Login server was restarted, should be back up

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Veratu, Nov 24, 2012.

  1. Nyan

    Servers down AGAIN> Just had g37 error! Help!
  2. IceKnightOfEvil

    its 8K in total ok just saying
  3. wakkawa

    So, do our boosts tick down still?
  4. Veratu SOE

    I've updated launchpad to inform the community that it's being looked into. Thanks for your patience.
  5. Yil

    You guys rule, being that it's a holiday weekend you all going to deserve a long vacation at some point!
  6. ZOCOM

    Your comment was and is 100% correct i guess at times some of us customers over react
  7. Brandoid

    Got G37. First few attempts got me to 15% then 98% and back to 15%. Once I got to the charcter sceen, but the play buttom did nothing and server pops looked normal. now im at 15% again and I hope you guys can fix this soon
  8. Master Mace

    Hopefully the login server will not be a long term recurring issue.
  9. LTStutcov

    I think this is what I like about this game most of all. Compared to other AAA game companies this is really the only one I have ever seen the staff actually talking like a human being. Giving us regular status updates and joking around. I hope you realize how much this means to the community Veratu. Thank you very much!
    • Up x 1
  10. Lucius Trio

    Not seeing the launchpad updates. Do you guys have a holding page you can throw up on the launch pad if it's just an iframe?
  11. Nataraja

    Actually my over zealous math got corrected earlier to the 6K that is the total - 2K per continent (I remembered that but forgot that was the continent cap, not the faction cap.)
  12. Nyan

    Hm, so issue is up again or what? Any ETA?
  13. KoSGunny

    Seeing as this game was only recently launched from beta, I'm not holding server downtime against Sony.

    But I have a serious question:

    Are these server downtimes going to be a long-term issue, or is SOE looking into the issue to get it stabilized eventually?

    Because if I'm jumping in this game in 6 months, and it's still going offline multiple times a week: I'd think twice before spending my money here.

    Don't get me wrong I'm not spending $100 on this game as it's not that big of a priority to me, but I do plan to chip $20 eventually to save myself a little hassle in some of my more expensive unlocks.
  14. MisterAegir

    That's actually a really nice thought, as it'd be a great sort of feature for websites etc
  15. Brandoid

    Oh! Seems it's working. I just posted a moment ago about getting g37 and now it is working. Great.
  16. Kyias

    I logged in.

    Jaeger server
  17. Lucius Trio

    Give it some time. They may still be working on it. Don't assume they're done yet.
  18. [GE]Wing Zero

    For the people that do like to complain/freak out when servers are down. Why don't you go ahead and go develop your own game. Seeing as you complain like its all sunshine and butterflies and the magic MMO Fairy comes along and makes your systems and servers run 100% perfect. Things take time. I'm sure when the servers are up the Devs will make sure YOU ALL KNOW.
  19. Slic

    Identical symptoms as the Aussie server which, as far as I know has been resolved.
  20. KoSGunny

    Glad to see the servers are back online.

    But my previous comment (#114) still stands as a concern. If any SOE have time and knowledge to answer if there are plans for down the road, would be appreciated.