Longshot vs. Railjack: Some Numbers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Planetdoge, Feb 27, 2014.

  1. Vaphell

    Yeah, it's also additional 0.2s for your target to flinch the **** out of you and ruin your aim, or budge and cause a near miss.

    At closer ranges longshot is not that different from insta-hitscan, at 20m we are talking 0.03s not 0.2s minimum. You click, dude dies.
    In my short aggravating session with failjack i actually died once because of delay in cqc. There was one LA who didn't see me and was in the process of spraying some dude down, without strafing so rather easy target. I "quickscope" if you can call it that way, put crosshair on his head asap, LMB, wait for it, he budged in the mean time, ffffuuu-, ... miss. He must have noticed that huge neon tracer in front of his face because then he sprayed me down too.
    Longshot would have put him down right there.

    At long ranges moves translate to very small angular movement from your perspective so you can track the target rather comfortably, but at closer ranges the angular portion of enemy movement becomes huge and 0.2s delay means trying to shoot 2m in front of a guy even at 10m in order to hit him.
  2. DevDevBooday

    You are completely right, in a situation where a guy looks at you at close range after you line up the shot and click, THEN he fires, then yes the Longshot is better.
    That does not make the Railjack a completely useless gun.

    Each to their own opinion but when Im shooting someone at 250 metres, I want to reliably and easily land that one bullet, the Railjacks almost hitscan velocity allows me not to need that follow up.
    OHK is OHK regardless of delay, and if its easier with one gun over another, I will choose it.
  3. minhalexus

    Please show me some footage where you can actually get a lot of kills at mid range.

    I'm pretty sure you still dont have any experience with this railjack.
  4. lothbrook

    So the railjack has an advantage at ranges where you can't even see infantry, NICE, lol...
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  5. Vaphell

    Does it kill, yes, sometimes, it has the raw dmg. But it's like going with a prison ball attached to your leg. Why would you do that to yourself?
    These situations where reaction times matter happen often, especially when you are aggressive and/or flank a lot. There are not many allies you can hide behind so there is a lot of direct pressure put directly on you.

    FJ is strictly worse than any other BASR at close/mid range.
    At best equal to SAS-R at 200m, but still slower
    At best equal to Bolt Driver at 250m, but still slower
    Never really reaches capability of Longshot.

    I thought LS could be considered overspecialized, but Failjack is off the charts in that department, it's so off that it actually lacks a niche.

    Please explain it to me like i am 5, how are you going to exploit that near hitscan velocity, if realistically the last moment of your control is LMB press because it triggers animation, recoil, muzzle flash and **** and you cannot trust your screen anymore. You are not going to correct for enemy movement during the delay, if you say you do i call BS. From LMB to bullet on target which is what counts it loses to Longshot at all distances.

    That 850m/s is a trap that titillates your senses with the ZOMG ITS SO FAST ONCE IT GOES OFF, but you don't see the forest for the trees.
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  6. TheBigHert

    I was told there'd be no math.
  7. DevDevBooday

    When i snipe i run up on top of a nearby hill, make some camomile tea and get comfy.
    I dont get myself into sticky close quarters situations when Im using my Longshot with 12x scope and when I do, my sidearm is a better option.
    When engaging a this range though my only limitation is the speed of the round. To fire and then they move or for them to be running and your bullet hits to much infront or behind.

    The Railjack is a great option because I am safe from harm most of the time anyway (reflex shots are not required, its all about relaxation and lining up the perfect shot.)
    With its velocity I can aim and fire and a split second later, they die, running targets are no where near as hard.
    Reload time and fire time and shot delays mean nothing to me up there on the hill.I dont need to be fast or quickscope. I snipe in the traditional sense, making that one bullet take a mans life, no follow up required. All thats needed for the Railjack to be better than the Longshot in those scenarios is to compensate for the delay.
  8. MarkAntony

    The cake is a lie.
  9. DevDevBooday

    I dont snipe at close/mid range, I snipe at long range only.
    Why the hell would I buy the Railjack for close or midrange sniping?
    Why would I use a BASR period for those situations?
  10. Vaphell

    Nothing you said changes the fact that you are better off with longshot in the exact same scenario.

    You see a dude running at distance X and feel like popping his head.
    With LS you put the crosshair 3m in front of the guy, LMB, headshot.
    With FJ you put the crosshair 4m in front of the guy, 2m eaten by the delay, 2m by the bullet travel time, LMB, headshot.
    Somehow you are telling me you are better off with a weapon that requires more leading (4m instead of 3m) because delay-lead somehow doesn't count.

    Assuming 0.2s delay LS and FJ meet at 560m after 0.85s. In other words it doesn't happen in this game, LS > FJ
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  11. DevDevBooday

    Uhh you do realise I can lead the target AFTER i click right? Im not committed to shooting at the same spot I clicked on. I click, lead, then the bullet fires. The delay is small and above all CONSISTENT so can be compensated.
    I just aim 2 metres in front, thats it.
    Its a pain sure but you get used to it.
    The delay is just there to hide the fact that its a Tier 4 gun.

    You are right in the fact that the difference is small enough that if you already have the Longshot its probably not worth buying the Railjack.
    But if you have neither and you like sniping from a long distance then I would say the Railjack is probably the way to go
  12. Nephi1im

    How so? The railjack is mathematically inferior to the longshot in every way. Why would you ever choose the railjack over the longshot if you're trying to use the most effective weapon?
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  13. Vaphell

    as i said earlier i call BS. Animation starts after LMB so you don't see **** and then after 0.2s the weapon spits out the bullet.
    Besides are you really telling me its easier to track a pixel across the screen with a steady hand for 1s (assuming locking on the target, going with it, pressing LMB and following for 0.2s due to the delay, with vision obscured by the animation) than putting crosshair in its path and waiting for the moment to press LMB?

