[Suggestion] Make the game subscription based

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Roarboar, Dec 25, 2012.

  1. IshanDeston

    Hardly. And while i would like a hackfree experiance, i don't want it to turn subscription. I've spend a **** load of money on this game already. If they would turn subscription now, i'd be pissed as hell.

    The reason they ripped me off with their prices is the argument of it being free to play to pay the server costs. Them turning it into a subscription game would just rip me off once more.
  2. ent|ty

    Make the game $30 THATS IT, and include every feature, since it's going to die anyway. I've played the game now for a week, I've seen there all is to see, but I'm not going to play a game JUST TO GET MORE WEAPONS AND OPTIONS.
  3. overcorpse

    That is such a fantastic idea.
  4. Yautja

    Except for people that don't have cell phones or hackers that use virtual cell phone numbers.
  5. overcorpse

    Then that's to bad,life is full of haves and have nots.All i care about is MY gaming experience.And i wasn't aware you could receive text messages on a virtual phone number.
  6. Rogueghost

    Subscriptions are out dated, they can pull a guild wars and do one time payment with minor micro transactions.
  7. Sharmanti

    69 dollars... monthly? That's like 4-5 times what WoW charged lol. Seems like a good idea.

    You do realise that it will be surely hack-free, but also player-free
  8. PresidentFreeman

    A simple solution for screening age when creating an account :p

  9. hellin

    ПС. И отказаться от 3/4 населения игроков на серверах...
  10. overcorpse

    I was under the impression Russia and China was barred from Planetside 2 and they were getting thier own servers?
  11. Yautja

    Да товарищ.
  12. Vortok

    I'm not sure why people took him seriously at all when he used 69 as the sub amount.

    Could it be more obvious?
  13. Vortok

    That's hilarious, thank you.
  14. DailyFrankPeter