Is the '' HA pros '' did convice Higby to give up on the change ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Stew360, May 26, 2014.

  1. Whatupwidat

    I love that people take on Heavies head on and complain they can't kill them.


    Their job is to be the broken edge of the bottle, the phalanx of the infantry....their job is to take the hits so LA's can flank and Infils whatever it is they do when they're not sitting on a hillside firing ineffectually at heads.
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  2. Corporate Thug

    I agree and think that ARs are much better than LMGs with the exception of clip size. I don't agree with engineers being at a disadvantage though when they have amazing CQC carbines that melt HA's. I love my Serpent/GD7F and play that class just to not have an advantage and kill plenty O Heavies. I have a few characters with primary HA used but I still wouldn't mind them changing the shield and only because I think heavies and maxes are easy and boring. Actually, I'm sort of split because I enjoy fighting them with my medic/LA/engineer as they add more danger, which I thrive on.
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  3. Casterbridge

    Comparing the flanking abilities of LA and infiltrator to any class is just silly and I assume you know it. Of course any class can flank, LAs and infiltrators simply have the tools to it easier/better which can give them huge combat advantages at times.

    LA and infiltrator ability downsides only last while use their ability (except for infiltrator having less Health as well, which honestly I never really understood the need for) , as do HA's shields, they activate it they start moving slower and light up like a neon bulb basically saying "shoot here". Whether or not the shield needs more tweaking or not, punishing them after the shield has faded is unnecessary.
  4. Stew360

    LOL the LA and INF have sound Qs that ruins their flanking momentum sometime and reveal their position for those who have good headset so its a downside , if i flank you with a medic a heavy or an engi you cannot know it unless you hear the foot step wich are much less louder than the jetpack and cloak sound Qs
  5. Fenrisk


    You seem to think that LA's make constant sound when flanking someone when the opposite is true. Once a LA is on a roof, platform or girder he's free to flank players while being completely unheard as his footsteps won't be heard from his alleviated position.

    Infiltrators can flank without sound Q's. I just use the cloak that get's rid of primary weapon use and then use a commissionaire to drop heavy's from behind with a couple shots to the head or 3 quick shots to the body. By the time they see/hear they are taking fire they are already dead thanks the the crappy client side hit detection lol.
  6. Stew360

    When a LA is around i hear him , when i cloaker is around i hear it , and iam aware of their presence while an HA , Medic , engi its much more subtile ;)
  7. Gearlock

    I find that at least half the time I die it's to a Light Assault Flank & Gank.

    Heavy Assaults killing me?

    I made the decision to die by risking going into their field of fire. When they do kill me, it's rarely unexpected, because their role is to hold down firing lanes and be front lines troops, so thats where i run into them.

    Which is 100% my own decision.

    I'm about to start working on my Medic as I've decked out my other classes satisfactorily. What weapon are you describing? I play NC if you can recomend a murder machine. That'd be mighty white of you.
  8. Stew360!/5428016813486924145/stats

    50 hours playtime 533 kills ?
    Hostilechild ? 0.74 kdr a average 19 % accuracy L2P stew ? L2Aim stew ?
  9. biterwylie

    Nice thread title.
  10. Stew360

    I doubt he can help u

    If you want to play a NC medic your best choice is to stick with the gauss riffle 2X reflex and lazer atachement , or the carnage Ar with 1x reflex and foward grip , those are the only 2 weapons i can truely recomand , the gauss S is not a bad weapon it give you more choice but you have to spend more certs to fit it for multiples situations , the gauss riffle is a better options for an good all around gun thats perform ok in most situation if you are a good player
  11. Fenrisk

    How can you hear the cloak when you can run it indefinetly without it ever dropping until you choose to go for the kill? How do you hear a LA who's been perched on that roof and no longer needs his jet pack to flank you? Magic forum argument ears?
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  12. Stew360

    LOL the creepers are not an issue to me , i think ive been kill once in my life by those creeper so yeah keep trying '' Ha pros '' detected

    If the LA get to the top i will hear him , if he is already on the top he cant flank me he is simply '' caping the top '' so its my job to retain situational awareness , LA thats camp a top does not last long if he dosent moove or change his position and use his jetpack so yeah
  13. Codex561

  14. Codex561

    Medic healing aura is well balanced. If any nerf shall be done it might probably not be able to be activated for 8 seconds after taking damage. Jetpacks already were nerfed by reverted within 72 hours. Cloak has no room for nerfs.
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  15. Ronin Oni

    You mean the primary infantry combat class has a direct advantage in head to head 1v1's??!?!?!?!?!?!?



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  16. Ronin Oni

    You haven't muted Stew already?


    Dude, I muted that guy my first time as squad lead for my friends on Matherson. No way in HELL I was putting up with his insults and ranting.

    I had to mute a couple others who constantly kept up with his troll baiting too... nothing personal on them, but they shoulda just ignored him like the rest of us.
  17. Ronin Oni

    BTW: If anyone wonders why dev's made themselves scarce round the official forums....

    well, you need look no further ;)
  18. hostilechild

    Not me, my son. He got in to beta i didn't. He lost i took the forum account during beta but he kept name for live.

    and stats are for losers. I play to have fun, no other reason to play. Will empty clips to help engineers out during down time, unload on ESF or draw pictures on the wall. Come to Connery, not unusual i rambo into a room and drop 3, or die over and over to take a point kill a sunderer etc. Its all about the fun and team objectives. And i will spam rockets and grenades anytime there is a choke point. If you don't well your not smart. I also wear flak5 in said areas due to all the explosion spam. Maybe you should too
  19. Nenarch

    if they nerf the shield enough, we'r all going to be playing LA's at this rate.
  20. hostilechild

    Just started playing medic more myself, as outfit has needed them. And carnage/shotgun is what friends recommended

    I really like the Carnage and so do most of my friends. It does eat through ammo fast. Great cqc hipfire and still accurate ads at 100m but really shouldn't need outside cqc. 50m ads is pretty wicked, try it in VR