[Lets Talk]Shotguns and C4

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by nkenny, Jan 16, 2013.

  1. Amouris

    Stopped reading there Infils with shottys was bad, because of latency they wouldn't appear till they had fired several shots which with a shotty was all you needed. Infils are slated to get SMGs soon so you will have a close quarter option.
  2. Dr. Euthanasia

    Where in my post did I imply that anything works properly right now? Neither the knife nor the cloak are nearly effective enough, but that doesn't mean that we should overlook fixing them both in favor of adding a weapon which actively contradicts the class's theme.
  3. Good_Kitty

    Maybe you should play in your own region
  4. klor

    They still two shot everyone, in the beta they one shot everyone.
  5. blzbug

    Firstly, who is deciding what the class "theme" is? The cloak is a tool. Why can't the player use it however they see fit?

    Second, if the "theme" of the "infiltrator" is to use their cloak to sneak behind the enemy, they should have a decent CQC weapon to use when they arrive. If the shotgun doesn't fit your idea of the infiltrator, dont use one. I personally had a ton of fun with the shotgun in beta (post nerf). I even kept mine equipped after they removed them from beta. They had to pry it from my cold dead hands when the beta characters were wiped LOL

    The devs screwed up with the crazy OP shotgun when it was first released. The outcry doomed the CQC infiltrator from that point up until today. The scout rifle was supposed to be the fix, but they are pablum. Now they're coming out with the SMG. Maybe that will be the fix? They *could* just give us the shotgun, but then we wouldn't have to spend cash or certs on the new SMGs...

    I played mostly cqc inf during beta. Now, except for specific circumstances, I hardly touch my inf (that sounds bad...) Inf with shotgun and C4 would regain my full attention.
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  6. OldMaster80

    Shotguns: NO. Because Infiltrators' role is not to be close quarter killing machines. It doesn't have to be like this. If you want to deliver high damage output at close range you should switch to another class. Infiltrators should be spies, saboteurs, do recognitions, deceive the enemy, lower base defenses, jam communications and operate quickly and silently so that the enemy doesn't even understand what is going on. Shotguns are not the weapon for this kind of class. Dual pistols, silenced pistols, better knives, toxine injectors would be, but not shotguns.
    Then they say shotguns have been nerfed. But honestly I still consider the days when Infiltrators had shotguns the worst mistake devs made so far, I'm glad they changed their minds.

    C4: yes, there's no reason why we can't have it. Even Medics can deploy (why Medics?? WHY!?!?). It's actually impossible for us to be saboteurs, as we don't have a way to make explode important targets. Imho C4 should be removed from Medics and moved to Infiltrators.
  7. Good_Kitty

    Yes, anything that only chips your shield ability right?
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  8. Deathcapt

    Because people doing this with drifter packs are Clay pidgeons, anyone paying attention just shoots them out of the sky. I've ran on foot, through an enemy platoon to mine sunderers, if people are asleep, it's easy to make things look strong.
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  9. blzbug

    Who says? If the inf is willing to run his poor camo low health self into close quarter range, why can't he have a decent tool to use once he gets there? Each class has a tool to help them in combat. HA shield, LA movement, MED heals. It is up to the player to use their tool however they want to. Short range, long range, support, AV, whatever. The infiltrator's tool is their cloak. Why can't the inf use their tool to assist them in combat? close-quarters-combat. Say what you want about the quality of the cloak, it is a useful combat tool. What inf lacks is a decent weapon to use once they get into CQC. I'm sorry you got buthurt by an inf during beta, but that's a YOU problem.

    All the other stuff you mentioned (better pistols, knives, toxin, etc) sounds great! Too bad we don't actually have any of that. Maybe SMG will fill the role (spending some extra SmedBux of course). We HAD a good working solution in the shotgun. SOE screwed the pooch.
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  10. Makora

    We're getting SMG's so I don't think shotguns are in the "NEED!" category right now. You could technically use a sniper rifle as one though... semi-automatics are very good as panic spam guns.
    As for C4, I remember back in beta there was a "Satchel Charge" never implemented, but the cert was in the game (for 99k certs). I've always wondered what that was. Two C4's put together on the glue side so you couldn't stick them to anything? A timed charge? Whatever the case, I'd love to have something like this. (Or an anti-materiel rifle)

    If what you say is true, and LA can quadruple the effect of their special... I call great injustice! If I could merely double the length of my stalker cloak, I'd be rolling neck deep in happy. 12 seconds of cloak is just enough to run out when you least need it to.
    This just makes me sad.
  11. LeanV

    Lol it was the most awesome thing ever when the "shoot whatever the hell you want while cloaked" bug was around. It was obviously a bug, and it was eventually taken care of, but I'm still convinced THAT WEEK was what removed the shotgun from the Infil's arsenal. (lost it soon after that)

