Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by x7xBillyDaKidx7x, Jun 19, 2014.

  1. Midnightmare

    We all knew the LIB was gonna get nerfed again

    Since SOE canty balance a game to save their own game!.
    The lib is still badly broken and always will be ! so it had like 15 months being of very very limited use.
    And completely useless for a team effort.

    And just being a farming machine........since SOE messed it up for 15 months they figured HEY!! if we give them 3 months of bit more team usefullness! they will be happy!!

    Personally i flew libs before the buff and now the debuff :p
    And i kinda miss the prebuff.

    Its just a broken plane since SOE cant tell the diffrence from a chopper to a plane -_-
  2. NC_agent00kevin

    Its just like tanking. Pick your loadout, do what its supposed to do.

    Now get some salve for your buttache; your farming crutch is gone :)
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  3. x7xBillyDaKidx7x

    The lib is the biggest target on the battle field. Therefore it should have a little more . give me flares with my afterburner !!
  4. WarmasterRaptor

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  5. Silver Fox

    Thank you for that, but I was more asking why he thinks there are only two air vehicles in this game.
  6. lionsta

    God damn, the liberator is twice the size of a tank, in result it should be allowed to carry more ammo. From 120 bullets to 40 is stupid. I tried libbing and i get killed only because i dont have ammo on my dalton so i can shoot those esfs that attack when i have 10 shots left. ITS TOO MUCH! It's not fun anymore... Give me my ammo back ! Make it atleast 60...
  7. WarmasterRaptor

    Being twice the size means absolutely nothing man...
    Ever thought that flying engines might take more space than a thread engine?
    That the shells are twice as big since they hurt as twice as much?
    That they carry ammo for three guns instead of just two?

    And god damn, I think that it's an intelligence issue lib pilots have now.
    I certainly don't want to sound mean, but when are you guys are going to use that brain of yours and understand that the f****** Dalton is a GROUND DESTROYER... please, try to grab this concept. Study it. Learn it.
    You'll discover that now, that gun doesn't do EVERYTHING since it's been SPECIALIZED.

    The old concept was totally unbalanced, now they have balanced it.
    It was the go to choice, the unfair choice, now you have to decide what you exclusively want to do.
    Not everything at once.

    C'mon people, it's not that hard to understand... stop crying over and over and over and over again that the anti-tank cannon doesn't do anti-air duty well enough. It's just... I don't know how to say it anymore... :(

    And btw, to all those doom sayers... If you were able to land that one awesome shot on the Esf to kill it, it still does it. You just can't get lucky anymore, you gotta be truly skilled, not awfully lucky by spamming all over the place. Get the good gun for it. Think about the tail gun maybe? which has the option for AA DUTY...
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  8. lionsta

    Did you even try to gun dalton? Before the nerf only skilled players could A2A with dalton , now because of the low ammo skilled players can A2A , but when you are at 10 ammo and even 1 esf attacks , if that esf piltot is good u need more shots to take it down. Giving only 40 shots took all the fun away, Nobody asked to raise the damage from 1700 to 2000 i think... i just want to have more ammo to protect myself from the esfs attacking , i dont give a damn about ground, its not fun attacking ground for me. Everybody was crying that tankbust was OP , well nerf the tankbust more, not the ammo of the dalton... If every weapon would be used for its main specialization- there's no fun. You clearly are not a liberator player and you think only in 1 direction, try to think in more ways...
  9. Ac3s

    You and everyone else not flying a lib are 100% wrong on this, a lib is an AIRCRAFT thus it has NO CHOICE between fighting in the air or on the ground, if en enemy ESF attacks you you are FORCED to fight in the air.

    Its very simple, a lib can NEVER attack ground as long as there are enemy aircraft in the sky, you always need to attack the enemy air first before going to the ground becomes even an option.

    According to your logic you could also just ignore enemy tanks when your in a tank yourself, how stupid would that be? Yet you keep slamming it in lib pilots faces that this is logic?

    Your crying pretty bad yourself, you've been in this topic from the beginning contradicting everything so I suggest you look in the mirror before telling us what we are.
  10. lionsta

    From all what you are saying i can see that you use only weapons for their specialization and dont get that shredder requires no skill to use. I, on the other hand like to use weapons for fun. This nerf happened because there are too many noob players that cry when they get daltoned because they got too close. You're arguments are only in 1 direction and that direction is use weaps for their specialization. ANY dalton gunner and LIB pilots that flies with dalton can agree with me. WALKER is useless when u get attacked by more then 1 esf, and if 1 esf attacks u need to be at full health to take it down with a walker. Say whatever you want but the nerf is too much and nobody with play liberator and i bet many skilled players that were A2A daltoning will quit game untill soe give atleast more ammo.
  11. LT_Latency

    The liberator can also fly all over them map very quickly and their is a little cover form it. If a tank is camping one side of the spawn you can go out the other side. A liberator could cover everything and kill every things because vertical cover is rare

    . You are basically required to get ride of the liberator so you can start playing again Which is why people shoot at it. If a liberator isn't shooting my infanrty unit I will shoot something else that is.
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  12. Ac3s

    True lionsta but I feel the shredder is the exact same ammo wise as the dalton, you can only fight for a short time and then your completely out of ammo.
    Only if you have a lib pilot that is tankbusting everything beforehand you a proper chance to kill stuff, if your not with a good pilot you cannot kill anything anymore AND you have to run back to an ammo tower at least every 4-5 minutes.
  13. WarmasterRaptor

    Oh god, sorry for having an opinion not being the same as yours.

