Just Me Or Are Air to Ground Reject Tank Fighters and Noobs

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Whiskiz, Dec 27, 2012.

  1. Whiskiz

    Its like they tried PvP and fighting tank vs tank but they have absolutely no skill and kept getting owned, so instead of say practicing they decided to go for the cheap and easy way out by killing ground vehicles with absolutely 0% chance of their targets (the ground vehicles) being able to fight back, cause that sounds like awesome fun.

    Lucky SOE didnt completely feed the noobs and dumb the whole game down into each class able to destroy another class without requiring an ounce of skill and without that class able to retaliate, when in doubt take the cheap and easy way out, thanks SOE.

    Air to Ground players mentality:
    "Hmm, dont like it when the other person can fight back, makes it to hard, rather beat people without them being able to do anything, might go Air to Ground".
  2. voigt

    Funny, you can kinda say the same things about Tank drivers vs infantry
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  3. Whiskiz

    Not even nearly, so all the C4 and anti tank mines and rocket launchers etc off the top of my head cant combat vehicles? **stand up on a ridge as heavy assault with rocket launchers and theres actually not a thing a tank can do against infantry** while you can just stand over the ridge, line up a rocket get back and repeat.

    Also, as infantry you guys can evade quite easily by sticking to rocks/ridges etc you can also see us coming quite easily, then we have to actually be able to hit you and even then have anti infantry rounds equipped to make sure we actually will get you.

    Air to Ground:

    We cant evade unless we're 10ft from a bridge or something to hide under overhead, wich doesnt happen 98% of the time.

    We have no chance of seeing air coming since we cant aim that far up both the primary and secondary weapon and the 3rd person view just looks at the magtanks fat *** lol.

    And its guaranteed Air is going to hit us with the amount of rockets they get not to mention being able to just fly right up to us with no retaliation - from us and finally air to ground is always equipped to take vehicles out, never going to be the off chance Air to Ground is going to be in a fight against a tank and not be equipped for it...

    So not quite the same thing really.
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  4. Whiskiz

    But just like anti personnel and vehicle mines i guess "those" types of people need a crutch playstyle to rely on for kills as well.
  5. hansgrosse

    I do agree that air power is slightly imba at the moment, but to answer the question you posted, It's mostly just you. There are definitely ways for armor to counter air in this game. My favorite solution is to load up a Sunderer with 3 or 4 burster MAX units and dump 'em out when the armored column I'm part of gets harassed by aircraft. Takes more people? Yes. Effective defense? Yes.
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  6. Whiskiz

    Air to Ground is imba def, mostly just me though i disagree.

    So if your a tank player you have stop playing perhaps the only class you like and enjoy and want to play and go get a sunderer. Then you have to find people willing to go the specific AA and then you do what exactly while they see to the air? sit in ur sunderer and think yeah, im showing you aircraft real good lol.

    Thats without even taking into consideration peoples play styles and not just classes, because if your say a lone wolf your not with a column your not in communication with the people your near fighting with, so you dont have the luxury of using other people, and if you need other people to combat something does that really mean it works and its alright?

    So you have to forego the class/es you like playing and you have to invovle other people if they arent already just to combat something? imbalanced indeed and those are only the first 2 arguments off the top of my head.
  7. LameFox

    You've clearly never attacked my ground vehicles. My AP lightning alone has killed more ESFs than my lightning hulls in general have been killed by.
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  8. Whiskiz

    Nicely done, ive a couple times (with the right angle at the right place with my magtank) been able to fire upon the real noob ESF's that just sit there 30ft away and hover in same spot while shooting at me, too.

    Cant imagine though an ESF unleashing its rockets at you while you fire tank rounds back and somehow manage to destroy it first, on a regular basis though.
  9. JokeForgrim

    Have you ever fought at the crown? Try defending it as infantry, Magriders line the hill to the south... Prowlers line the hill to the west then play shoot the idiots defending the crown (similar to fish in a barrel). Then as we spend hours dodging the endless tank shells bombarding every possible exit towards a turret, a liberator flies over top and makes the anti air / roof area completely redundant (not to mention the 50 burster maxes shooting at it).

    At this point a few sunderers decide its a good time to push and cap the outside points forcing the defenders to run into the endless spam of tanks/libs only to hope for an infantry kill.

