Lower TTK

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by xDeGuerrex, Feb 24, 2014.

  1. Vorxil

    I don't mind low TTK in long-range engagements, it takes skill to land those shots. It's in CQC where it becomes annoying since it then revolves more about rolling the dice than actual gunplay. Especially if it reaches down to sub-reaction times.
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  2. Brainlaag

    True but I think it's the lesser of the two evils considering the size of the game. Smart positioning and movement still distinguish the winner in CQB (most of the time). Furthermore are people too centered on the individual aspects of this change. What they should try to consider first is what impact it has on the game as a whole, it's a team oriented one afterall, putting your personal preferences foremost goes against the entire concept.
  3. AshOck

    I've read all the anti higher TTK posts and this argument made the most sense. All you low TTKers just don't want quick reflex, excellent aim twitch gamers to dominate. Some of the other arguments were pretty good but just didn't cut it. Regardless though,
    everyone is mostly just arguing for whatever best suits their skills. Just as I am but at least I admit it :)
  4. WorldOfForms

    That's purely assumption. I'm not one of the people asking for higher TTK because I know it won't happen, even if I would prefer a higher TTK. However, I can live with it the way it is now.

    But guess what? My infantry vs infantry K/D fluctuates between 2/1 and 4/1. It never dips below 1. So I'm in favor of higher TTK, even though I'm the one doing more killing than dying. I know, it's unbelievable, right?

    For me, killing enemies in just a few bullets isn't as satisfying. The fight is over before it began. So yes, I do want the enemy to have more time to fight back.

    But again, I'm not asking for this to happen in this game because I know it never will. I'm just saying that assuming that the only player who favor long TTK are the ones doing all the dying is a huge leap. Instead, consider the fact that different people like different styles of gameplay.
  5. Pootisman

    most highend weapons, like serpent carbine or armstice smg, are basically instakill because they have crazy high dps.
  6. Tuco

    Until my ping matches what I was getting on a dial up modem in 1990's, around 50, I'm for higher TTK. This lag exploting makes for lame'as close quarters combat. Some of you are experts in it, but what you're really experts in is lame.

    Why is progress going backwards? At every conceivable level, progress in the entire gaming industry is going backwards.
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  7. Alzir

    TTK set low = best player wins

    TTK set high = best player wins

    What's the difference other than what the loser moans about?
  8. Tuco

    "Oh look at me I'm moving side to side and running around all the time to exploit lag, aint I cool. I take up a full 10 meters of the frontline cause I'm moving around so much. Hey stop hitting me in the back while I'm ADADADDDDADA."


    I dont' know what's more irritating; trying to shoot past friendly AAADDDDADADADADADADDA while I'm AADDDDADAAAADADDADADADDA, or trying to hit the enemy AADAADAAAADADADDADADA.
  9. Aegie


    TTK set low = good enough and you can take on multiple opponents.

    TTK set high = no matter your skill it takes so long to bring any 1 person down that you are always overwhelmed by numbers, positioning is a lot less valuable, and specific load outs are much more valuable (say hello to an upswing in RL primary shield+NW HAs) than skill; you cannot bring down anyone fast enough for you not to be spotted by everyone given your ridiculous tracers and have everyone focus fire on you, gun play becomes more about the ADADADADADAD spam dance- and the dance gets longer- rather than shot placement...

    I could probably go on but yeah, there is are differences between lower and higher TTKs and IMO, relatively lower TTK places more emphasis on position and shot placement (skill) and allows them to have a greater impact in the game than relatively longer TTK that places more emphasis on loadout, weapon choice, and sheer numbers.
  10. Tekuila

    If it takes more than 4 bullets to kill in close range... it's slow.
  11. DuckSauce

    Fix the sloppy head hitbox -> TTK Raised.

    Major TTK adjustments would require redesigns of everything from individual weapons to entire continents.


    Unless you want to continue arguing about high vs low TTK in theory. Which you do. Have fun! ...I guess :|
  12. Pootisman

    Its not when a weapon has 800-900 RPM, like the abobe mentionioned. You are dead in like 0.2 seconds.
  13. Halon

    If you increase the TTK like OP wants, the game will become even more of a population numbers game, and even more boring than OP thinks it is. Effectively marginalizing skill and tactics in favor of who has the most players shooting.

    I'm of the opinion that this game could be more lethal across the board.
  14. soeguud

    Should double TTK for all NC weapons because NC have Vanguard shield and are therefore OP and Waterson is evidence :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:.
  15. jiggu

    A major issue with the low TTK is how impactful lag is. And when I normally have 100 ping to these servers(thanks for implementing ping showing when TABing), my ping is usuallr 30-40 in other MMOs, you know this is a problem.
  16. Brainlaag

    A too low TTK with faulty hitboxes, unstable netcode and usually the lag you have when playing on servers that have to handle this amount of players is a lot worst than higher TTK. I definitely wouldn't want it any lower than it is now.
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  17. LT_Latency

    No it's not, Those numbers are just to help illustrate the problem.

    You will do more damage flanking in counter strike then you will in planetside.

    People are going to react faster and notice a stream of 15 bullets from a PS2 gun then a double tap to the head from a counter strike gun.
  18. LT_Latency

    I don't see the issue, I use the bolt action as one of my main weapons which is a one shot kill. I don't have problems with hit boxes or anything else.
  19. Brainlaag

    Once you go CQB, you never go back.
  20. LT_Latency

    I do everything still don't see the problem