Lock ons should not curve around mountains

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Feench, Jan 28, 2014.

  1. CWorth

    This completely..

    I run my HA mostly setup to be Anti-Tank based so never carry an Anti-Air launcher on me at all.
    The only time I will go back and get that launcher is if some yahoo pilot decides he wants to start lolpodding our forces...then I am going swap to my AA launcher to swat him down like the annoying insect he is.

    Otherwise if he is up fighting our air if there is any and not bothering the ground forces then I will just ignore him and continue on my way as I will usually have my hands full with tank spam and such.

    And that is another thing...these pilots are the biggest hypocrites ever.

    So in their mind it is fine for tanks and ESF/Air to be spammed and overwhelm any ground force with immunity but when that ground force is given a counter to that spam making them have to actually pay attention then it is wrong...F-U pilots you get no sympathy from me after months of you having free reign before the AA launchers were put in.
  2. AdmiralArcher

    really you just have to ask yourself 2 questions

    would you rather have no lockons, forcing everyone to use the vastly supeior dual bursters, skyguards and AA turrets?

    or would you rather cert into flares and be a pro like levelcap and scourge and itzmurda?
  3. JustARandomNobody

    Remove lock on weapons. Give us skill based weapons instead, high velocity rockets with proximity warheads that reward aiming and skill. Pilots then can actually do evasive maneuvers to lessen the chances of being hit. Also, fix rendering so everyone has the same render distance ALL OF THE TIME. flak should be more effective than it currently is at longer ranges (the cone of fire on them is laughable), but other than that everything would be peachy.
  4. Goretzu

    No just flying into an area that is plain suicide (as it is in a tank or anything else, but the pre-nerf Harrasser) or not flying right for the conditions or just pushing my luck and hanging around too long.

    Without making a mistake (with flares anyway) no pilot should ever be killed by a lock-on, no pilot should really even be hit (but everyone makes some mistakes).

    It's strange exactly the same thing happens with ground vehicles, but people don't have the same sense of outrage if they make a mistake and are killed for some reason.
    • Up x 1

    Who has nothing better to do than annoy any THING! Sitting in his comfy little ESF.

    Because you know, you are definitely a better human being and most definitely you spend your free time in a better way than any one else on the planet.

    Flyboys are such entitled little punk pukes. And this dudes post proves it.
  6. CaptainYamerica

  7. Feench

    Except I'm not a flyboy. So there goes that theory.