[Suggestion] Magrider and other Balancing Suggestions (no Infil)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by darktr00per4, Jul 26, 2023.

  1. Botji

    And while this will be seen as a ****** move and attitude, right there I personally think you lost most of your right to advocate for changes to the Magrider, at least try to use it for a few hundred kills and go through the effort of upgrading it because without that experience it will just sound like baseless complaining since you dont know how it works or what it takes to make it work, you just see the results.

    Only being on one side means you, like any human being, will remember more negative things than positive things that happens to you which simply put means when you think of what Magriders do/can do its mostly made up of the outliers, high performing high skill players, cheesy tactics etc while the masses of Magriders that you likely slay on a daily basis barely register or are seen as the below average players when they are in fact the average ones because they are not doing magic with the Magrider by making it dance/fly or expertly abusing terrain to cheese you so hard that you remember them for how obnoxious they were to fight.

    If you used a Magrider for than just confirm a bias, aka the "I have used Magriders in VR/30 minutes on live and I killed 3 Flashes and a Lighting, super OP!" kind of usage then you would know how ironic it is that you bring up the cert grind.

    Without even touching any weapons a Magrider NEEDS somewhere between 3930-6100 certs dumped into the main body and unlike a Vanguard or Prowler these are not "nice to have" upgrades, they are pretty much mandatory for it to be ready for combat.

    1800 to upgrade the turbo
    100-1800 to upgrade the Recharge
    1800 to upgrade Multi-Directional / 1330 to upgrade Stealth(Maggie being used as a heavy Harasser, need to sneak)
    700 to upgrade Racer / Rival

    These are core upgrades for mobility / flanking which is how the Magrider fights meaning these are direct combat ability upgrades and thus mandatory, without them the Magrider is absurdly weak and slow.

    Well I dont want to make too much of a wall of text but yeah, Magriders are very intense on the investment a player needs to make to simply get it up and running and then its not like its a plug n play vehicle either, it takes time to get good with it in addition to the pile of certs.

    Imo a Magrider is sort of similar to ESF, easy to use moving around wobbling in the WG or taking pot shots at stuff but take it out into combat against other MBT/ESF and its whole other thing, then its not so easy to use anymore and unlike ESF the enemy will actually have more powerful vehicles than you, fighting them head on or in a fair fight is just you serving yourself on a platter... hence the Magriders on mountains and stuff being obnoxious, if they come down and have a 'fair' fight they are likely to just die and they know it.
  2. Aris12

    This sentiment is two-way.

    I didn't call for Magrider's to be nerfed, nor have I called them OP. What I have called them, is "annoying AF to fight". Whether I win or lose against them feels like is determined by RNG. It's not easy to get a feel for how the Magrider is going to rubber band.

    I just want Vanguard vs. Magrider and Prowler vs. Magrider to be more consistent.
    Ever since the P 120 King snake was added, TR has been kicking my NC butt more often, yet I don't complain as much about them. Bias? No, it has a consistent meta. I can still DPS-sink that with Vanguard shield from the front, else (side or rear), I go down, simple. But against Magriders, anything goes.
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  3. darktr00per4

    I do play in vehicle every now and then but most of my certs are in the sunderer, lightning and infantry. You do understand you can get your point across and talk sensibly without being arrogant or rude or belittling other community members. You have a better chance of working with people that way. I do see your point.
  4. Demigan

    Kills is the total amount of vehicle+infantry kills.
    Deaths is the total deaths by vehicle and infantry. It splits them later with vehicle deaths and vehicle kills.

    The Magrider has a lot less deaths, it kills far more per individual Magrider than the Vanguard and Prowler. The kills not being equal is because the VS generally has less population. Which kinda makes the higher amount of kills and vehicle kills a big red flag saying “THIS VEHICLE IS MORE POWERFUL IT IS OUTNUMBERED AND STILL GETS MORE KILLS”.
    The suicide rate is because of a design flaw of the Magrider and game mechanics. If you accidentally hit something with the top of your vehicle while not level with the ground, the game can say “you are upside down and just smashed into something here’s a ton of damage” and kill you. Magriders are also encouraged to move across rough ground a lot so this happens a lot. Despite this, again, they get a lot of kills and vehicle kills. Once again underlining the power of this vehicle.

    To fetch more data I would divide the total deaths with the vehicle kills and infantry kills. Why total deaths? Because most fights aren’t 1v1’s. Even just being distracted by an enemy vehicle while a C4 fairy sneaks up on you means that its not just the 1v1 stats that matter. Especially since that C4 fairy is going to have a lot more trouble C4ring a Magrider doing its strafe dodge fire routine than a Prowler or Vanguard who is stuck doing pop-up attacks from behind some cover. Doing this will help show what a single individual tank will achieve against vehicles and infantry.
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  5. Demigan

    The “walk a mile in my shoes” argument is so false. There’s two sides to each equation, the victim and the Magrider. Both have their experience in how the fight went. better would be experience with both. The best would be a clinical approach: pure performance. Because the individual player might have preferences and playstyles that do not mesh with one or the other causing their experiences to be not representative. But the total performance stats take that into account: every player skill, every player playstyle, every hitbox size, every fire rate, every loadout, every hitpoint etc is all combined to show what this vehicle will do for the average player.

    And the Magrider simply does better.
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  6. FlashBang

    What I took from that data is 25% more people use the NC/TR tanks. Which leads me to believe the higher kdr for vanue is simply due to skill variation. Madriggars are not as approachable if you could limit it by time played it would likely be far in the NC/TR favor.
  7. KhlorosTesero

    The strength of the magrider is not its speed or mobility, but everyone seems to think that.

    The thing that makes the mag rider strong is that when ever a mag rider is engaging, its always presenting the front armor toward the target, meaning if you are ever going up against you, you are going to constantly be hitting its front which is where its advantage comes into play.

    If you were to give any 'nerf' to the magrider it would be adjust its front armor to be at -10% resistance (Side armor on MBTs are -15% for reference) as the main playstyle for magriders is not to be a brawler tank but a hit and run tank, a magrider should be punished for trying to brawl with their tank, but its advantage in maneuverability and speed is how it should be played.
  8. Demigan

    And that is why the developers should not listen to you.

    We have already pointed out that the VS only has “superior skill” when using their faction-specific weapons. The moment they touch carbon copy weapons of pure NS weapons they suddenly lose that superior skill. Weird huh? Also you should take population differences into account. If a faction overall has 33% less people and uses 33% less tanks than the other factions, then per player they use the vehicle just as much.
  9. Ps2 player

  10. Demigan

  11. Ps2 player

    yes maybe if you watched the video instead of following my posts because your hurt you would see all the magrider mains ive killed in it.
  12. Ps2 player

  13. Demigan

    The question was “IN a Magrider”. You seem to be in the other floating thing. Did you notice?

    And no I’m not going watch the entire thing when you obviously are not driving a Magrider. Additionally, you are able to edit video’s. Just cut the parts where you fight Magriders out and paste them in their own video. Don’t make me watch so much useless stuff.

    Also also, video’s like this are almost useless in these discussions. By definition they are cherry-picked, for all we know you die almost every time. The little I did see was you attacking vehicles that were already engaged and damaged. In other words: cherry picked because the situation heavily favors you, rather than your skill being the deciding factor.
    Your skill is irrelevant. I have held back two 2/2 Vanguards as a solo Magrider. Does that prove my point? Nope, they could have been newbs (they weren’t), but what I can do does not mean everyone else can do it. ESPECIALLY if you have a higher average skill your arguments become LESS useful, as less people are able to do it.

    If the average player will do better in a Magrider, which we CAN prove, then the Magrider is better.