Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by x7xBillyDaKidx7x, Jun 19, 2014.

  1. x7xBillyDaKidx7x

    Thanks SOE for ruining my game and all the time i put into my liberator !! Its is now worthless . I can think of a million other things that should have been dealt with before nerfing my lib to be completely useless. A gunship is supposed to be the most powerful piece in a war , now its pointless . I get shot down before i can even kill a few measley infantry !! And thanks for at least giving the duster a boost that still cant hit the broad side of a barn !!
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  2. Iridar51

    Thanks for ruining his game, SOE. Now he will have a harder time ruining the game of countless amount of other players.
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  3. Ac3s

    You and most other people who probably never play with a lib have no idea what your talking about, have you even tried to fly and gun with the lib since the new patch?
    Right now its like a flying harasser that needs to run away from every decent battle because your out of ammo in literally 3-4 minutes.
    40 Dalton bullets or 1000 shredder bullets, its not even enough to defend yourself when you have enemy ESFs on your tail, its utterly atrocious.
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  4. Hatesphere

    yeah, its almost like you should bring some of your own air to help you out...
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  5. Wobulator

    You know, saying that it's hard to utterly ruin the games of other people doesn't actually excuse ruining the games of other people.
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  6. Quiiliitiila

    The ammo nerf was kinda weird, and not really called for. The reverting of the armor changes was totally called for and appreciated.
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  7. Ac3s

    Yes because that's what a 3 manned aircraft needs, more aircraft around him to defend himself just to avoid from running our of ammo, your so clever!
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  8. Alarox

    A Liberator is useless? No, you are just dependent on your equipment the point where you need it to do most of the work for you.

    It is just baffling to me that people can be so out of touch with the rest of the game that they think a Liberator is useless.
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  9. Udnknome

    Actually, Now you have a reason to cert into Ammo. Honestly, what did you use before in that slot? The only stock vehicle I can think of that I don't have to re-ammo after 4 minutes of nearly constant shooting is..... well.. none.

    ammo nerf was much needed.
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  10. Hatesphere

    well yeah, the lib is a tool to be used after air dominance is established, it should not be sniping ESFs and killing ground units at the same time.
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  11. Ac3s

    Dude they can nerf the guns or whatever but the AMMO NERF is complete ********.
    You fight for only 3-4 minutes and your OUT OF AMMO, basically you can only fight for 2 minutes and then you need to bail out of the fight, that leaves you with about 200 bullets in the shredder left just in case you get an ESF on you.
    And even then its a big gamble because your going to run OUT OF AMMO in no time.
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  12. Alarox

    Pilots tell ground to just bring dedicated AA, which is much more difficult and restricting than requesting an ESF escort.
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  13. Ac3s

    Lol get out man, lib is in the air so it has to be capable of fighting enemy air, if you only fly a lib when you already have air domincance then its basically a zerg and you can't do anything to begin with.
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  14. x7xBillyDaKidx7x

    A lib takes the most coordination and communication to use it effectively !! I know most of you dont have either so it would seem easy to you, but its rather quite difficult when you shove a 150 round in someones face and they just run away .
  15. Codex561

    I am a liberator pilot and this was called for.
    Zepher and shredder nerfs were unnecessary while ammo nerf is just stupid. Didn't fly a liberator since patch and not planning to in the short run.
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  16. Jachim

    Give me more of your tears, libbys. I crave them.

    Edit: Also to make the post productive and not trolling:

    Who thinks these nerfs will actually change anything? Air is still utterly imbalanced because ground needs to actually get volunteers to stop having fun to stare at the sky to ensure they don't just come running back.
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  17. Hatesphere

    That's a joke right? I have random gunned many libs and gone on good streaks without a mic. It takes far more skill and teamwork to put a 12 man squad together and get them coordinated in a meaningful manner then it is to run a lib as a single unit. the only coordination required is a pilot and a gunner with a heartbeat.
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  18. Jake the Dog

    If I have to bring a skyguard with me everywhere in my tank you should have to bring an esf. (This is literally how I play, lucky for me my brother loves the skyguard)
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  19. Alarox

    Please, enlighten us.
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  20. EGuardian1

    Rather than a complete farming machine, the Liberator now takes some intelligence to use. Conserve your ammo instead of just shelling over and over and over - plan your 'air strike' rather than rely on more shells than the Lib should be able to hold in its bay.

    I'm perfectly fine with Libs having about the same ammo as a Tank, cuz you know, it can fly.
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