    Ever though of being wrong in your life is a possibility? Or you're so full of yourself you can't fathom the possibility?
    Not my fault if every of your argument so far has the possibility to be refuted by a counter argument. That's being called an argumentative discussion. We exchange words. Trying to establish a better understanding by explaining and bringing ideas, facts, concepts into the discussion.

    From my side, I explain the specialization of weaponry, what the DEVELOPERS themselves brought on the weapons. I'm not making that up, read the patch notes and try to understand the words. Dalton spam to AA is not a viable option anymore. That's all. It shouldn't have been and will not be anymore. It. wasn't. supposed. to.

    So, if air is occupied, what to do? Oh god, I don't know, maybe get weapons to deal with AIR threats? Shredders, walkers, an ESF? Does that sounds familiar ? how many lib pilots were so entitled to tell ground pounders to "learn to fly and ESF" ? Well, try it too, clear the skies with an ESF then get your libby out! Or try a skyguard! Burster Max, etc. All the "simple" options. There's not only ONE way to play this game. Time to get a reality check, what pilots were "teaching" us to do. Why are libs pilot finding this so hard to understand? What part of combined arms is hard to do now that you pilots nagged us to learn?

    When have I said to ignore something? You're being imaginative there. Well that's good, apply that in-game to find solutions on how to deal wit air threats. There are many options offered on which you can build. Don't go there don't go into fallacy mode. What I didn't said is not said. You're making up **** now.

    And I'm crying? That's really funny! I forgot I was the one complaining over and over with the same argument that ESF hunting with an anti-tank gun was harder now. Guess I was confused.
  14. WarmasterRaptor

    Shredder no skill? Since when there was an auto aim on it? Or lock ons on it?

    Well, anyway, good for you, keep on using weapon for fun. It's even funnier now with less ammo, you have to make your shots count now instead of wishing for that lucky shot!

    And the hell with your one direction? You're the one asking for ONE weapon to do EVERYTHING... *facepalm*

    Well wow, when having to deal with multiple threats, a lib shouldn't be able to kill them ALL...

    Damn guys, you are so used to the old unbalanced Lib you can't see what was wrong with it!!
    Time to wake up!
  15. Silver Fox

    You haven't answered my question yet so I'll ask again. And let's get beyond this childish circle jerk of reporting posts.

    This is a serious question, that I was sincerely asking. What do you mean when you say there are only 2 air vehicles in this game to begin with? Are you not including one on purpose? If so, why?

    All three aircraft (soon to be four) have combat capabilities, and offer multi-role support to the battlefield. What point were you getting at?

    Edit: If it was a typo, just say so and stop reporting my posts.
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  16. r1stormrider

    Ahhh sweet liberator pilot tears. Welcome to earth you guys. You now have to think about what you're doing and exercise situational awareness and caution. You now have to specialize your role and make your shots count. You also require esf support like tanks need AA. Combined arms has finally been brought to the sky palace xp farm machine.

    Now you can't have your lib hover spamming all day with ammo payloads that were far too large to begin with. You see, ammo cap was actually a pretty big reason why the lib killed the game for many. You just never ran out of ammo. Just spam away, playing the game 1 handed clicking for points. Your room service for ammo is gone now. Just like everyone else it's off to resupply.

    Welcome to planetside 2 liberators!
  17. Sleestak

    IKR? It's actually great fun. Perhaps not as much as flying a lib, since you're more stationary, but still, great fun in and of itself!

    That's what gets me about the "nerf the lib" whiners. It really didn't take much to kill them before, it just required that you stop for a minute or two, quit farming the infantry zerg and dedicate yourself to removing a tactical threat.
    In a platoon? Have 1 guy from each squad pull a burster or skyguard. Problem solved.
    In a full squad? Have 4 heavies stop their rocket primary fest and grab a lockon, instead. Problem solved.
    Have one guy on command chat? Have him request ESF support in your hex.
    Have one guy pull an AA Sundy and either roam or plant it somewhere handy for a while.

    But, typically, folks can't be bothered to change their headlong rush with the zerg, and therefore demand SOE change the game to accommodate their myopic gameplay. This may be compounded by "leadership" who refuse to issue appropriate orders to deal with a threat, but DO listen to their zerglings' cries of dismay when they are blown up from above.

    Ever watch a Scythe hover up over the crest of a hill, PPA spam 5 kills, lower back down again, rinse and repeat 10x? If even 3 guys turned around with whatever infantry weapon was in their hand and fired, they'd likely destroy the ESF....but most can't be bothered. As for changing weapons/classes/vehicles, to fit the nature of the threat... don't even think about it.

    All that said, I have to agree with a lot of the comments that this uber-nerf was timed mostly to usher in the newer air vehicle. It will, predictably, be OP on release. People will rush to cert into it/buy it, and the skies will be filled with them. The zerglings on the ground will, once again, be forced to crane their necks upwards whilst wailing "why does SOE hate me? I just want to play Battlefield in peace!" Once sales have peaked, it will be nerfed to mediocrity like all other weapons/vehicles before it.
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  18. GaBeRock

    Hey, if the liberator is a ground destroyer, that shouldn't be allowed to kill aircraft, then I want the resistance buffs back, because tanks are ground destroyers, meant to kill ground.
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  19. LegioX

    Lets give everything back pre-patch, but only under 1 condition. You as lib and a big *** plane should act like one.

    1. Make it slow
    2. Cannot maneuver.
    3. No afterburner.

    There. Make the lib hard to shoot down, but also make it very slow. Make lib pilots be required to have escort or they will die very quickly.
  20. LT_Latency

    I think that is why they wanted to nerf tank AV guns speed.