Leaderboard Stats

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RadarX, Nov 30, 2012.

  1. Furl

    Yes leaderboards are buggy, pretty much what the intial OP said lol.... If you dont like leaderboards, dont look at them. Yes it can promote kill whoring and have alot of things that could be improved upon (outfit leaderboard, more detailed stats like base captures, amount healed, ect) but they arent going away so it if bothers you just dont click the leaderboard tab =).
  2. AstroCat

    I don't mind the stats, they can be kind of fun to check out, but mine are for sure bugged.
  3. toph1980

    Funny thing as I had a look at my current rank on the leaderboard (around the 500 mark) and scrolled 10 pages in each direction, and everybody but another player and I had a K/D ratio of either +25, 50 or 100.

    I wouldn't take the leaderboard seriously, either everybody is cheating (and I've only met a few ingame) or the leaderboard is way off.
  4. SKYeXile

    If the player isnt online their deaths are bugged.

    use the http://www.planetside-universe.com/characters.php page, its not getting data ATM for all servers though.
  5. toph1980

    Yeah, figured it was something like that. Cheers for the link though ;)
  6. Kracken

    Rather this just go away. Much prefer that we see how many bases folks help take, not how good of a farm they stumbled upon or had set up....
  7. AstroCat

    My stats if added up per day make sense, but my overall stats do not match, plus I got a crazy 700+ deaths for launch day which for sure did not happen, I didn't even play that much the first day. So, for sure my stats are super bugged out.
  8. a puppy

    You should hold off on nailing the leaderboards to be complete until the game is if not fully, but better optimized, because yes we know you're working on optimization, (and you'd probably rather we all just went out and bought new graphics cards so you didn't have to degrate your beautiful game from its full potential) but as it stands most of the users who can't really run the game that well if not in the middle of nowhere, have left and are holding off until such optimization comes, while the rest are still here, but just not doing much except repairing middle of nowhere bases (me) because it's the only way we can get points since many battles, even one on ones, lead to many cheap deaths where from the start the match was already won by he who has better frames (not me).

    So many people saying things like "oh, fish in a barrel", "this is so easy, they just stand there and don't even shoot at me; i just pick them off cause i'm so pro" kind of egotistical gloating from people with beast pc's that can run this game like a boss. Believe me, if we had the frames to engage you, we'd put you on the BOTTOM of the leaderboards :O. It's not lack of skill or being out-skilled that kills us, it's frame rate. So unless the leaderboards are held off from being taken seriously until optimization comes, or at least keep what's already there, but adding in an "after optimization" section for leaderboards, it's not going to be the go-to stat tracking awesomeness i got excited about, of what it was talked about to be in the 45 minute planetside 2 video from GDC 2012 i saw a long time ago (vid now taken down :() of which introduced me to planetside, when ya'll were revealing Planetside 2 a long time ago.

    PS2 is one of the few games that I want to care about the leaderboards, because I'm one who's never cared about such until Battlelog, and now this game, that interests me to follow such. Please hold off on taking the leaderboards seriously (what's currently there means nothing in regards of skill / rank) until such optimizations come .
  9. AuntLou42

    Any updates on the leaderboard status? The leaderboard on Connery has been down more then it has been up.
  10. SKYeXile

    yea same on Briggs, its not even reporting data to the PSU API.
  11. GodlessGeek

    Okay, this is an issue that always makes me feel like an "outsider". I've never really understood the obsession with the K/D ratio. Sometimes I die as a strategy. If I'm sniping and discovered, I'll try to duel. If it appears I'm going to lose, then I'll lose quickly. I already have my next sniping spot picked out, or maybe I need to change my class/role to better help my team. I'd rather be on my way. It's a video game. I'm not really dying. Don't send flowers.

    IMO, I feel pretty sure the extreme ratios seen fall into the bug/hack columns. Trysaeder, MjrMHZ mentioned situations where players get on top with decent ratios in legitimate ways and I do believe there are players capable of those things. Unfortunately, I'm not one of them. lol
  12. Saiph

    Different strokes for different folks.

    Having a high K/D doesn't necessarily mean that they are retreating every chance they get though (which is what a lot of people think happens when k/d is shown). Some people just like to play slow, that is to say that they will take their time moving forward instead of rushing out into the field like LOL360NOSCOPE CoD players.

    To me dying isn't fun because I can't shoot at people from the death screen, so I try to not play like Rambo.
  13. SKYeXile

    I play the hero.
  14. Pinchy

    I wonder if there are actually people sad enough to believe they can attention seek from it and how much money was wasted trying.
  15. Saiph

    Plot Armor, you are such a cheater omg!

    Close to 90% of the time, my leaderboard won't show, and I don't get daily kill and points stats.

    It makes the game not fun to play because there is no way to track what limited progress there is for characters in this game.

    It's sort of a bad joke, because it always worked in Beta.

    One more nail in the coffin I suppose.
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  17. Xarx

    Well, it was up for a bit earlier today, It's gone down again now.
  18. Kin_Slayer

    I am not mad. What is your death count?
  19. Kin_Slayer

    Lets also talk about how this game is suppose to be balanced or fair, when PS2 wants new players to come in but all they really are is kill numbers for som of these players that have been in since beta or Live launch. We played tonight were 3 BR s over 45 just kept killing use over and over, we back off and spawn the next facility back and they would already be there.

    Also how is it the 2 missiles and 3 others level out on a 50ish and not even dent his shields? How is it they are killing us from distences and Infiltrators scope can't even make them out well. Also, how does a machine pistol hit me farther then my Infiltrators rifle can shoot.
  20. Pella

    o_O What does this have todo with the leaderboard stats?
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