Lancer in relation to the other ESLs

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Redzy, Jul 31, 2013.

  1. Vorxil

    • Still lacks a proper scope. I would kill for a better scope. Preferably one with variable zoom. (Perfect use for alternate fire mode)
    • Full charge still seems slightly lackluster compared to spamming. Lower the charge time for full charge, possibly? Or change it to maintaining an initial full charge and then automatically recharging after each shot.
    • It needs a proper cancel charge button. Seriously. Unless charge mechanics changes as noted above.
  2. ShureShot

    1. Look up hitscan

    2. Keep defending your crutch. I wouldn't expect anything else from a lock-on scrub whose highest scoring weapon is the Striker (4 times as much as your Decimator. And the Striker hasn't even been in the game that long either).

    3. You do realise you have to aim with the Lancer, right? It wouldn't do you much good. Stick to your crutch.
  3. Yonasu

    This public announcement is brought to you by Logic and reason, try to use it kids!

    - Hello and welcome to another season of "But it's really good when used in groups". In this episode we get to see the much abused "Lancer is OP in groups" argument.

    - The way to deal with this kids, is to remind them that Everything Is Good In Groups! Is the Lancer good when 5 people shoot it? Imagine 5 strikers spamming at you, 5 * 2500 damage = "Joey Buttafuoco thats alot of damage!"

    - But what about if they bring up the Lasher and its totally imbalanced area denial 20dps damage?!
    - Well kids, imagine 10 underbarrel launchers instead of 10 lashers. Or 10 jackhammer HA's instead just popping shields and running around that corner you're "denying".


    On the next episode of "But it's really good when used in groups" we talk about the much used MAX crash and how it seemingly works for Every Faction and why that is.

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  4. Chipay

    This just shows... how much you have NOT used the lancer, the cancel button is 'E' just like with the Vortex.

    I traded my lancer for the Deci a long long time ago and never had the need to turn back, Lancer deals just more dps.
  5. Vorxil

    Then I must've missed that patch note.
  6. Chipay

    So you didn't read the patch note where they released the lancer?
  7. Giggily

    If by slightly lackluster you mean better in every way then yeah.
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  8. Thostbog

    I think that's a bit weird. My only explanation would be:

    On my TR heavy, I roll with the Striker as the default rocker launcher. Because it is that good.

    On my VS my default is the Nemesis, as it gives a strong dumb fire rocket AND gives a lock-on against aircrafts. I go for a Lancer when there is a specific reason to, a situation where Lancer would shine. These are not that common actually.

    On a different topic, on Woodman I wonder about the day when Striker will be weaker. My main is Vanu BR65, so I am largely good. But when I am on my secondary TR it's the Striker which helps as the great equalizer against the Vanu horde. Interesting to see how this develops.
  9. veselie

    I have Lancer on my main character and is my main rocket launcher, I use it even of infantry but i hate the bug when it charges to max but it consumes only 1 shot doing the lowest damage, it happens every time i respawn. But since I unlocked the Phoenix, i played more on my NC, I found it fun to use, i can hit vehicles which are behind cover, myself standing behind cover and it does more damage than the Lancer.
  10. gloowa

    Only thing that Lancer needs is reversing the charge mechanics so that weapon recharges automatically and discharges when shot. There is only so many minutes i can be bothered to keep my mouse button constantly pressed before my finger gets tired.

    Or perhaps a middleground - gun auto-charges to lvl 2 and when mouse is pressed and kept down it charges up to lvl 3, after shot it goes down to lvl 1 and auto-charges back to level 2.

    It won't change anything in what the gun is capable of, or damage it can deal, but will make it far less tiresome to use.
  11. Vorxil

    There's no mention of any button in any of the announcements threads when searching for "lancer".
    As I recall, there was no such button implemented at its launch, a claim further strengthened by the many posts in the Official Lancer Feedback thread requesting this button to be implemented.
  12. Bine

    The lancer. Is amazing. Anyone who says otherwise has simply not used the darn thing. I use the Lancer over my Decimator any day when im on my VS! That thing just. With a decimator people can easily dodge the shot. With the lancer, they hardly see it coming. It's gaurenteed damage if you can aim at a barn door. Not to mention how much it hurts MAX suits and how painfully usefull it is in open spaces. Get 3-6 of them together and a lancer group can just -destroy- target after target!
  13. Thostbog

    Think that is refreshingly well put. :)
  14. Divinorium

    Lancer ATM is the "best" ESL.
    Is better then stock/decimator in 70% of the cases. when used in coordenate groups can COMPLETELY deny vehicles to the enemy in the area.

    Phoenix is the "best" in balance terms.
    A true side grade weapon, works ******* good in some situations and is useless in others. (that, folks. i how you create good weapons without breaking the game).

    Strikers Are the broken one.
    Deny Air but can be turned completely useless by some certs in IR smoke.

    I think the OP and the ppl asking for Lancer buffs, truly need to play some more/learn how to play. Lancer shouldn't be a "better" decimator, it should have moments where it's better then Deci/stock and moments where deci/stock are better. Not just be a flat upgrade.
  15. Messaiga

    To be honest, I would probably trade my Phoenix for a Lancer almost any day of the week. It is the most versatile of the 3, it requires skill, but it scales with skill level as well. There is no handi-cap keeping it from being used to it's full potential like what the Phoenix has with it's range limit at the moment. Although I would argue that, the Phoenix is the most *fair* of the 3 ESRL's at the moment because, either the user was smart and fired from cover or while you were in cover, or he was very stupid and decided to fire in full sight of your tank/infiltrators and got 1HKO'd by sniper rifles or a tank shell. Either way the user was still within render distance making it so the Tank has at least a fair means to defend himself.