Liberator glitch or hacking?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Badname6587, Sep 5, 2013.

  1. Badname6587

    My outfit has been compiling video of several really questionable liberator tandems. What we have noticed is that their repair flicker - the highlight on the vehicle when it starts repairing starts immediately after they take damage on the first hit.

    We have video of a few different pretty well known tandems on the waterson server doing this and we are comparing it to lib tandems who are not that "experienced" as well and have noticed that they do not flicker upon first hit. Is this a known bug that these players are using (mostly tr - LIBZ/NUC and vs-ZAPS) are using or is this a straight up hack that is out there. I'll be posting our final video compilation. We have video of us hitting a liberator with 8 hawks (4 players) and it not even on fire or smoking. It's pretty damning stuff - no flares - no fire suppression. Just afterburner on the libs, probably auto repair max (or maybe not), and racer or high g on the other lib. But afterburner for sure.

    Have you guys noticed this on your servers? Some liberators going down like swiss cheese, others living ungodly lengths?
  2. Badname6587

    What started our curiosity was that someone in our squad asked for a liberator because they were out of resources. What the owner of the liberator noticed is that when they started taking damage - they immediately repaired. This player that was in the liberator - plays all 3 factions and im sure you'd recognize the name on waterson. He streamed the vehicle loadout as well - you can see the lib taking damage - and then repairing instantly - without the damage delay that normal libs would have to wait for.
  3. DashRendar

    I have a video going 1v1 with a solo Lib where I saw the same thing. I figured it was a visual glitch. If it turns out to be a hack, then I guess we've pretty much deflated many of the more "leet" outfits on the server haven't we? The ones that always seem to have a lib or two up in the air killing everything and anything.
  4. Selentic

    Fire suppression.
    • Up x 7
  5. Admiralty

    Fire suppression when activated repairs you a certain % over time since like 3/2(?) game updates ago.
  6. isaidhi3

    This is definitely fire suppression. The repair flicker shows that it was activated. You may not see the fire or smoke due to rendering issues.
  7. 6pecx

    I have seen this to that shimmer across the lib or galaxy allot lately.

    even 9 AA rounds and a small bust from the main gun doesn't kill some libs.

    There was this galaxy the other night that was almost invulnerable it took more damage from multiple aa, syths and libs chasing it then any galaxy i have encountered before.

    I dout this is any cheat probally a bug from the last few game updates or lag but it is possible just like the dolton killing people in spawn rooms on some outposts around the bio labs probably a glitch or bug
  8. isaidhi3

    Also, it is a common lib tactic to activate fire suppression when they fisrt get shot, so that they might be able to activate it later in the fight once more.
  9. DashRendar

    Could be, but if he says he knows the lib had afterburners on it for sure, then it couldn't also have FS. Also it seems like someone in his squad has first hand evidence of this behavior from flying someone elses' lib (who he didn't mention).
  10. Admiralty

    Let me just add that it is common for the pilot to repair almost instantly since the CD is quite long so repairing at the beginning is better than using it towards the end of your Lib.
  11. isaidhi3

    How can he know? I'd like to see the video.
  12. Admiralty

    I don't know what source you are using, but how does he know if a Lib is using AB? It's hard to tell unless he is performing a RM.

    +the effects of the AB on the Lib is less prevalent than on an ESF too.
  13. DashRendar

    Well I didn't see his video, but the Liberator RM is rather unique in its effect. It's quite easy for me to tell whether or not an enemy lib is using AB simply because within 5 seconds he ends up going from equal level as me to 100+m above me with his belly facing me. No ESF can climb that fast, and Libs without AB climb slower than ESFs.
  14. TheRealMetalstorm

    just so you guys know, vehicle ability cooldowns are tied to the driver, not the vehicle. they probably swapped gunner/driver multiple times.
    also, fire suppression heals you even if you're not on fire, and causes the repair flicker. it makes sense to activate when first shot, since they have 1 more shot in "reserve" in the gunner seat , and chances are the CD will be over before it needs to be activated again by the same person anyway

    keep 300-400m distance, stay in hover mode, reverse as needed to keep distance/altitude, empty rotary mags into lib, break off in straight line away from lib if he gets too close. rinse and repeat until lib decides to go away, die, or you run out of ammo.
    • Up x 3
  15. Badname6587

    Fire suppression returns health, it doesnt repair like a tool IIRC - the damage return is similar to what you'd see if you were straight repairing or with autorepair of some kind.

    Aimbot hacking on libs has pretty high rate of return i'd imagine. lining up that tank buster gun on rolling ESFs going 220+ while banking, diving happens alot. I dont know why people choose to do these things, maybe they are that good.. but its pretty sketchy given 1. SoE does not have a hack detection system that seems to work well because of the clientside fundamentals of this game 2. Its ftp so cheaters once banned - just start over on another account like nothing happened.
  16. TheRealMetalstorm

    btw, tankbusting an esf only takes a fraction of a second, no need for tracking esfs, just fire into where they will be, drag the pipper in the direction it will be going (so the impact point drifts from front to back of the esf), and in a seriously tiny fraction of a second you will kill it.. it might seem like perfect aim to newer esf pilots. go watch some youtube videos for the lib pilot's POV.
    i dont fly libs, mostly ESFs.
  17. JokeForgrim

    Max Level Nanite Repair takes 8 seconds without taking any damage.

    If you want a small "instant repair" use Fire Extinguisher. Max level repairs 12% health over 4 seconds and can be activated once every 45 seconds.

    So thats my Guess? But if they have afterburners then they cant have Fire Ext so yeah?

    Also 8 Hawks that all hit should def destroy it... Nanite or Not. Unless they dodged or outrun them.

    Guess I will wait for the video as it sounds rather un-legit. I would just /report them and let the Mods sort it out.
  18. JokeForgrim

    Didnt think of that... Switching driver... thats genius. Guess I got a new trick.
  19. Vixxing

    Yes but dont waste it on fire suppression FLARES! you now have a metod to deal with Strikers! (3 ppl=3flares) you can almost pop them as fast as they lock on, bit confusing and a bit of musical chairs in the lib but it works...
  20. eldarfalcongravtank

    there's an autorepair exploit in the game (if it hasn't been fixed already). i am neither going to tell you guys how to do it nor am i hundred percent certain it was said glitch in this case. nevertheless, there's a possibility you can do that exploit with your repair tool, that is, do the required 'repair combo' with your repair tool on your vehicle, hop in and let the vehicle autorepair whenever it takes damage.

    i have had my vehicle gunner do this once on my magrider. whenever i took damage it quickly autorepaired with the typical white flashing around the vehicle's hull. nobody had to stand outside to repair it, it did it by itself. i asked him what the hell that was (he didn't answer) and then ditched the magrider the next second because i didn't want to get caught exploting in this game.