Liberator glitch or hacking?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Badname6587, Sep 5, 2013.

  1. Gnomemercy

    I've seen this myself being abused by both TR and VS on woodman, I started to notice at as soon as I hit a lib the repair animation would start...this is mostly being abused by the 2 factions airwings they have.
  2. IamDH

    ? :O

    Don't you mean NOT in a straight line?
  3. Izriul

    If it happened right away then it's probably the repair exploit. It's not a hack but actually an exploit so no third party programs used. I've not witnessed it in game myself, but I've seen videos on it happening and how to do it on this forum some months ago (BEFORE the FS update) so, it could very well be that.

    Report the player via a ticket rather than /report, it forces them to look into it properly. Exploiters should be banned just as hard as cheaters.
  4. WTSherman

    Wait, off topic a bit, but if cooldowns are tied to the pilot rather than the vehicle, doesn't this mean a Galaxy with 12 people could have infinite flares or practically infinite fire extinguisher? :eek:
  5. ronjahn

    That is exactly what this bug would allow you to do and it is most likely what the OP has been seeing in these libs. This bug has been around for a long time(since release?) so many players that have been around long enough probably know about it and use it. There was a recent thread about Vanguard drivers also using this for extra shields.

    It will work for every utility that has a cool down in the game on every vehicle in the game.

    Myself and 4 friends were able to keep my maxed out vanguard shield up in the warpgate for over five minutes by coordinating seat switching in TS. Achieving this in an actual battle would be totally impracticable, but it is a broken system none the less and needs to be fixed.
  6. JokeForgrim

    lol yeah none of my friends can fly libs or galaxies (let alone get kills with them (and a few can barely fly ESFs)) so I doubt I will be able to find 3 ppl who can switch and pull out of a nosedive. I guess strikers will keep annoying me. Mainly thinking a friend could switch in with flares while I keep my after burner and nanite.
  7. TheRealMetalstorm

    no, straight line. a lib with afterburners can catch up surprisingly fast to an ABing ESF. any turning you do will simply not give you enough distance between you and the lib to resume safe rotary dumping. you break off before he has the chance to dalton you, which he can't do unless he points his nose away from you (which is counterproductive if he is trying to close the distance to you). also, tankbuster is perfectly non-dangerous outside of 100m, at most you will be half hp. nano-repair works perfectly for ESFs.

    trust me lol i've had my fair share of flying hours.
  8. Phazaar

    This would be my theory too. Not sure if autorepair works the same (like is timed by the driver so repair is immediate if you switch), but this combined with the new fire suppression mechanic probably explains it quite well.
  9. Phazaar

    The exploit was fixed. Occasionally lag will create the same effect now, but I really do mean occasionally - I've got more than my fair share of thousands of hours in game and seen it happen maybe 5 times... You simply couldn't make this happen intentionally anymore :)
  10. Slavek

    I can say that alot of our lib pilots have switched to Fire suppression since it got a buff. It creates the repair flash effect when first activated so that may be what you are seeing.
  11. Czuuk

    Is it possible to stack the fire suppression repair by switching pilots?
  12. TheRealMetalstorm

    i dont know, and I don't think so. If the engine works the way I think it does.. AFAIK actor system and the things that the driver switch and various other nuances give away tells me that you'll probably "overwrite" the FS repair.
  13. Vixxing

    Well my friend! Take comfort in the fact when you ger a undeserved Striker lock "It could be worse it could be 10 really good VS elites killing me with Lancer without warning!"
  14. Kitakami

    Yeah, fire suppression and seat swap is the Occam's Razor explanation.

    I've dicked around in VR with friends enough to realise that some pretty impressive feats can be achieved through seat swapping. Needs voice comms to be practical though.

    As for belly-gunning ESFs, I had my first go at this recently with a Dalton and downed 3 ESFs on my first outing. I was amazed at how easy it was tbh. Unless the ESF gets above you, I think it's got a 50:50 chance of being one-shotted.
  15. P4NJ

    Happened accidentally to our lib once but I have no idea how to replicate it. Definetly a bug.
  16. theholeyone

    Sounds like what it was, but I would not be surprised if you could exploit the lag creating the same effect somehow. It has happened to us a while back so I just landed and we got out and in again to fix.
  17. TheRealMetalstorm

    you are fighting ****** pilots that would've died by flying into walls anyway

    you'll be hard pressed to kill a good esf pilot who has experience dealing with good lib teams.
    you'll need an esf buddy to successfully deal with it.

    also, use the shredder. it's far better than the dalton IMO.
  18. Kitakami

    Aye. I could've and probably did just get lucky. But I suspect that happens a lot, in any situation in this game.
  19. Goretzu

    It's a bit like mozzis that have flares and radar. :confused: