Mattherson went full ******

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by GlowingPotato, Jun 27, 2013.

  1. GlowingPotato

    End of alert, vanu have 8 of 9 amp stations, 49% of world pop. Just like last night.

    For real. This is getting boring. No real challenge. No real resistance.

    Fourth faction is clear as ****.
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  2. rickampf

    No one likes to be completely outnumbered while the VS kids are mocking us.
    ...its not that fun, but we try.
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  3. illgot

    while just a few months ago (started when they nerfed the Magrider into oblivion) the VS population was the lowest of all populations and held that way until the recent Max update.

    Populations ebb and flow for all factions and I would guess on all servers.
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  4. TheBlindFreak

    Yeah, Vanu's over-pop is annoying, but the better organized outfits are giving them a run for their money during primetime.

    They are the FotM. Just give it a bit more time. Also, try to organize TR and NC outfits to team up against vanu. That is the whole point of having 3 factions in the first place. 1 faction takes dominance? Now they get to fight 2 factions with spread out forces.
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  5. Alexandrix

    Prime time on matt is usually not too bad.Any of the other 20 hours of the day sucks total donkey anus tho.I've seen VS reach 62%+ world pop to the TR/NC 15%-20%.It's ridiculous and virtually unplayable.At least not if you plan on having any kind of fun as TR/NC anyways.

    SOE thinks they will make more money by continuing to allow such open faction character swapping/creation.And so they continue to ignore the outrageous pop imbalances.Truth is there are probably more people leaving due to it than people staying.

    They need to put their foot down and squash this **** out.Rather that's with timers on character change time,not allowing character creation on over popped factions,not allowing other faction characters on the same server,linking credit cards to accounts (but not charging anything,just for verificatioin) to curb alt account fourth factioning(and tk'ing),or whatever...i don't know.

    sadly none of that will happen because it's all about the $$$
  6. Pantong

    A few week ago, before the TE left, around 530 am pop was 65% vs <10%TR and rest nc... it was not even worth playing
  7. Rogueghost

    Now I'm not from mattherson, but it might help the server a lot if a few of the organized vanu outfits would role either TR or NC for a week or two just to kick the fourth factions ***.

    Maybe a good beating would cause at least some of the fourth faction to switch sides?

    Again I'm not from mattherson but it seems like something you could do instead of waiting for soe to do something.
  8. illgot

    Part of that seems to be a lot of people from Europe and Australia. Not sure why Mattherson is so popular with those areas.
  9. MorganM

    Dude never go full ********!

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  10. Alexandrix

    That's a nice fantasy,but honestly I think the NC hate fighting the VS as much as I do ,or so it would seem by their constantly pushing our north western front instead of hitting the vs with us.I swear the VS can have more pop than the TR and NC combined....yet the NC still want to go after hvar tech plant for some reason.Which just compounds the problem.
  11. TheBlindFreak

    Yeah, that bothers me as well. I usually only play with squads that push the VS. And I love fighting at Howling Pass on indar. It rustles my jimmies when NC and TR duke it out and Vanu just steamrolls one or both factions.
  12. SnatchMaster

    I can reason that though. People play the game looking for a fight that they have a chance at winning. I've discussed this a few times with other TR players, and they've flat out told me that yes, the NC and TR going after each other all the time is stupid with the VS taking everything that the both of us have, but with the VS population so high, no one really wants to fight them right now. At this point, Matterson TR is the only real group of guys to fight against if you're NC, because its closer in terms of numbers and tech.

    I could care less about capping points that the VS is just going to steamroll anyways, and that defeats the purpose of the game, which means that Buzz was right. (he played on Matterson in case no one knew). The VS right now just hammers everyone through sheer numbers, making it an impossible fight, and whenever the TR don't seem to be fighting, then I just log out. Mattherson is the very definition of a glorified TDM right now, because all we do is fight between the NC and TR just waiting for the VS to knock us both out.

    All my stuff is on Mattherson though, including two Auraxium medals that I have as a medic which I'm very proud of. I won't switch servers, but this one is unplayable atm. So when guys like Pat, Buzz, and the numerous other guys that were actually tough to fight end up leaving the server, who's left? The NC has to fight the TR in order to have a reason to play the server at all because the VS is just too big, and with TE gone, I'm wondering how many TR would be left to even do that. It's clear from the population numbers right now, that the NC and TR combined, rarely have enough to match VS, and usually we both get rolled, and it isn't much fun. Honestly, why would any of us even keep playing Mattherson, if not quit the game altogether? The only time I'm having fun is playing in bio labs as an NC max, because that's the only place its useful. And VS with all their numbers are going to beat you at some point, that much is a given, so even that is being taken away.

    Mattherson is slowly dying out as more and more people leave.
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  13. Alexandrix

    Yea,you pretty much summed it up snatch.We all hate fighting the VS,so we tend to just fight amongst ourselves until the purple steam roller comes through.It's not even just the pop that makes me not want to fight the VS honestly.The NC and TR just seem to be much more evenly matched as far as equipment goes.I can have a fun fire fight with the NC.Where as with the VS,soon as they point those super accurate,zero recoil death lasers at me...I just fall over dead before I even get a shot off.It's stupid as hell.

    Also,I seem to encounter a lot more of what i consider the "cheese" against the vanu.Lots more C4 suicide bombers,harassers farming infantry with fury's,logging on other faction alts to C4 sundys,lame *** glowing ZOE maxs (no,5% more dmg taken was not a good enough nerf,it needs a timer just like the NC shield),whatever is the lamest crap that can be pulled...the VS has it in spades.It's like they don't want to have a fun fight,they just want to steam roll their way on through as quickly and easily as possible just to get to the next hex.Now,I'm not saying TR/NC doesn't do these things as well...they just seems to be a lot more prolific with the vanu.
  14. Phrygen

    works for me. I farmed the hell out of Vany infantry and harassers with a prowler at Peris amp station for an hour. then switched over to my vanu alt and got 92 certs in the last 45 seconds.....

    Don't judge me! TR didn't even have control of one amp station!:D
  15. Phrygen

    TR doesn't pull that ATRA nonsense. We despise traitors and religious zealots equally! :cool:

    also, the faction gear is balanced pretty much. ZOE isn't an issue anymore.
  16. TeknoBug

    I basically stopped playing on Mattherson, but Connery has that happening now, except it's with the NC. I was playing on my VS there and the population shifted from 33% VS 35% NC to 46% NC within half an hour of the alert remaining and NC obviously won it. I went ahead and jumped on my NC as well since my VS squad vanished (they probably went to do the same thing).

    I'm a tad annoyed to be honest, I have no idea why the devs never added a login timer per faction like PS1 has.
  17. Phrygen

    because f2p invalidates it
  18. GlowingPotato

    Can't judge you, if for us Vn is boring, for you guys must be painful.
  19. Alexandrix

    link credit cards to accounts.if an account with the same name+same card linked to it logs on another faction on the same server,a timer is started.

    this would help to curb that other faction alt c4'ing sundy garbage too.
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  20. Nocturnal7x

    SOE created this mess. Now they need to stick their nose in it, and clean it up.

    I think we should call for a dev response on this one, we need to be assured they are fixing this. All signs tell the pop is getting worse, not better.
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