Magrider... absoleted

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kerplunk, Jun 8, 2014.

  1. Kerplunk

    With the coming changes to all tanks, Magrider is in a bad spot (realistically is has been.) Toe to toe with a Prowler or Vanguard is already impossible. They straight up destroy Mags in an even match. Purely by the numbers, shot for shot, armor for armor, Mags lose. Add in the Vanguard active shield and it's a joke how terrible the Mag is.

    The only good thing about the Mag is the secondary cannon, the PPA.

    Oh yeah, and bye Libs, it was a fun 3 months.

    Oops. meant Obsoleted
  2. IamDH

    I'm not sure what absoleted means..

    Although i personally hate the lamerider, it DOES have advantages. Firstly, its the only tank with a stable cannon which can help a lot in tank engagements whilst moving (the tank change hasn't come yet so this is still a point) and can hover which makes it move over terrain easily unlike the prowler/manguard that has to stay still to get hits on target.
  3. Regpuppy

    Am I the only ones that think people are overreacting about these changes, since we don't know exactly how much they're changing them?
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  4. Chipay

    We know that the Vanguard and the Prowler are getting a stabilized turret and the Magrider is getting nothing in return.
    So raising thoughts about future MBT balance is actually pretty justified
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  5. LordMatt XLVIII

    If the magrider gets a boost to it's strafe speed like the others get to their reverse speed, that changes things.
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  6. Regpuppy

    Thoughts, yes. But outright panicking and raging about it, I personally don't think so.
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  7. Quiiliitiila

    According to the upcoming changes, all tanks are going to have drastically more stabilized cannons (Lightnings, Vanguards, Prowlers).

    This'll really improve the quality of life for all the normal tanks on the move, they'll enjoy pretty much everything the Magrider has to offer.
  8. Mxiter

    I agree that magriders will lose some advantages on mobility department with turret stabilization but won't the magriders will dodge more efficiently with lower tanks rounds velocity?

    Remember at the release: Maggie was overporforming because of the no drop saron and the unability to other tanks to hit it reliably at range.

    Tanks guns get them velicity buffed in order to have a chance.

    Now that all tanks will be more mobile (shooting while moving) they all lose some velocity.

    Magrider will be certainly have lower velocity nerf btw.
  9. cruczi

    I don't think magriders lose much. While TR and NC get faster reverse speed, magriders get also faster strafe speed. This will possibly make them even better at dodging, even when considering the stabilization of TR and NC turrets.
  10. Kerplunk

    Strafe speed will mean nothing when a Mag comes over a hill or around a turn and a Vanguard or Prowler is in his face. They have checkmate from the beginning of that encounter. Assuming they aren't fools with HE cannon equipped, no decent tank will miss a Mag strafing at a close range. It's game over for the Mag
  11. eldarfalcongravtank

    of course nobody can say for sure how these tank changes will play out now

    but from pure theorycrafting, it is obvious that the Magrider may come out worst. the main cannon accuracy of the Prowler/Vanguard will be buffed for firing on the move and everyone will be forced into medium-range engagements due to the nerf to tank round velocities -- both changes speak against the Magrider as its main advantages were firing accurately on the move and evading shots at longrange with help of strafing

    i dont understand how the devs turn a blind eye to this obviously severe issue. the VS pop already plummets and a Magrider nerf wasn't really called for
  12. gigastar

    We will have to see what comes on PTS.

    Until then im expecting the worst, for all MBT's not just the Mag.
  13. ronjahn

    Don't worry the Magrider is getting its velocity buffed, in typical SOE fashion, by nerfing all of the other cannons.
  14. Degenatron

  15. IamDH

    I admit that this change will sort of ruin one of the magriders advantages but the patch also includes lowering velocity of tank weapons, which adds more value to strafing
  16. IamDH

    I think he means "obsolete"
    I googled "absoleted" and this thread was the second result, therefore its safe to conclude that this word does not exist.
  17. Kerplunk

    I edited in the mistake 1 minute after posting, of course it's what i meant.
  18. Frosty The Pyro

    huh i thought you just misspelled absolved .

    as shell velocity is reduced, so will the range threshhold for dodgeing rounds. esentialy the mags strafe gets an indirect buff from the range nerf the same way the mag gets an indirect nerf from the stabilization buff.

    moreover the mags strength is STILL in positioning, it can conquer hills more easily and with greater speed than any other tank. The flank is a powerful thing
  19. Aegie

    Lets just wait and see if the Vanguard is still the lowest scoring, worst performing, of the three.
  20. TriumphantJelly

    Stabilised cannon is being given to other tanks in the next patch, that's why it is made partially OBSOLETE. He did correct himself at the end. And just cos it hasn't happened yet, doesn't mean the patch will nullify the Mag!