[Suggestion] Liberators can only be spawned if you own BioLab/Amp Station

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SiosDashcR, Dec 31, 2012.

  1. Rothnang

    If a faction is already losing it shouldn't get harder and harder for them to turn around the tide of battle, that's why this is a stupid idea.

    A slippery slope system where the winner gets a reward and it becomes easier and easier to push to a complete victory only works in games where the match ends and everything is reset. In a persistent world game that doesn't work.
  2. SiosDashcR

    Then like I said earlier - Why not switch the ability to spawn MBTs change for the ability to spawn Liberators?

    On top of that, because aircraft vehicles are roughly DOUBLE in speed, can elevate at altitudes where it's damn near impossible to get a shot - Aircraft vehicles spawning from Warp Gate doesn't hinder a warp-gated faction as much as spawning land vehicles from the Warp Gate.
  3. Being@RT

    The way I understood your suggestion was to disable lib spawning completely, including from warpgate, unless you own the enabling base, which is different from the situation with techplants and MBTs at the moment. Perhaps this is not what you meant though.

    But I still think that even the current situation with MBTs and techplants is not acceptable so whether I understood the suggestion correctly or not does not influence my views on it. The major facilities should be able to limit/enable specific types of vehicles through the resource loss/gain. Perhaps nobody should be able to pull MBTs or Liberators from a non-warpgate location, to make the attackers actually have logistical problems when they've pushed out far from their own warpgate and suffer attrition in their vehicle zerg.
  4. SiosDashcR

    Two things were being suggested (the latter suggested after someone mentioned the slippery slope.)

    First one was: Like the Tech Plant, which benefit allows the spawning of MBT in non-warpgate areas - To have an Amp Station (not Biolab) work in a similar function in that you can only spawn Liberators in non-warpgate areas if you own the respective base. Liberators can still, just like MBTs, be spawned from the warp gate.

    Two: If that's too much of a slippery slope - Switch the benefit of the Tech Plant to allow spawning of MBTs in non-warpgate areas, to Liberator spawns. That way MBTs can be spawned from non-warpgate bases without the requirement of a particular base, but to spawn a Liberator from a non-warpgate area - You must own the Tech Plant.
    • Up x 1
  5. Dryka

    Limiting liberator spawning somehow outside warpgates is pointless - most of the time people spawn them at the warpgate anyway. Not being able to spawn them closer to the front would be inconvenient, but not annoying. Libs are fast and can fly straight.

    Plus enabling MBTs everywhere all the time would be somewhat excessive. But i do agree that the facility benefits should be revisited. Especially the amp station, it's kind of weak. But that's for a different thread to be discussed.
  6. SiosDashcR

    Has this thread died? I'd like to see more feedback and suggestions, if possible!
  7. SiosDashcR

    Sorry for the bump but still think this issue should be addressed to some degree.