Lets buff some stuff

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by CMDante, Nov 27, 2017.

  1. Oleker2

    I saw a ZOE max a few days ago... He show'd up on the doorway with ZOE active and got evaporated by a rocked launcher... Single shot, not sure if he was damaged.
  2. Insignus

    As someone who has advocated for or against, as balance demands:

    AA, Liberators, tanks, tank armaments, pelters, and others, I'm going to put out the following:

    Stop asking for AA to be buffed. Its in a decent state now, when it perhaps needs a slight tune-back. Liberator was recently buffed back from its post-CAI state. Ranger needs a debuff. This is a non-negotiable point.

    Pelters do need a buff, because it was caught up in a blanket rocket pod nerf that effectively put it back to pre-CAI state.

    New gatekeeper mechanic is actually kind of nice. I would agree that C75 could use a slight ammo tune-up, but halving the COF is too much.

    Tank Cannon bullet drop was an explicit nerf in CAI. It is highly doubtful that they will adjust it back.

    Hellion's problem isn't so much the damage as the velocity. Its an issue of getting rounds on target in the first place.
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  3. Rydenan

    It's also the worst-performing LMG in the game. Full-stop. Bottom of the barrel. http://stats.dasanfall.com/ps2/items/weapons
  4. Humoreske

    Suppression power of NC AI MAX is too low. Reload starts immediately, so you can not push enemy forces.
    TR/VS AI MAX can easily push enemy forces with keep clicking.
  5. jettblakk

    Buff all the things. Weapons should do damage, lots of it, quickly.
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  6. Turekson

    Lets show some love to the MCG. It's depressing to use as it is.
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  7. Lord_Avatar

    Right there with you.
  8. Icehole1999

    I was trying to pass myself off as balanced.
  9. Luicanus

    It's an interesting idea but it would be too damaging to new players taking pop shots at distant targets, it's easy to fire 10 shots in a minute by which point you've only earned only 50 nanites back.

    It would only serve to irritate New Players and drive them away.
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  10. CutieG

    Buff terrain.
    No, seriously, add more terrain so that aircraft can take cover both against AA and other aircraft. Then balance them around the ability to take cover and evade enemies with crazy maneuvers, instead of the current fiasco where they are either OP or UP depending on the state of their durability.
    It would also mesh well with their VTOL nature.
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  11. Icehole1999

    It would. And that's bad. But to get an AV turret to where it needs to be there has to be some sort of downside. You really can't nerf the range. Otherwise it would be kinda useless. Velocity is already too low. So you really can't mess with that. If you didn't charge nanites for use, you'd have to reduce the rate of fire to compensate for more direct damage dealt and a larger blast radius.
  12. Icehole1999

    There's way too many flat open expanses. I know it's to promote ground vehicle combat, but we don't need that much room. Things will only render up to so far away. More hills and such would be great.
  13. Luicanus

    Agreed, this is why I love Hossin, despite not being a great pilot I can lose pursuit in the trees.

    Hills are ok done right, but Hossin shows how restrictive they can be done poorly. I'd love to see more plant life, like Giant Cactii on Indar or some more pronounced Crystal structures on Esamir
  14. Luicanus

    I disagree, the AV turrets are woefully underpowered as they are, direct damage is OK, I'd guess it's comparable to HEAT atm, but the splash damage should kill infantry in one shot.
  15. LordKrelas

    So a direct hit is fatal, and the splash is fatal, so the AV is more capable than the AI Turrets?
    What, do the AI turrets need to kill upon LOS of infantry, to compete here?
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  16. Luicanus

    A fair point, but then there are almost no AI turrets in the game. If there was a reasonable number of AI turrets positioned around bases eg in specific defencive posts with overlapping fields of fire then sure Have the AV turrets be restricted to AP Python level blast but they should still kill on a direct hit.
    No major anti-tank weapon should take two hits to kill an infantry.
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  17. LordKrelas

    You know what.
    I agree on that.

    We have no proper AI defenses, that aren't in shot positions usually.
    And the AP I'd assume would be a direct-kill, but the splash would be overkill.
    It is a defensive weapon.
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  18. No0T

    The splash damage is ridiculous in this game... except for tanks. Explosive arrows splash damage does 100 damage lol is a 0.85 sec recharge time and it doesnt even do 550 damage like it shoud so with one direct and one indirect you could kill someone!!
  19. Icehole1999