Mattherson Alerts

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Xymm, Aug 14, 2013.

  1. Giggily

    In amazing news Mattherson VS completely bungles a simple pop balanced alert, finishing with zero (0) objectives because we were bad and nobody talked in leader or command chat for the first half of it, as far as I could tell.

    All goes to show that it only takes a little bit of coordination and teamwork to make or break a server. Population doesn't have anything to do with it.
    • Up x 1
  2. AssaultSugar

    New player with just 30 hours. What the check is the fourth faction? Yes it does feel like VS wins most alerts you should have seen today during the bio lab alert how they steamrolled right through our territory to our bio lab but in the end no one won
  3. Ender

    This is extremely frustrating. Some nights I want to go take Alert Objectives with DA, because the 60% VS pop on the continent are no where near that area and will probably ignore it....unless someone else goes there first. If someone else goes there first, the purple zergball will roll in just as the fights getting good and lib/tank spam the **** out of everything including friendlies. We mostly avoid alert continents anymore =\. Time to pull out our SBW and EXOC characters again
  4. Phrygen


    i'm confused.. you are annoyed that back up comes to help you?

    /shrug. go EXOC. In fact do that permanently.
  5. Xae

    4th Faction is the people who switch sides to what ever faction is perceived as being the strongest or most beneficial at the time.

    So if people think Vanu will do well in the alert the "4th faction" consisting of some NC and TR players who just want the free XP switch to Vanu. This gives Vanu additional population and helps them do well in the alert. Which means that next time more people switch over to vanu, etc, etc.
  6. Ender

    They aren't helping. They're ruining the fight. Bads bring spam, daltons tanks etc and make it extremely difficult for the enemy to even get out and shoot. Not sure how daltoning 1 or 2 people ever 5 minutes is fun but people keep doing it.

    The people switching at the end of the alerts baffle me as well. You don't get xp for doing that anymore...and yet people still do it consistently.
  7. HEAT

    Lol yeah some people are still switching with less and 15 min left in the alert. They dont read patch notes or look at their certs apparently.
  8. Negator

    RPing another faction?
  9. Booogooo

    What the hell are you talking about? We of the 903rd fight tirelessly and with good coordination in almost every single alert. All the communication and tactics in the world wont win against 30% pop difference though. We try! Trust me we TRY!
  10. Phrygen

    That's why the switch at the beginning now.
  11. RealityWarrior

    Yup last night I believe the pops were 32vs/33tr/35nc the VS got our rear ends kicked.
  12. Jaxxx

    I think it had a lot to do with Spacecowboy trolling command chat and just about everybody muted it. I know I did after he started singing.
  13. RealityWarrior

    I just mute him instead. Much easier.
  14. Vertabrae

    Anyone who starts singing is muted within the first 3 seconds, unless I am busy eating Fritos, then they occanisionally last as long as 7 seconds.
  15. footjam

    I reported him and hopefully he enjoys his ban
  16. Jaxxx

    As did I
  17. Booogooo

    Oh waddya know? The last alert had 54% Vanu 19% TR and 20 or 30 something % NC.

    The NC couldn't defend their warpgate at all even with a good 30% of the vanus forces attacking twin peaks near our biolab. And after the VS obliterated the NC biolab they sent their entire 54% pop to attack us with our 19% pop you can imagine how well that went.

    This is a repeat of what happens EVERY SINGLE DAY in Matherson FIX THIS SOE!!!!! I am completely done with alerts until this is fixed. It is not even worth trying anymore.
  18. HEAT

    Before noon alert and im sure that was at the end of the alrrt due to 4th faction. Im pretty sure it did not start close to that.
  19. Konstantinn

    Are there any statistics as to what faction wins most alert? Is any website or individual keeping track?

    Would be nice to see. Because in my experience, although VS do win quite a few alerts, I wouldn't say it's ALL of them by far. I do notice a lot of NC alerts, maybe that's because I play NC? Really want to see some solid statistics on this over the last few months/weeks.
  20. Drsexxytime

    SOE refuses to fix this. This is their mess for allowing people to have multiple faction characters on the same server, and leaving VS OP. SOE really sucks, they're content watching the game go down in flames, or at best, exist in mediocrity. When you have many of the devs wearing VS colors all the time, while other devs who "play other factions" not nearly as fanatical, that's an indicator as well.