MAX AI kills over 125 hour period (GU14)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by gnometheft, Sep 1, 2013.

  1. Dethfield

    True. Infact, id say even 1v1 i tend to kill most ZOE MAX's i come across because i use the aegis shield most of the time. Should i not kill the ZOE outright with hacksaws/mattocks/scatters, i an put the shield up and wait for reload (while awkwardly dancing with the ZOE :D). When its done, its a quick finish. This is the reason i dont see the low magazine capacity as a huge problem. And is the reason I can come out of said fights with 50% HP or more.

    People need to stop being so afraid of the glowing crabs and just shoot the damn things. I had this exact argument with someone ingame today, and when people started doing what i suggested, it worked quite well. The times we did get overrun with ZOEs was when they clearly outnumbered us, and in that case it wouldnt have mattered at all if they were using ZOE or not.
  2. Robes

    Why don't they lock threads like most forums after so long?
  3. Van Dax

    I thought I locked it up pretty good with the fracture data. Oh well.
  4. maradine

  5. Van Dax

  6. Ender

    There are a few that would rather see good gameplay and broken things fixed, although not many...unfortunately. Many players would see the game die before taking off their blinders to gameplay issues.
  7. SinerAthin

    Sorry, I've been inactive for so long and I naturally respond to most messages with no consent for time :p