Left and right ADADADADAD spammers mess up the hit registration more than ever

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Stew360, Apr 24, 2013.

  1. Stew360

    Iam yes iam tired of been kill by a guy i just kill on my client and iam tired to see those warping issue , but its not all related to playerping it is certainly not helping at all as well as the lag compensation but still their is something wrong with the ADADAD spamming in planetside it still create some kind of sliding and warping issue as well as hit registration mess up
  2. exLupo

    It's not necessarily the receiver's ping, it's also the sender's ping. If you're warping, your ping is often high. If your ping is low and you're still warping then the game's prediction needs to be fixed. I'm 1000ft from my node which happens to be ISP's regional headend. This connects directly to the 10G regional transport ring and then to the national backbone. Living all the way over in Texas, I still get a 38ms ping. I see ADAD players warping. If you're warping on my screen then it's either you or the game because it sure as hell ain't me.

    Until such a time when the algorithms are capable of properly handling current tech limits arrives the directional switch speed need to be back to where it was earlier in beta. Dev talked a big game during pre-alpha but, with some of the decisions they've made, it still feels occasionally like I'm playing Quake.
    • Up x 1
  3. MorganM

    That's not what people were describing...

    Again I don't see this happening in the videos... I don't see it happening in game. Only time I see anomalies like this is when I, other people, or the whole damn server are lagged. Then all kinds of crazy stuff happens.

    I've been paying more attention to this now after reading this thread. They just look like they are spamming ADADAD to me. It doesn't look weird, wrong, or faster than it should be. It looks unnatural because that's not naturally how people move but that's irrelevant. It does prove harder to hit someone doing it which is obviously why people are doing it; agreed. It APPEARS hit registration gets messed up but then again it APPEARED like people were "warping" but upon closer examination they aren't (see: videos in this thread)

    Honestly this is a lot of drama about nothing. It's a function of internet latency, computer latency, and honestly not much can be done about it. SOE already said its not a bug, they aren't going to fix it, get over it.
  4. Ender

    How about in this one
  5. Wineclaw

    Over the last month, this BS has been getting more and more prevalent. A combination of lag and messy hitboxes makes using this "skill" a must, especially when you start seeing your target do it.
  6. DrSNAFU

    For anyone who might be confused:

    Strafing = The act of moving at a roughly ninety degree angle side to side in an attempt to throw off the aim of the opponent.

    ADADADing = Strafing side to side at an exact frequency so as to exacerbate an existing netcode movement interpolation issue which then causes your character to appear to accelerate side to side at speeds not normally possible.

    Calling it warping or strafing is just confusing people. No one is talking about removing strafing or any such nonsense. Anyhow, I have a fix for it. It’s simple… but complicated.

    See, in order to offer smooth movement of player characters, the game ‘interpolates’ the movement, guessing where the player is going to be next based on their position and movement speed. It doesn’t know for sure, it’s a guess. When a player has a normal ping and latency, it works great. Movement is fluid and accurate. Cut a few packets here and there and you give the interpolation program a harder job. It’ll think you’re over here for a few milliseconds when instead you’ve already changed direction. When the next packet comes in, the computer realizes its mistake and corrects it by pulling your character back into correct position, even if that means accelerating it faster than it normally should. You don’t experience any of this, it’s the other player who sees your model shifting back and forth, accelerating and decelerating unnaturally.

    The natural fix for this is to adjust the interpolation procedure. I’m guessing they’re using the same type of interpolation for strafing movement as they do for forward and back. Simply adjust the interpolation for strafing to 1) not allow acceleration faster than what is normal [even if it means less accuracy] and 2) start to dampen the interpolation for quick movements side to side within a 2 meter horizontal area or so. That way the opponent won’t move back and forth quite as much under lag, and they won’t zoom back to their proper position when the program notices its guessed position was wrong.

    I’m not a programmer so I couldn’t start to think of how to code this, but it’s definitely an improvement that won’t force any restrictions on players, you wouldn’t even notice it except for dying more often instead of warping around other players’ bullets. :p
  7. DjUnicorn

    Posted on another thread that talks about the same stuff, here is a guide if anyone wants to test it out for themselves


    There is a surprisingly easy way to check the huge effect that this has during gameplay (which is expected).

    Ping yourself to the server that you are playing and place that value as timer delay between A and D in a simple strafe macro, just for testing purposes. (Or half of the value, don't know exactly which of the two has a bigger impact so I will assume it is the full value for the sake of understanding, do with half value if it has a bigger effect.)

    The reason to test it this way is simple, people's pings vary by a large margin and the only true factor here is the time that the client game takes to communicate with the server before it can display an action to the rest of the players.

    Timing the strafing to the player's ping is the best way to cause the ressonance (rubberband) effect and finally put aside the whole wrong idea between "it looks ok to me" "it is game breaking for me".

    Strafing "exploit" will only be a problem if either the player that is doing it has a ping bigger than most of the players OR the player on the other end has the bigger ping, or both have high pings.

    Let's say a strafer doing this has a 100ms ping and the player on the other end has 80ms ping. At the end the "victim" that is trying to shoot the player has a very small window of opportunity to shoot with success, he has 100ms action delay from the strafer plus the 80ms delay that the server has to communicate the information to him plus 80ms again when he shoots and sends the message to the server and in the end another 100ms when the server communicates the "shot" to the strafer.

    In this hypotetical scenario there is a 360ms delay on visual and action subjects between the strafer and the shooter. Not only that but due to the client side simulation, the strafer will appear to be moving sideways when in fact he already moved the other way.

    Tricky problem and I can't see how it can be "fixed" anytime soon.


    Also to follow the current video trend of "latency kills" I present to you my best capture of this issue:

    I blame this more to the fact that SOE enabled damage to be dealt after death than latency simply because it wasn't possible to do anything like this before the QQ about grenades and rockets thrown after dying doing 0 damage.
  8. MuNrOe