Last Chance SOE

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Kaisuke7, Jul 30, 2013.

  1. Kaisuke7

    Iv'e been playing since beta and iv'e seen more bad than good come to my favorite class. Im not going to sit around debating and asking for changes, if the devs don't see it or don't care, then its pointless to argue with so many ridiculous changes to down play the abilities of the infiltrator.
    You have until the infiltrator update.
    If you push that date back for the 4th time im done.
    If you don't fix or even address that bolt actions are not acting as intended im done.
    If the update contains buffs with unreasonable nerfs It's a rap.

    If this post is deleted, PLEASE JUST DELETE MY SOE ACCOUNT TO.
  2. Shuuda

    Don't you think you're being unreasonable? Aside from the the fact that infiltrator mostly works fine if you play it right, don't you think quiting because an update gets delayed is a bit much? I don't think you understand what's involved in working on an update or all of the issues that might arise for SoE.

    I'll say now that the updately will probably delayed again, and it could be due to all sorts of reasons (the majority of which will not boil down to SoE being incompetent I might add). You're just going to have to learn to be patient and live with the realities of development.
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  3. Kaisuke7

    I thank you for your concern, but the fact of the matter is that I, just don't care anymore lol. This has never happened before but I have no desire to even play the game now, or any game for that matter. I'll quit, because the game means nothing to me anymore.
  4. Shuuda

    Well you obviously do care otherwise you wouldn't be posting.

    Here's a plan for you that might work wonders; if you don't like the game anymore then just put it down without being melodramatic about it. By the sounds of it I doubt any update will magically make you happy.
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  5. Ryekir

    I think you're being a bit over dramatic by claiming you will quit if they don't make the exact changes that you want on your schedule. They're not making the game specifically for you alone. The world does not revolve around you.

    Either suck it up and keep playing, or just quit. Posting about it publicly like this is egotistical and not constructive in the least.

    This reminds me of people claiming that they will move to Canada if their presidential candidate doesn't win an election....
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  6. Masterofm

    If your not enjoying the game why don't you play something else for now and come back to it later? It's not like I haven't taken a 6 month breaks from a game before myself.
  7. Dr. Euthanasia

    If you avoid what should be completely viable playstyles made impossible by the Infiltrator's limitations, you mean.

    For me, the issue is not patience but faith. With almost every bit of news I receive regarding this class, my ability to believe that it will eventually be worth playing diminishes further. Faith is, after all, "belief without proof" by its very definition, and given how the class has been getting worse with almost every change that affects it, the proof isn't just absent - it's contradictory. If I leave before the update hits, it'll be because I can no longer convince myself that it will meaningfully improve this class, not because it's taken too long to do so.
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  8. Scan

    I must have missed where they said it's going to be delayed again.

    Wasn't this supposed to be released in June somewhere?

    Then July, then August?
  9. Shuuda

  10. Aimeryan

    I think it is completely reasonable that if he isn't liking the game for him to quit playing it. I feel very much in a similar boat and am just waiting to see what the update brings - if the class doesn't look good at that point or there is not a plan to lay out exactly how they are going to change the class to something I would enjoy playing, I will probably quit as well.

    I would love to see the infiltrator playstyle of old, from Planetside, that I fell in love with all those years ago - non-combat infiltration for the purpose of sabotage. This involves a cloak that does not rely on the enemy failing to see you but instead gives the infiltrator a way to progressively work your way through a base to the vulnerable parts depending on the infiltrator succeeding.

    Some examples are dedicated motion sensors that you have to time your movement to avoid being detected - failure causes you to be shot by an auto-turret. Thermal cameras that can be avoided by taking the right route and/or waiting until they are facing the other direction - failure sounds an alarm. Enemy players using short-range flashlights that can reveal the infiltrator - giving the infiltrator the possibility to avoid these players that are specifically looking for them or wait for them to go past before carrying on, or even have a backup sniper to take these players out as a priority. I am sure there are many more imaginative ideas that would create a fun playstyle for infiltrators that just doesn't exist at the moment but did exist in Planetside.

    There needs to be things worth sabotaging. Some of these are mentioned in a way before - cameras, rotating uni-directional short-range motion sensors, and auto-turrets - but other things exist like a power supply for base lighting, cameras, sensors, auto turrets, etc, that is located deep inside the base that only takes a very short time to blow up once hacked. Once again, this list is by no means exhaustive.

    I also don't want to be completely useless against vehicles unless there happens to be a nearby turret - I very much consider vehicle sabotage just as important to infiltrators as base sabotage, and so did Planetside. At the very least, a way to take sunderers out of action since that is the only thing that really matters at times. It doesn't need to be the "taking control" type of vehicle hacking (although I absolutely would love that), but we can't be the only class with no way to deal with them when the game throws them out like candy and is fine with every other class being able to deal with them.

    The long-distance sniping role needs to be made effective again (or more effective anyway). This playstyle is simply not fun any more when you are not rewarded for taking into effect lots of variables and hitting the target only for them to just shrug it off. Add in wind, etc if it needs to require even more skill.

