[Suggestion] Light Assault can Carry 2nd Primary instead of Pistol!

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by Compass, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. Compass

    I am jenyus!

    Allow us to be able to carry a second Primary instead of a pistol. This must be different than the first primary (to prevent people from carrying 2 sets of grenade launchers).

    Available weapons for the second slot:


    This will allow LAs a huge increase in versatility without giving them a newfangled ability. Additionally, LAs will be able to carry, for example, both a silenced, and unsilenced weapon, or a close-range weapon and a medium-long range weapon.
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  2. Efferil

    Are we talking default ability or certable ability to have a 2nd primary weapon
  3. Lakora

    If anything I'd probably say a suit slot.

    Nano vs Weapon...
    Flak vs Weapon...
    Ammo vs Weapon...

    While weapon would be obvious thing to take... I'd still say it's a good choice.
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  4. Nyldar

    How many spare magazines would they get ?
  5. Compass

    Default ability. It would make the Engineer jealous. And would make the LA slightly but not very much beefier in CQC seeing as their backup weapon is also a CQC weapon.

    In other words, with 2 carbines, we'd be miniature HAs in close quarters combat <_<
  6. CoffeeBreak

    In beta before I understood how anything worked I assumed the shotgun was a secondary weapon because the game is so large and open it seemed silly to take a close range weapon.

    Now I do use a shotgun half the time, but I would still like it as a secondary because it's annoying playing jetpack ninja into a base wanting the shotgun for cqc and only being engaged by people from medium range once I'm discovered.
  7. Curse_Gamerkin

  8. Ghoest

    This is what I have always wished for the LA class.
  9. Scribe

    I think this would suit LAs very nicely as a default ability.
  10. kagekiri

    I posted the exact same idea while brainstorming about LA utilities, though 30 minutes later than you, without having read this thread yet.


    Stop stealing my ideas before I have them! :p

    Or are you just psychically implanting ideas in my head? Augh, tin-foil time!
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  11. ShumaKun

    Neat idea, but it will never happen. They should just give us ability to put c4 in tool slot and I will be happy with c4 + medkit.
  12. Lakora

    Well may be this is what they intend to do with that "Duel Wield" thing that wanted to add. :p Wishful thinking considering their choice of word but still.
  13. RHINO_Mk.II

    Only if it takes a significant amount of time to switch between them. Someone with a fully loaded Lynx+Jaguar could drop so many people without having to reload...
  14. AWACS

    I don't think having 2 shotguns at once will be a good idea...
  15. Metalsheep

    This seems more like a Heavy Assault kind of option.

    A light, fast moving skirmisher type class would be weighed down by two rifle type weapons. It just doesnt make sense to me for Light Assault. I'd say the LA should have to give up the Jetpack for the second Primary gun, but that takes away the point of the LA class.
  16. Lucidius134

    The COD class
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  17. TheWolf1973

    I think I know where you are going with this Compass. And I say make it so every class can customize their load out, like PS1.
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  18. Compass

    Overkill is not Overkill.

    Also, add killstreaks.

    3 kills, we get a Scout with radar.
    5 kills, we get an ESF flyby.
    7 kills, we get a hovering ESF rocket podder.
    9 kills, we get a Liberator with a Shredder
    11 kills, we get a Liberator with a Dalton
    13 kills, we get attack dogs zerg rush.
    25 kills, we get orbital strike.
  19. Lucidius134

    Roadmap LA Revamp: Dual Wielding

    I think that goe shand in hand with this suggestion. We need dual Jaguars/Serpeant/Whatevers.

    Dual wield underbarrel GL new anti-vehicle meta.
  20. Fallout10mm

    Wow...never thought I'd see a topic where see compass lose his mind. Unless this is just some wierd joke and I cant see the sarcasm. I'd love to carry two primaries I think it would be a bit OP, because I can just see every light assault with a carbine and a semi auto shotgun and getting massive kill streaks.