    If you were sneaky enough, you could pretty much go into any room with an auto-shotgun and just murder EVERYONE. For one magical week infiltrators... were actually INFILTRATORS.
  12. Zombo

    The cloak of infiltrators is the worst i've ever encountered in any game, you look like the weird cloak from predator1, just that you don think you took LSD when looking at it

    The cloak should be the same with every graphic settings, being the low quality settings cloak

    you are VERY hard to see then, and almost completely invisible when standing still and crouching

    i don't know why the devs made it so f***ing hard to play infiltrator, and it's not even that important of a role as a whole

    the only thing we can do is hacking turrets and maybe spawn a ninja sunderer in their base with hacking the vehice terminal, but only when no one at all is looking and you have decent backup spawning in directly after doing that

    Either they give us a cloak that has no depletion timer, or they give us a cloak that ACTUALLY makes you invisible, else it is just outright horrible if any skilled player is around, you just get f***cked over and over
  13. Dr. Euthanasia

    Because all of the class's tools should fits its theme. Shotguns aren't necessary for ambushing enemy players, and they're too effective at killing without any subtlety whatsoever. We don't need them on the stealth class unless their addition serves as the final nail in our stealth mechanic's coffin: a statement which says "Stealth will never be effective, you'll be better off using this gun to kill everyone who sees you".

    Again, it's not necessary. A better knife would accomplish the exact same thing without pushing the Infiltrator towards an in-your-face playstyle which goes against the very definition of the name. It's not about what I'm comfortable using, it's about what giving such a powerful weapon to our class implies about its role. We need to be better at avoiding players, not killing them, and there's only so much power we can ask for before it becomes too much. I know what I want to play the Infiltrator for, but it sounds to me like you'd rather the cloak stay as the piece of trash it is, if it meant getting a weapon which would make you essentially an inferior LA.
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  14. Good_Kitty

    a knife with a lunge maybe lol
  15. iller

  16. Anomalous

    To be honest any class that claims to be a "Light" class or related to a light class should not have the capability to kill a vehicle with a couple of bombs...that's not very light at all!, Perhaps with a heavy cert cost you could get a single C4 for your light and infiltrator, that could allow you to kill some MAXs as a reward without going too overboard with the damage output.

    I don't understand why they wont allow an infiltrator to carry a shotgun, and yet let a light assault carry a shotgun AND C4....

    If there was penalty for lighter classes holding heavier weapons and devices it could potentially balance things out between maneuverability and firepower.
  17. Aalbatross

    You guys know you can kill someone with three body shots at close range with the semi-auto sniper with 1X/2X reflex, right?

    It's pretty similar to shotgun play-style, except you need to aim down sight 'cause the hipfire sucks. On the flipside, it's still awesome for mid-range DMR style as well.
  18. Daemoth

    An idea for for a CQC weapon instead of the shotty would be an alternative melee weapon unique to the Inf ( like a katana, light saber, whatever) to replace the knife. It could 1-hit kill any class but only if you hit the target from behind. To be balanced, it would have 1 to 0.5 sec delay before slashing (while you draw the weapon) and about the same time for the cooldown. So you would have to be at least 2 sec not cloaked to use it.
    Also, while im at it, another neat little trick the inf could use, could be a turret that shoot tracer round and spot enemies for you. The turret could also have an hologram that would look like youself, so it would also act as a convincing decoy.
  19. Flag

    Yes, we can. But it's not easy and is half-reliant on getting the jump on them. And if it's a attentive HA, probably not.
    And if we go with the scout rifle(the one that can fit "normal" scopes) we give up most of our advantage at range.

    The scout rifles(Artemis and NYX for VS) are functional, but very lackluster and especially the Artemis(the full auto one - 20 rounds) has this feel of do or die. Either you get your kill, or you're out of ammo and have to chance it with the gun, or try to leg it.
    Or if you're crazy, try the knife, which is prone to not dealing damage at the most inconvenient of times.
  20. Dr. Euthanasia

    I'd rather that it be an equippable weapon than have a lengthy delay between each attack. Melee hit registration in this game is completely unreliable, and punishing missed shots even more heavily than the existing knife doesn't strike me as a great idea when you can arbitrarily miss someone straight in front of you after landing a hit from even farther away from them.

    ...That said, though, this really doesn't strike me as the kind of game to have swords in it. All the knives can already be activated to become more effective (in their description, not in-game), so I'd rather just see that implemented properly by having the melee key take out your knife and turn it on, thus "equipping" it until you turn it off and switch back to another weapon. Give it a significant damage bonus to the front and an instant-kill to the back... it could be pretty effective if done right.