    Anyway, got to go, but as you can see there are many interesting and fun ideas that could be put in (and they have certainly had long enough). These playstyles were in Planetside and evoked strong feelings - a lot of infiltrators simply want them back or wont be kept interested in the game. They don't need to be implemented, but if they are not people are going to leave because they just wont be interested in carrying on playing. It isn't like SOE shouldn't be aware of this - the last 5 or 6 months of people on this subforum has been all about these very issues.
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  11. TeknoBug

    Infil sucks if you're trying to play it the way you did in PS1, otherwise infil is a lot more like Bad Company's recon class in many ways (except being a "bush wookiee").
  12. Scudmungus


  13. oherror

    Think you mean "too"... but really if you feel this way just quit for like 4 months. Do something else smell the fresh air. Date someone or take a first/second wife. Seriously OP nothing today is like the old days...You have to just take it for what it is.

    If you cant. Well see you.
  14. Ripshaft

    lol, it's beautifully poetic to live in a world where someone like this uses the word "unreasonable".

    You're not going to bother making a point, but you're going to throw a fit over the points you're not making. This is not a constructive form of discourse between yourself and the developers.... or anyone, for that matter. The only substance your post contains is that "some irrational guy is upset with the infil for some reason and is upset over waiting for an update"... which is about as useful feedback as saying you love cheese.
  15. LownWolfe

    I'll play infiltrator even if SOE makes you glow like a discoball when "cloaked", stomp around louder than a T-Rex in lead shoes, and all weapons shoot BBs. But thats just me.
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  16. zaspacer

    The Devs are not psychic and they don't really play or *get* Infiltrators. So if Infiltrators players don't debate and ask for specific changes on the forums, then it's very unlikely those changes will happen.

    It would really be good for the Infil Class if people would list out what changes they wanted. Not in big long posts, but in very short bullet point or numbered form. Then the Infil community could discuss the list and figure out which of it was the more important.

    Keep in mind that some desired changes are very likely not gonna happen. Mostly because these are changes that the rest of the players have a strong negative reaction to: it's easier to get a change that does NOT **** every non-Infiltrator off.

    Also, keep in mind that some things currently in the game are very likely going to get nerfed. I expect Harrassars will get heavy nerfing in the long run, I expect ESFs will continue to nerfs over the long run (though SOE seems to give this unit special treatment), Striker will get nerfed or a similar all-faction option will be added, etc.

    I believe the Bolt Actions are currently acting as intended by the PS2 Dev Team.

    It has been expressed that Sniping and OHK Headshots are especially unfun for people getting Sniped. Nanoweave is a way for players to choose to forgo other Suit Bonuses in exchange for protection from this "unfun" thing. That fits right into PS2's design.

    Yes, arguably Nanoweave is TOO good in that it is really nice for all kinds of reasons beyond the OHK protection. And this can be addressed by Devs since improving other Suits until players have compelling reasons to want to use more than just Nanoweave also fits right into PS2's design.
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  17. Vaphell

    the devs would have to read their own forums first. You know how much time did it take to acknowledge there is no ribbon for hacking? almost 2 months despite it being posted to gameplay bugs forum where problems are pretty much itemized just as you want. Sniper rifle problem with NW? Thread is old, sits on the first page for months and recently Luperza posted in it claiming she pinged the devs some time ago and never heard back.

    Keep in mind that some desired changes are very likely not gonna happen. Mostly because these are changes that the rest of the players have a strong negative reaction to: it's easier to get a change that does NOT **** every non-Infiltrator off.

    Also, keep in mind that some things currently in the game are very likely going to get nerfed. I expect Harrassars will get heavy nerfing in the long run, I expect ESFs will continue to nerfs over the long run (though SOE seems to give this unit special treatment), Striker will get nerfed or a similar all-faction option will be added, etc.

    harassers were/are so blatantly OP there is nothing to discuss. Nerf asap, ask questions later is pretty much the proper approach seeing how they dominate infantry and run circles around MBTs. It's better to overnerf right off the bat and fix later than have OP one that everybody and their dog exploits and waste months to decide what to do.

    you mean blocking HS at ~30m in the worst case scenario is intended? There is no way i can believe that.

    What is equally unfun is being forced into the realm of full auto fire, pulling off a tricky midrange headshot and getting shredded by the 'victim'.

    Nowhere in NW description i see protection from sniper rifles. What about people who cqc indoors, no sniper fire can harm them and they went NW just for increased HP? They still get immunity for free if they feel like going outside.

    There is no protection from unfun pump action to the face, there is no protection from C4 falling from the sky, there is no protection from tanks sniping infantry, there is no protection from HA tubing you at point blank.

    That might work, maybe, only if the HP buff provided by NW was modest, like it supposedly was at +12.5%. +25% is not modest and now it's impossible to bring other mods in line with NW. They are extremely situational, for every scenario they cover there are 5 other they don't that are covered by NW.
    What do you give to flak to make it equal with NW? It already gives 2000EHP against splash HE. Faster shield regen? Usually i die to a single burst = useless.
  18. Blue_Moon

    Why nerf nanoweave? If it's so obvious that bolt actions hitting a headshot should be a one hit kill, why not just buff the multiplier for headshots to 1.8 for the bolt action only? That's a one hit kill no matter what rank of nanoweave you have. There, problem solved.
  19. Dr. Euthanasia

    The multiplier is 2x, it's just that the minimum damage (which is reached well before bullet drop kicks in) is a pathetic 550 even for the high damage rifles. Increasing that multiplier further would solve the problem, but so would increasing the minimum damage to 625 or higher. The only difference is how much of an impact bodyshots would have at long range, and... I don't think anyone really cares about those one way or the other.
  20. Spoprockel

    It's moved to September now. Was that the 4th time already?

    Buh-Bye! :D
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