Mattherson Alerts

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Xymm, Aug 14, 2013.

  1. Xymm

    I have been back about 1 week. I only see the Vanu completing/winning the alerts. I play at various time through the day. Is it just bad timing on my part or do only the Vanu try to complete these?

    And if the Vanu are in fact winning most (or all) of these, I need to ask why?
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  2. ChampagneDragon

    Last night for an amp station alert the NC tied them. Normally I wouldn't care about a tie, but the VS had a 12% pop advantage over us for over an hour.
  3. KnightCole

    VS always win those damn things.

    VS have like 50% pop cap almost all the time.
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  4. Gbank

    There are a few reaons why.

    There has been a big inbalance favoring VS in the past few months. It is a little better now most of the TR is new and doesnt know how to play or doesnt care about alerts.

    Also in regards to the pop, Vs still almost always remain the highest popped faction any time except primetime.

    Third, most TR don't enjoy playing alerts due to fact of losing them all the time during the 45% VS times.
    It has been getting better. But alerts system is broken and should be taken out after continent locking and continental lattice is released.
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  5. VSDerp

    blame ya NC and TR brothers that switch just before alerts. don't blame vanu
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  6. deggy

    I actually avoid Alerts now. They're boring. Hell, you can make 20 certs per hour doing any number of things. Why would I go to some other place and fight everyone when I can stay where I am, make more certs, and have more fun?
  7. Crewell

    It doesn't help that you don't typically see big fronts between TR and VS during alerts. It allows VS to use their number advantage on one front. Several evenings of alerts where NC and TR focus on keeping VS from winning might be interesting. It'll never happen, but it would be interesting.
  8. BeardMilk

    #1. The VS got a lot of cool stuff in the last few months (new weapon models/sounds, good Max ability, etc) but they aren't overpowered. The ZOE MAX is in a good spot right now, and that's what most people had been complaining about.

    #2. If TR and NC would focus on the VS when they have 40%+ population instead of fighting each other there would be zero problems.

    As an example, lets say the pops are 44/28/28 VS/NC/TR. If the VS split their population to fight both NC and TR they have 22% of the continent population fighting each faction. Now, and here's where everything gets so lopsided, if the NC split their pop to fight both the TR and VS they have 14% fighting each faction. So now we have the VS/NC and VS/TR fights at 22%/14%, the VS have a 55% advantage in manpower against each faction. The the fight between the NC/TR is a statistical stalemate and will probably go nowhere.

    Now if the NC and TR both decided to just push against the VS then the VS would be at 22% against 28%, a 30% disadvantage in both fights, and the NC/TR would be even.
  9. RealityWarrior

  10. MarlboroMan-E

    Faction switchers are no brother of mine.
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  11. KnightCole

  12. VSDerp

    Preach marlboro!
  13. yama

    This was mentioned before, but I'd like to stress it some more:

    As long as pops are withing 5% of each other, global alerts are almost always a good thing on Mattherson.
    Continental alerts however are a different story.

    There is very low alert participation on the NC and TR side of things.
    Pops can be equal or next to equal globally but on the alert continent the VS will outnumber the other two by 15-20% or even more.

    Be this because the other factions have been bludgeoned by the VS so much that they stopped to even try, that there are simply a lot more inexperienced players for TR/NC on the server who won't switch to the alert continent at all or too late or because the VS will also react to an alert very quickly, causing the VS population on the continent in question to rise fast, further discouraging people to move.

    One way to combat this is to hide the continent population numbers for the first 20 minutes of an alert and to motivate lower pop factions with extra-extra stuff :p to switch continents.
  14. CrashB111

    TR may have had 26% pop last night and VS almost 50% but damnit we didn't give up Wokuk, and even took the fight to them at Kwahtee and Zurvan.
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  15. Bloodlet

    Strange how whenever I log in during prime time all factions seem to be within 5% of each other. And I do see TR win alerts.
  16. TheUnamusedFox

    Yeah, you guys did one heck of a job at Wokuk. And the reason VS wins so much? The outfits actually coordinate. DaPP has 2 full platoons during alerts, and coordinates with Nightmare and another outfit I can't remember the name of. Most people I have seen say that both TR and NC has very little organization.
  17. HEAT

    Dapp where did you guys come from? Did you all jump fron another server? All the sudden there is 2 platoons of you?

    Also the only time pop imbalance is a problem is late at night or the last hour of alerts when the faction switching scrubs all go VS for welfare certs.
  18. MarlboroMan-E

    This. Where did yall come from? Tons of low BRs, an outfit I hadn't encountered until maybe a few weeks ago.
  19. The King

    The TR would focus mostly against the VS. The NC will try to take easy to get objectives from TR.
    Then the TR would have to focus on defense against the NC. The VS now takes all the objectives relatively easy...
    Or that, the TR is still focusing on the VS, the NC will take some of the TR stuff, and the TR will not bother with them as they really do not like the VS. So they try to make them not win, allowing the NC to get tied since the TR is not focusing on the NC at all..

    If the NC quit attacking the TR and quit helping the VS, the VS wouldn't win all these alerts most of the time. Since I think some of the VS is NC, I think they are prolly telling the NC to attack TR attack TR. lol
    The TR cannot do it all, and it does appear, the TR gets double teamed the most on Matterson.
    Many times, you'll see the TR fighting VS on 2 spots with 48+ allies and then the NC on another. And you'll see NC have 28-48s against the VS and 48+ against the TR.. And then you'll have many saying, they'd rather fight the TR than the VS...

    Really, they should double team the VS, since everyone knows they are a pain in the *** on this sever.
    Then the VS will not get as bored winning easy all the time. There's no challenge for them.
  20. CrashB111

    If you log on right now it was just 42% VS, 30% TR/NC during a Biolab alert on Indar.