lone Light Assault came running toward me. Despite hitting him twice with the spear turret, he just kept coming (since he knew I could not kill him). He flew up and was able to drop C-4 on me and kill the turret. I was in shock. All that was missing was him going "AH-HA" and stabbing me like in the movie. It is ABSURD that a gun that kills TANKS takes 4 hits to kill a person. ABSURD. If Daybreak wants a game where infantry can only kill infantry, and vehicles can only kill other vehicles, and airplanes can only kill airplanes, then make 3 separate games. In every other game in existence, as well as in existence ITSELF, any gun that can damage a tank WIPES OUT infantry when you shoot them with it. ALL OF THEM. BAR NONE. This is so patently stupid that I am not sure if I will continue playing this game. A Light Assault should have to flank, and use cover to approach a base. Now they can just run straight in unopposed. The Xiphos is already less than useless, now the spear has joined it. Why not just remove all turrets, vehicles, and planes and just make this an infantry only game if that's what you really want Daybreak?
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  4. Lamat

    C4 being the real big issue here
  5. strikearrow

    Actually, a LA in the air can chuck c4 25m and sometimes even farther. Other infantry can chuck it about 15m.
  6. LordKrelas

    I don't think they mean with height.
    As if we count that in, we might as well add several hundred meters to rocket Launchers due to Valks & mountains.
  7. strikearrow

    Not really because c4 does a lot more damage than rockets. A 1 shot kill on a max at 25m is pretty rough for the 450 nanite max.
  8. LordKrelas

    And C-4 is nanites per attempt. And without a ledge, is a fully exposed action.
    Rockets are free, can be fired without exposure more reliably, and have the ability to resupply in the field.

    On maxes, I agree it's usually pretty "wtf"
    But that's one of the few exceptions.
    Vehicles however have literal radar.
  9. Lamat

    C4 can be tossed around doorways etc, hardly high risk in infantry/max situations.
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  10. Aurcius

    Yeah... in the sake of balancing, they've really done some silly things to the game.
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  11. MonnyMoony

    The Max would have to have pretty dumb luck to get C4'd from height like that though - and if an LA has got above and behind undetected for long enough to use C4 like that - i'd say they probably deserve the kill anyway.