Latest Nvidia Driver (361.43) Freezes

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ChUnKiFieR, Feb 4, 2016.

  1. ChUnKiFieR

    Uploaded the latest NVidia driver (ver. 361.43) and I froze 4 times in 3 hours so I'm going back to a December 2015 version. If you just started freezing recently I recommend you do the same. Just to be clear I'm not crashing to desktop, I'm freezing and having to Ctrl-Alt-Del to the task manager to exit the game. You can search for a previous working driver at the link below.

    Update: I just found out there is a newer version (361.75) that came out 1/27/2016 so I'm going to try going forward first. It would have been nice if the GeForce Experience software would have offered me this newer update instead of the old one (361.43) first. It just notified me of the 316.43 yesterday. I never did like their auto-updater.
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  2. JobiWan

    Last 3 times I updated using GeForce Experience I got BSOD, so I'm wary of using it now.
  3. JudgeNu

    I am using the 361.75.
    The last two, as well as this one, my screen goes black. I can still hear the game but cannot see.
    It will either be my main screen or my second monitor on my 970.

    I am going to clean it today I will make sure it is seated properly but it only happens with PS2.
  4. Jake the Dog

    Here I thought I was the only one...
  5. Shiaari

    Erm, be careful what drivers you download. Nvidia releases game optimized drivers all the time. If the games you are running are running well, then don't download an updated driver.

    Only update to run a new game, or to fix a known bug. Don't update just because you can.
  6. Crator

    My game crashed on the latest version of the drivers. The version that is working for me is 355.98.
  7. bLind db

    Garbage ******* game runs like complete **** regardless of what drivers you have. May as well be the first MMOFPS stop-motion shooter.
  8. Cyrek

    Happened to me in the past, had to uninstall and reinstall the driver, also don't use express install from Experience, go custom and disable all this miscellaneous stuff you don't want in the first place.
  9. Taemien

    Try it on a machine that isn't a potato. If you still have issues after that, might just want to turn in your master race card and hit up a console. Its not for everyone.
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  10. Alkasirn

    So this thread reminded me that drivers exist. I set Nvidia to inform me of updates, but I don't recall seeing one in the longest time. Turns out...
  11. ChUnKiFieR

    Wow 337.88. That one is just a tad stale but hey if it aint broke...

    I had to go back to a November 2015 driver to finally fix my problem and I took the advice of uninstalling everything NVidia except the one driver and one audio file. I'm never going to do any broadcasting or 3D gaming anyhow. I'm not sure but it feels like I'm running a little looser now.
  12. JudgeNu

    I did my periodical dusting out of my case and reseated my 970 and so far so good.
    No black screen the whole day yesterday.
  13. bLind db

    I get a constant 80+ frames when they don't patch in something that destroys playability, you ******* moron.

    Jesus Christ literally none of you ******* ****ters can pull DBG's dick out of your mouth long enough to realize the game isn't perfect.
  14. Shiaari

    You don't get constant 80+ frames per second--unless you're running it on the absolute lowest settings possible. You might get 60 on ultra in a huge fight if you're machine is exceptionally powerful, but considering what you're describing I highly doubt that.

    No, the game's not perfect, but it's not all that bad either.

    To the rest of the Nvidia users having this problem, update to driver 361.75 and check again. If you still have this problem then there is something else wrong. If you are using Windows 10 make sure it has all its recommended updates, and bear in mind there is a known issue with Windows 10 failing to execute certain updates. Microsoft releases fixes for each one that fails.... eventually.
  15. Taemien

    Maybe you should stop being a pedophile and not play with little kids. It'd help with your disposition.
  16. bLind db

    I run it on low settings because I don't care about how neat explosions look if it's at the cost of the ability to play the game. However, even with that, I get multiple second hang-ups, hitching, etc. When a 3 and a half year old game can't be played at the LOWEST settings without those sort of problems, you know it's a ****** game.
  17. bLind db

    Well, at least you're showing you're one of the children.
  18. Taemien

    If you can't stand the heat, don't put your hands in the fire to begin with.

    Game runs fine for most people with modern or near modern machines. If yours isn't, its because its either outdated or there's something else. Mine's only a year old and I get over 100+
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  19. Shiaari

    How come I don't have this problem?
  20. Reclaimer77

    Has nothing to do with the game being "perfect".

    I'm running the version 361.75 GeForce Game Ready Driver and have no hitching, freezing, or stuttering. What do you want from me?