[Lets Talk]Shotguns and C4

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by nkenny, Jan 16, 2013.

  1. nkenny


    This is a cross post from the Light Assault forum, its creator, Paqu, showcases this video and many others of his exploits with drifter jets, shotguns and C4. Now view the video, its safe to skip 04:00 minutes in. Done? Now, tell me, why can't the infiltrator have Shotguns and C4?

    Paqu's clever use of the jetpack permits him to bypass the main push of the enemy, more often than not he arrives at the enemy sunderer nearly unopposed. Striking from ambush, he employs an ample supply of HE grenades, and more importantly C4 to not only decimate the enemy, but destroy the vital AMC/sunderer; Paqu's effort blunts the assault, diverts attention, and thereby provides meaningful damage to the enemy push.

    Teamwork. One can argue that suicide C4 bomb runs are detrimental to gameplay, but as is, that very potential already exists within the game. In all fairness, a dedicated heavy or light assault could have countered Paqu's enterprise, but the enemy appears disorganized and lacking in communication. I shudder to think what two or three similarly equipped Light Assault troopers would have been able to achieve in a similar setting in a similar amount of time!

    On the forums the argument rages: infiltrators cannot have shotguns or C4; this would be overpowered. Yet Paqu has just ably demonstrated that the Light Assault class is already capable of sneaking up close to attack vital enemy assets-- and notice ladies and gentlemen-- all this without breaking the game.

    Cloaking is just a different way of harnessing mobility. Not unlike a jetpack, cloaking gives the ability to move where others cannot. The infiltrator should be just as viable class as any other; it is unfair and inconsistent that the infiltrator should have no relevant CQB ability, nor the means to damage or harass enemy vehicles.

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  2. Daimond

    Ill first start off saying im for C$ but not shotguns on this class.
    Now I first saw that video post a few hours ago in LA forums. My first thought while watching was, WTF? next thought, are these bugged or is he a hacker. I then puased vid and went through 2 pages of posts to his vid, never saw one comment about bug or hacker mentioned, witch I though was strange. So I watched full video and after a bit cam to the conclution, ok I dont mind them getting longer drift time, but WTF on the recharge, its so damn short.
    I then began to time both several times and take the average of readings of 5, on a few of his drift runs to make sure he was doing full burns I figered this must be max upgraded. Ill stat the results in a min, I then Jumped on to another guy that had Certs free. I got lvl 1 drifter and commensed time runs at lvl 1, did 10 tries just to make sure.
    Drift time 6.5 s
    Recharge 13 s
    Now after getting these numbers went back to other vids and looked into them more to get more time runs as somehtings not right. average of 5 on about 10 full burn jumps he did. thats 50 Time runs.
    Drift time 25 s
    Recharge 6.5 s

    ok so first off why are they getting such an increats in the ability? and not to mention a 50% reduction in time to full rehcharge? so looked up reg jump jets, max stats both increase there as well, 40% increat to jet fuel, and 60^ increase to recharge rate. WHAT?
    Looked up drift jets, stats nothing but each lvl increases Drift time. stats nothing about amount and certinly nothing about faster recharge. So I went to numbers, 6.5 x 400% = 26 s ...... HELLO.... really 400% and faster recharge?
    So let me get this strate, this games all about to get something you have to give something, or you get a little for nothing. This works in manything in this game, witch goes for all other class abilities HA, ENG, INF but not them. They Get 2 things while giving up nothing on not just Drifter jets but there jump jets as well.
    Now lets look at this HA, upgrade that, rechage rate is faster, shield dont get better though or longer, lest with my minor amout I could cert into. ENG - Repair gets faster, rechage not any faster though, and seems to gain about same XP. ENG ammo pack, stays out longer, does no despence more ammo or faster, and no better XP.
    INF - lvl 1
    12 s cloak
    12 s recharge
    lvl 5 - 50% boost to recharge only
    12 s cloak
    6 s recharge
    The cloaks Time does not increase, our visability does not decrease, there is no difference in any way but but for recharge rate.

    So why again does this class not only get there abily 2x uped with no down sides to it, but also in such a drastic way to boot that they aso get a bonus along with it?

    Now im always against calling for a Nerf Bat but...
    This is totaly absure, and needs a good nerfing with the biggest bat that can fit on the cont, or give these kind of augments to all. Far as im consered there drifter pack should of had a substantial increase to there recharge to go along with that absurd 400% increase.

    and yet several Dervs have said LA needs some love first. Ya they need some lovn with a nerf bat first sure. What do you think they play the most? We all know its definatly not Infil's.
  3. icesail

    I want drifter pack for my sniper......... I will take it with same run time and recharge time as our cloak. I am soo tired of killing myself when getting down from stuff.
  4. Daimond

    I would love this to would let me get to a few odd places, but not thoughs numbers they get. Ill take a 50/50 version, but I also now think out cloak should also be lest 50/50. +50% cloak time -50% recharge time, sounds fair right?
  5. Good_Kitty

    Shotguns are far from over powered. People only say that because they are ******* that played a week or 2 before release and didn't realize that shotguns as a whole got nerfed. Shotguns were over powered for EVERYONE back then.

    Heavy infantry buffs are just scared of the infiltrator that comes up behind them with one. They wont get a chance to hammer their jump keys and spray their infinite ammo guns until you die.

