[Suggestion] Make pilots (and drivers) unable to bail when vehicles are on the red

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by cbplayer, Sep 25, 2016.

  1. Moz

    There we go.... NOW he actually gets it!

    Now your not banging on about removing buildings etc its worth talking.

    Now lets address your hyperbole, which is all you present...... 1000 free kills for logging on is exactly the same as killing tanks.... *rolls eye at level of hyperbole*

    Explain, how is blowing up a tank a "free kill"? Explain to me, HOW in any way, is an infantry kill harder to achieve than a tank kill? Sorry, it just will never ever be!

    Its a FAR more complex kill than the infantry.... hence why people get pissy. I can see their point, doesn't bother me but i see it.

    They can kill the infantry with minimal effort, they then put in the extra effort to take out a vehicle (every vehicle in the game is harder to take out than a single infantry including the flash) and get no kill.... A nice bunch of certs (a lot more than the infantry because its HARDER to do) but no kill.

    This is the WHOLE issue, its harder to kill a tank and (in some peoples eyes) you get less reward!

    I have no time for the skyknights saying people shouldn't bail though.... If your ESF vs ESF bail when you can, what an ejection seat is for! If you can live, you should always try and live!

    Like i say, doesn't really make that much difference. Its a small change that would make some people happy and would effect no one because its the same for everyone.

    TLDR: Saying its a "free kill" is really pretty silly! Even the cert / xp gain shows your just plain wrong...
  2. ColonelChingles

    Then please explain who is harmed if tankers get a "free kill" for damaging but not killing infantrymen?

    I mean the infantryman is still alive, so he has nothing to complain about. The tanker is happy because he gets a free kill for every infantryman that gets damaged.

    And it would be the same for everyone too. An infantryman could jump in a tank and start getting all the free, unearned kills he wants too!

    The only difference is that you have to pay for tanks, so every free infantry kill tankers get should probably count as two kills.
  3. TrolKabu

    If it's a matter of XP, just ask to increase the reward for destroying a vehicle.
    If it's a matter of K/D, just add your VK to the ratio.

    Anyway, adding a kill when destroying a vehicle would lead to completely false stats as soon as you kill the escaping pilot/driver.
  4. adamts01

    How about remove all K/D from the game? People start playing for fun, people start making decisions for the team instead of themselves, no one gets pissy when a pilot bails, all the stat ****** leave for CoD, which is actually competitive.... Everyone is happy.
  5. FateJH

    They'll just start manually counting, or augment RST to keep track of it, and then we'll get into arguments about math.
    I've seen this perversity play-out before.
    • Up x 2
  6. adamts01

    I've seen other games where teamplay goes downhill once global stats are visible and shareable. Pics or it didn't happen. Take away the ability to parade those numbers and I guarantee you'll see less selfish behavior. They'll start playing as more of a team player, as they won't have a killboard to hurt their delicate egos. Because if they were truly competitive they wouldn't be here in the first place.
  7. Moz

    As i thought you have NO answer. Now you are literally just saying anything, trouble is its all BS / irrelevant!

    How is killing a tank and getting recognition for said kill the same as getting a kill for anything you damage? Hahahaha

    Why would you get a kill for damaging someone? How does that realte to ANYTHING in this thread? Simply bud, IT DOESNT!

    Killing a tank is harder than KILLING the infantry, let alone damaging them....

    You are literally JUST talking utter bollox.....? So you are comparing killing a tank to damaging infantry.... Idiotic! So stupid you can only be trolling...? RIGHT? On that i can give you a solid 8/10.

    In response to your comment, what about the unicorns? If the unicorn crosses the road do you get a grape or do you get a rainbow?
  8. strikearrow

    Actually what should happen is a different stat tracker for vehicle kills because vehicle kills are much harder to get than infantry - lumping them together is stupid because the person who kills vehicles is given the short-end-of-the-stick. If they don't want to go through the trouble of creating a new stat tracker, then awarding kills for vehicles in the K/D tracker should be about 1 kill for every 100 nanites worth of vehicle kills (before the continent nanite discounts) i.e. a flash is 1/2 a kill and an ESF is 3.5 etc.
  9. Savadrin

  10. strikearrow

    Nice word, but unless you are indulging in neologism, it's the wrong word anyhow.
  11. FateJH

    ... please tell me you realize he's been shooting for satire, right? Essentially, almost every other post of his has been mildly sardonic.
  12. Savadrin