    So basically Tanks vs Infantry... a joke unless the tanks are dumb enough to not look where they are going (mines) and aggressive enough to not use their range advantage (5-6 heavies or 2 shots in the rear)

    Air vs Ground, A skyguard lighting or 2 or even a few friendly turrets can take down any ESF without a hard time. A pilot has to line up with the rear of a vehicle and unleash a whole clip of rocket pods to the rear (usually 2 whole clips) usually whilst dodging turret fire and small arms fire. Not to mention tanks shells are a 1HK on ESFs (if you can aim) then there are the skyguards, A2A missles, enemy ESF's in general and burster maxes.

    It sounds to me like you were expecting to be a able to drive a tank around the map SOLO. Without a gunner to watch the skies, without other tanks and without any air support.

    Here is an analogy for you. When you drive a tank alone in the open and 2-3 ESF's tear you apart with A2G pods, its like when said ESF pilot lands their ESF in the open and ANYTHING blows it up and kills them while they repair it. Its a Risk/Reward decision each person makes and should take responsibility for. Try to work with your team and move with other Tanks or with Air support (because everyone knows the best counter to Air is Air or even MORE Air).

    I bet you will be a lot happier when thats your ESF's and Liberator's Covering you as you move through the open on the Ground.
  10. OddballE8

    Wow... somebody got their Heavy über tank destoryed by air i think...

    Not every kind of troop has to be able to counter every other type at all times.
    As a tanker you either equip anti-air weapons, thus making you more or less useless against other tanks, or you rely on your teammates to take care of the air.
    No teammates fighting the air? Well then how about you do your part for the team and get yourself an AA-max or even get in a fighter yourself?
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  11. LameFox

    As long as he only hits top/side/front armour, which is easy when my lightning rotates, it'll take him at least two passes to kill me. I can repair while he's realigning himself as well.

    One lightning AP hit will instakill him on the other hand...
  12. 13lackCats

    Looks legit.
  13. Whiskiz

    First 3 paragraphs all i have to say is: its the crown and even as you described it, its myahem from everything, no-one wins in that situation, thats a poor example to defend any kind of point.

    fourth paragraph: Yes other stuff can take down ESF im saying their TARGET cant but, if no-one else is around running AA your a sitting duck.

    fith: expecting to drive around whole map solo is just a major exaggeration, have been plenty of times been in an armored column or group in general and still get owned by air to ground. "Without a gunner to watch the skies, without other tanks and without any air support". Again plenty of times had plenty of tanks around and people still getting destroyed. What you HAVE to have someone with you 24/7 and HAVE to be equipped for the skies 24/7 just because of this problem? then it really is a problem.
  14. Whiskiz

    I'd have to see it to believe it man, kudos to you for being able to aim basically above your head 50m with the proper ESF that fly a distance above you and keeping the perfect lead in front of them with tank rounds as they do their rocket run at you, not just the ones that sit there while unloading.

    Even more kudos for being able to see Air to Ground incoming, knowing the aircraft is not only A2G but coming for you and about to do a rocket run on you, early enough for you to even be able to shoot back in the first place let alone come out on top as well, while also doing whatever else it is your doing there and keeping an eye out for and fighting infantry and other vehicles. you have some sick aiming, some sick eyes and some sick multi tasking lol.
  15. Whiskiz

    Would love to randomly come at you with an ESF one day while your doing your thing and see what you have :p but then, i dont respect Air to Ground so ill never go it myself, its just cheap and dirty and im not a hypocrite.
  16. LameFox

    If the angle is bad I usually run my tank up a rock or whatever obstacle is handy. But most of them are pretty obvious about it.
  17. Elbryan

    Not every faction has Magriders.

    The only reliable way to take out a Magrider is using rocket pods. Even with rocket pods it's the hardest tank to take out 'cause of it's unpredictable movement, magburn and small rear armor.
  18. gunshooter

    haha apparently there's skill involved in the tank combat in this game?

    are you trying to make yourself feel better or something. both are equally dumbed down and casual.
  19. Compass

    Scythe tried to gank me.

    Reaver tried to gank me.

    Seriously, some of these pilots... Ugh =_=
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  20. Sinoby

    This game is not hard, please, OP, don't pretend otherwise.
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