    I called FJ a bushwookie toy because it offers no utility except on the edge of rendering distance and it requires comfy conditions with 0 pressure. Even if we assume that LS is 5% worse in that scenario, FJ is a brutal downgrade for everything else and that's not counting the high opportunity cost of unlearning traditional BASRs to learn to use this 'thing'.

    You are throwing away any shred of flexibility for maybe few percent better performance (perceived) in an extremely niche playstyle with a rock bottom spm. That doesn't make much sense to be honest.
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  14. DevDevBooday

    Because obviously unlike you my biggest issue with snipers is velocity, leading a target is the only issue for any sniper really, the railjack helps me insanely well with this.
    So for me its everything I ever wanted. Sure it takes 0.2 seconds to fire, but my victim wont be able to tell the difference when his brains splatter all over the ground. I will though because I probably never would have landed that shot in the first place with slower velocity.

    Alot of you talk about the Longshot like you run around inside biolabs jumping around and quickscoping. 'it has faster chamber time', 'it fires faster', 'velocity doesnt matter at closer ranges'

    Idk about you guys but sniping at render range is almost exclusively what I do, for me, chamber time, shot delays etc mean nothing to me. Whats important to me is velocity, and the Railjack has it in spades. I 12x scope all the way. The Railjack was made for this.
  15. Nephi1im

    What part of the railjack taking longer from click to hit do you not understand? It does not do anything but hinder your ability to lead a target. The velocity means **** when IT TAKES LONGER TO GET TO THE TARGET than actually any BASR, let alone the longshot. PERIOD.

    No one is talking like that. The simple (well maybe not for you) point is that under no circumstance is the railjack faster than the longshot in time between click and hit. PERIOD again.

    I won't comment on your playstyle, as it really doesn't matter. Do you just like see 850 mps and think its like "herp derp better"? The longshot hits a target at 300 meters 0.1 second faster than the railjack (PERIOD one more time). There is absolutely no feasible way you can say that is more effective than the longshot. You're more than welcome to like it better, but you are absolutely wrong by saying it is better than the longshot at any range. Again, you may prefer it, be better with it, be more comfortable with it than the longshot. That does not negate the fact that it is absolutely takes more time between click and hit than the longshot.
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  16. Epic High Five

    Because the SAS-R rules and is the best BASR for squad play?
  17. Revanmug

    Look at this
    If you can actually aim, explain me WHY you would use a weapon with mediocre handling and a much higher ttk than a bolt action around 30 to 250m in range?

    The conclusion is that you can't aim. You need a weapon with a higher rate of fire to cover your previous miss. Like I said, you are just another clueless and mediocre player.

    Those aren't attack but facts. If you don't like being told the truth, don't comment with entirely pointless argument and opinion.

    Don't know if someone corrected you but it's 250m OHK,

    SAS-R : 200m
    Bolt driver : 250m
    LA90 : 250m
    Longshot : 300m
    Railgun : 300m
  18. Vanon

    How is movie maker adaquate? I assume your pausing when the button is pressed and going to the frame where it fire's correct? How do you know when the button is pressed? There is no indicator when the button is pressed.

    Where are you getting your 95% confidence rating? Also with such a dramatic differnce between the two numbers, wouldn't it dictate user error, or an error in the testing method? Thats not a .03% margin of error. The difference is more then half the lowest number.

    Your attempting to find out what the "real" muzzle velocity is by comparing muzzle velocity to muzzle velocity + shot delay. For this to be accurate, the target must be standing still or the sniper must lead the target when the bullet fires, and not when the button is pressed. This is much harder as we have no indicator. Thus for most people, these numbers should only reflect non moving targets.

    Lets take a look at the numbers, which now relate to a standing target. The Railjack is better then the longshot between 418 and 615m. Max render distance for infantry is 300m last i checked. Even if you hack the ini to increase render distance, you have the max distance for a head shot to be an instant kill, which is 250 last i checked. I believe both of these numbers are hard capped despite the added damage to the Railjack, this would mean the Railjack is worse then the long shot in all distances, ranging from bad to slightly worse according to your numbers.

    Assuming the worst-case shot delay: at 150 m, the Longshot is about 0.17 s better than the RJ. At 300 m, the LS is about 0.11 s better than the RJ. At 450 m, the Longshot is 0.06 s better than the RJ.

    Are these differences in bullet flight times really that substantial? Does it really make the Railjack a garbage gun that should be categorically dismissed when placed alongside the Longshot?

    That's a decision for you to make.

    Personally, based on these numbers, I think the 0.15 to 0.23 second delay on the Railjack is no big deal compared to the advantages it offers (relatively quiet firing, 10 bullet magazine, badass aesthetics, etc.).

    Let the flaming begin.[/quote]

    It no longer has the advantage of a 10 bullet mag. Quiet firing is a sound effect, it still shows up the same distance on the mini map and thus is irrelevent, unless you honestly believe someone from beyond 50m will hear where its coming from and go there. The badass aesthetic i agree with but is subjective, and does not add to the gun's usefullness.
  19. Planetdoge

    I set the confidence to 95%, then found the t-score that corresponds to 95% confidence given 9 degrees of freedom (sample size of 10), which determines the margin of error. A higher confidence would have given a bigger margin of error (but what use is it to say "the true shot delay is between 0 and 30 seconds" with 100% confidence) while a smaller confidence would have given a smaller margin of error (but what use is it to infer the true shot delay with 50% confidence?)

    Which is why this is hardly worth talking about anymore. They completely destroyed the gun with that "fix."
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  20. Bape

    Dude the SIG such win lol. #SLUG LYFE