Lasher = Weaksauce

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by XTCAndy, Sep 18, 2017.

  1. XTCAndy

    Please increase the damage or rate of fire of the Lasher. It is a weak weapon. Try to kill (insert almost anything) and you'll get outgunned. Even a sitting flash. Want to get that kill. Nope, sorry you'll die before you do if anyone with even the weakest pistol is sitting there and wants to kill you. Lasher = Weaksauce.

    Like it or not, I have to use it though if I want to complete black camo, but duly note, if you truly want a craptastic weapon choose this one. It does have a situational advantage. Long range combat it shines but that does not mean you'll get tons of kills, but it is really a suppression weapon and a Kill Assist type of weapon. Yeah, but then the sadistic designers put it as a choice for achieving Objectives. Thank you designers I really appreciate it (sarcasm emphasized).
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  2. TR5L4Y3R

    Just change the achivement to dmg dealt on targets the weapon can stay as is ... ps 2 achievements generaly need a overhaul
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  3. Ximinetto

    On PS4 the Lasher is a player killer.
  4. Halkesh

    I'd auraxium medal on my lasher 2 weeks ago and I can tell you lasher's damage and RoF are good enough. The only con of this weapon are ally's brain (teamdamage) and velocity.
    -if the enemy surprise you and is within 20 meter, abuse hip-fire : you have good hip-fire accuracy with 0 bloom per shot. Combined with your overshield it will often be enough to win the fight.
    -if you can land headshot, do it. Overwise, aim at the legs so if you miss you'll do splash damage
    -if you're using lasher on every fight, you're doing it wrong. Avoid using lasher when the target are on a higher ground than you.
    -Lasher is mainly a supressing weapon, abuse of it's splash damage.
  5. Moisture

    As someone who has never fired it and only have had it used against me I can assure you its a very situational weapon but I really dont have great options against in those situations when its used correctly.
    Like you have a whole host of regular LMGs to play with plus you have this bonus bizzard AOE machine gun thing to add to your tool kit
    As a NC player Id give up my Jackhammer for this. I might sometimes use the lasher.
  6. Blam320

    Lasher should be used for it's splash damage and low cone of fire as a suppressing tool. I can't tell you how satisfying it is to kill someone who thinks they're safe hiding behind a corner or camping a doorway.
  7. Doc Jim

    The Lasher is not a good choice for getting up close and personal or going toe to toe in a firefight. The Lasher is a suppression weapon, great for shutting down choke points and flushing enemies out of cover. If you have a Lasher in your loadout, you also need a good secondary weapon to switch to, like a Commissioner or a Pilot.

    Take your Lasher to the high ground focus on a choke point and go BlyatBlyatBlyatBlyatBlyatBlyatBlyatBlyatBlyatBlyat...
  8. OldMaster80

    The Lasher is a strange gun. It's more a flanking weapon to deal with groups of players. More or less the same thing you do with the MCG with extended magazine. It's not a weapon yiu want to use in face to face 1 vs 1 fights, otherwise you are screwed. The only heavy gun that makes sense in 1 vs 1 is the Jackhammer.

    Directives based on damage instead of kills should have been a thibg years ago.
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  9. Smoo

    LOTS of things should have been things years ago. Warpgates with an actual WARP function, vehicles that don't drive like their tires are completely bald and coated with grease, vehicles that don't just explode when flipped.

    You'd think they would have come to that conclusion back in beta, when there was no VR training, and all the new players pulled ESFs, tried to control them, and instantly flipped, fell to the ground, and died, and were forced to wait a while to try again...

    Lasher does need damage certs, not kills, though. The damage is fine for the role, making it do more damage would overpower it.