Just wondering when servers will go back...?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by qrolominion, Jan 17, 2013.

  1. qrolominion

    ok so i saw the notice they sent out, but it said it should only take an hour and the servers are still all locked so I'm just wondering when or aprroximately when in QLD time (+10) it will be back online?
  2. forkyar

    we don't have a answer for you,only soe does.who knows when.
  3. exLupo

  4. Stealth1

    They posted 60mins ago that it'll be back up within 30mins or so...
    • Up x 2
  5. qrolominion

    I was just hoping that someone might have heard from SOE or something, it seems there aren't many SOE admins on these forums which is a shame because most of these bugs will go unseen.
  6. forkyar

    i understand,just saying the players cant give you a answer.well there is very few admins on because of what time it is.
  7. forkyar

  8. wrenched

    Way to bag on us Australasia players - prime time for us ><
  9. Izriul

    Boo hoo! Poor little aussie can't play, it's night there so at least you get night time TV to take your place, and hey, I bet you get sun when it's light too.

    Day time TV here AND it's freaking snowing.

    Jeremy Kyle & chavs to watch? No thank you! I expect neighbours is on soon too!
    • Up x 1
  10. wrenched

    fine you win
  11. Izriul

    Do I?....Do I REALLY?

    Did you not catch the part about you having sun and TV?!

    What do I win? Bring out the Chav.tv?
  12. Jewdo64

    Are you serious? You sound like you need a break anyway.
  13. qrolominion

    what? i barely play this game i just wanted to play that night cause my friend and i were waiting to play together.