    **** anyone who says shotguns are too op for infiltrators.
  6. Lucidius134

    Reminds me of the shell shock people go into when the initials "BFR" are uttered. BFR's got nerfed way after release but people still flip out.
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  7. Good_Kitty

    They could limit the nova shotgun to infiltrators. It has no spread and has to be aimed. IMO its a more difficult shotgun to use but I prefer it for medium-short range.
  8. SquirrelWizard

    the reason we dont get a shotgun or C4, is the community acts like we have a noiseless perfect-invisibility cloak that isn't on a duration, we can fire from cloak, our cloak isn't readily defeated in CQC by a 30 cert optic, we have similar health to them, and we have a sniper rifle as a side arm equip rather than a primary equip.

    And the devs have bought into this and "balanced" as such.

    The truth of the matter is that there is no reason we shouldn't have had access to these equipment. A Light Assault does everything an Infiltrator would do with a shotgun and C4, and would do it better. As it stands, the closer one gets to the enemy, the worse cloak becomes. Jump Jets allow for verticle movement which allows for more alternate points of entry and attack. An Infiltrator has to use his 12 seconds of "Camoflage" to move on a limited battlefield like the other infantry (save LA). LA is superior in getting the jump on players through his third dimension of movement which results in players who are unaware of his position and easily killed before they can react.

    Yet, the main argument against Infiltrators getting shotguns is that we will stealth up and kill people before we even know we were there.

    The same inconsistency in community (and Developer) outlook is apparent with C4. An infiltrator would have to sneak up to a tank, decloak to place a brick or two of C4, and then move away. The combined 1 second decloaking time coupled with the loud decloaking would result in the tank moving, or a gunner hosing the infiltrator down. If the infiltrator were to sneak up without his cloak, then he has gone through exactly the same thing an engineer, medic, or heavy would had to do, but the difference is those classes have C4. Light Assault has it easier in this department though, in that they can fly over a vehicle and deposit the C4 in midair without losing momentum.

    Yet, how many people complain about Light Assaults dropping C4 on vehicles? I think I've seen more threads complaining about Anti-Tank mines than C4. Nevermind that the actual explosive that Infiltrators get (Anti-Personel Mines) cost twice as much as the engineer's mines who have a wider selection of explosives at their disposal.

    In the end, the developers are castrated by the fact that they have designed the infiltrator as a long range sniper specalist with some (relatively useless) hacking ability. The problem lies in the game itself as a death has no meaning therefore sniping has very little value beyond score, and anywhere the infiltrator could be useful cannot be sniped from. If we do switch to a CQC setup, we are often giving up our strength (sniping) to play a watered down variant of the Light Assault, who are much better equipped for the job.
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  9. Dr. Euthanasia

    I'm honestly not a fan of the idea of giving shotguns to Infiltrators. Tools for sabotage like C4 are great, but the only purpose for a powerful weapon is to engage enemy players, and directly at that. Direct engagements are often unavoidable right now, but giving the class tools to win these fights rather than avoid them simply doesn't fit with its established identity. What do you need a shotgun for when you have a knife? It's not like it matters which weapon you use when you're shooting someone in the back.

    It's acceptable for the Light Assault to have highly effective weapons because they're always highly visible. Not to imply that we aren't, but I would rather solve that problem with some dramatic improvements to our cloak than make us another LA without the advantage of vertical movement. Would it make our class OP? Of course not - we'd still be inferior to the LA - but that doesn't mean it's the right direction to take either.
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  10. Lucidius134

    UNcloaked infil vs Uncloaked anyone else class

    You forgot the 100 HP difference too!
  11. SquirrelWizard

    I touched on that earlier on at the beginning of the rant when I was describing the bogeyman that seems to haunt the other players and the Devs.
  12. Silver Pepper

    Anyone else remember the shotfiltrators from Beta?
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  13. Lucidius134

    Again, only because they could shoot while decloaking
  14. Gypsycream

    Pretty much this, combined with the fact it was the first time people could effectively play a CQC infiltrator. You had a ton of players wanting to play a CQC infiltrator, a ton of players completely clueless to what the man-shaped blur running towards them was, and then a ton of QQ on the forums when their entire squad got owned by ridiculously OP shotguns.

    But saying that, I'm glad they removed shotguns from infiltrators, that CQC assault role is filled up by the LA already, and once they do decide to give infiltrators the tools necessary to actually infiltrate, I would hate to think it would need to be balanced with the jetpack's abilities.
  15. gunshooter

    What in this video is relevant to Infiltrators?

    The last thing Infiltrators need is a band aid fix of a better weapon. Infiltrators could theoretically be fine with just a pistol if cloak wasn't so bad and if we had better hacking.
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  16. Adamar09

    How were shotguns OP in the beta, longer effective range?
  17. sideshow

    So. Much. Fun.

    <3 Nova.
  18. Good_Kitty

    shotguns in beta bloomed less, were more accurate and did WAY more damage at close range than they do now. You could kill someone in 2 hits from the hip if they werent Heavys. This however has been nerfed.
  19. Good_Kitty

    How the **** do you use a knife on a server of laggy people? Especially when you are sprinting and hit your knife skill you slow down to a crawl. You cannot catch people with a knife unless they're standing still. You may as well be using a silencer on a sniper rifle.
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  20. Good_Kitty

    The only game I've ever played with successful knifing was MAG for PS3. In that game you had 4-5 types of armor which gave you less armor and more run speed due to weight. You could also put certs into how fast/frequent/range of your knife swipe. We dont have this and that being said knifing isn't viable for planetside 2.
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