Mattherson went full ******

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by GlowingPotato, Jun 27, 2013.

  1. SmellyCakes

    Exactly! This discussion goes for the servers who has ANY population imbalance, be it NC, TR or the VS. It just so happens to be VS on Mattherson. Population imbalance isn't fun for either side, mindless zergs, or being extremely outnumbered, it isn't fun. Some people argue that they like being underdogs or "It gives me more people to shoot." It still remains unfun for a lot of people.

    Edit: Oh another point. The smack talking while one side steamrolls the other with their population advantage is just childish and it makes the problem even worse. Its bad enough that the underpop got destroyed, talking smack as if you accomplished something amazing is just asinine.
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  2. Kirseva

    The only relatively safe haven is prime time. :(
  3. TeknoBug

    Huh? I was stating it was 33% VS and 35% NC and NC rose to 46% but I didn't look at VS and TR %'s when that happened
  4. SnatchMaster

    Again, I agree with you there. I don't think its logical, and its why I've stopped playing in squads at all when I play NC, and I have a hell of alot more VS kills than TR kills. It only makes sense to me that we would be working together to cut the VS down a bit, but the NC so-called "leadership" doesn't see it that way, and we end up in more fights against the TR then it makes sense to have. You're right. I do somewhat understand why it would makes sense to people, but in the long run its just going to end up hurting the server more.
  5. Cl1mh4224rd

    Ahhh, I see. My bad.
  6. Gbank

    Mattherson in its current state is broken.

    The VS have overpop is due to the combination of TE leaving, Goon splitting, and general fourth faction members.

    It isnt that VS outfits are better. It is hat VS got normal damage fall off, ZOE, and saron along with a few other buffs in a short time of each other.

    It is a culmination of events. And has now started a snowball effect of people switching or leaving the server. SOE will unfortunately need to do something or lose one of their servers.
  7. Cl1mh4224rd

    TE leaving has yet to have a significant negative effect on TR's population.
  8. Gbank

    Source please?
  9. siddar

    Play VS and be bored winning 95% of every battle.

    Play NC TR and be frustrated as the purple horde eventually overruns you almost every single fight.

    In the end VS will win out because being bored is better then being frustrated in a video game.

    Put NC max back to the way it was about 7 GU ago and ill go back to playing NC. If not ill just keep reading updates as they come out and saying nope still not worth playing a faction that just makes me angry at the game in general.
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  10. Cl1mh4224rd

    This **** needs to stop...


    This isn't the best screenshot, but the situation here is that the TR are trying to hold back the NC on two fronts, each against 48+ NC. The TR are also trying to hold back the VS on two fronts, each with 48+ VS.

    The VS-NC fight in the east is a single front hovering around 48 NC and 12-24 VS.

    The lowest population faction getting ****-stomped by both higher population factions, and TR don't even have an Indar lock. You're doing it wrong.
  11. Gbank

    Please can we see the world pop at this same time?
  12. Drealgrin

    Who can blame ppl for wanting to be on the most successful, smartest, sexiest faction on Mattherson?

    We have the best outfits bar none (always have)

    All the quitters gonna quit, It's not so much the FOTM players, it's more that all the whiny players keep quitting the other factions thus exacerbating the problem.

    Vanu was lowest pop for months after release, with NC dominating in numbers. We kept playing, rocking it hard, and now we are an unstoppable force for enlightenment upon Auraxis.

    Give us our props where we earned em, bro.
  13. Phrygen

    lost about and average 80 people a day during primetime would be my guess... but 80 very well organized people.
  14. Phrygen

    you can do better than this.
  15. Drealgrin

    What could be better than the truth?
  16. Phrygen

    the actual truth rather than one filtered through your sadly biased and trolling eyes... frankly it just makes GotR look bad at this point. Claiming their is no problem just hurts the server more than it is already hurting, with the only purpose of placating your ego and continuing a silly taunt war with people who quit the game.

    Even when i went to check the validty of your sig, it has apparent lost all meaning. Shadowsun was the last vanu to kill buzzcut... and you have to actually filter by deaths just to see it since buzz did a marauder run before he quit. Seemed funny when you first posted it but you continue on with it even after its irrelevant and incorrect. But that's what is important to you apparently. Maybe you got to 100 and have nothing else to care about?

    That bit is pretty meaningless though. Whats important is pretending their isn't a problem for your personal amusement not only does a disservice to the NC/TR, but to your vanu faction-mates, your outfit and the entire server.

    Edit: Gotr and Enclave have apparently be feuding forever since emerald so perhaps its too much to ask for you to just let it go, but at least keep the trolling to yourself so we can hopefully get better battles on the server.
  17. Lambchopz

    Eh, what? The population disparity on Mattherson is far more signifigant than it is on Waterson. How often do TR have 60-70% world population on Waterson? Because on Mattherson that is every waking moment outside of primetime basically, give or take a few hours. It would most certainly even out, in fact, VS would still likely have an edge after a merge.

    Not that it matters for the immediate future. Both servers are still high-pop overall so we aren't going to see a merge unless the pop drops significantly on them or Hossin comes out. Whichever occurs first. It will probably happen eventually, though.
  18. Lambchopz

    Yeah I'm surprised they still haven't made server sub-forums. Seems like a no brainer to me.
  19. Drealgrin

    Oh friend, you take this all farrrr too seriously. Nothing we do here will change the situation on Mattherson! Enjoying Vanu dominance on the ONLY US server that has it. Remember! (and this is me being serious) Whoever has the most players also has the most BAD players, the ones who screw things up. Like those who repair vehicle terminals to allow the enemy to rehack them and continue spawning sunderers. Or the bad ESF pilots who will ALWAYS crash into your aircraft because they don't know to keep distance between them and another ESF during a chase. Or the ******* who runs you over in your FLASHING PINK Max unit with a damned flash.

    I'm kinda envying you guys lower pops, us OV (Original Vanu) would thrive under those conditions as we always have. Yet you TR, the men of massive numbers, do nothing but complain :p

    And who has heard of Shadowsun? He may have been the last killer, BUT I WAS THE FINAL BOSS. Mattherson needed a Champion during a time of great victory and celebration, I gladly stepped up to the plate!

    The Champion of the Vanu Sovereignty!
  20. Phrygen


    happens on all factions in an equal ratio

    biased and meaningless, but i appreciate that you can't help yourself.

    TR have 25% world pop, 23% indar pop, and are being warpgated on amerish and esamir as we speak, with esamir barely holding on to 6 or 7 territories. Balance populations can be accomplished. Higby and his team are trying actively to do something about it (examples being asking TEST to move to waterson), and the community can be a part of it. Apparently you can not be a part of it.

    i give up. have a nice day.
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