Is the '' HA pros '' did convice Higby to give up on the change ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Stew360, May 26, 2014.

  1. Stew360

    I remember him saying it was coming i remember him saying they did not have the time to '' implement '' it on twitter and still , there as been no change to the Infamous '' newb classes '' kdr padding ...

    Where is the HA shield change higby to make it '' situational '' where is it ?

  2. Posse

    That won't save you from dying to my Orion, sry.
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  3. Reavx

    Sadly it was probably dropped stewpot.
    Its a sad fact that compared to other classes the majority play HA.
    Majority bad players abusing an op class or not will always create a mountain of whine to protect their easy mode.

    Look at rocket primary thread, a clearly broken concept with many defenders.
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  4. Stew360

    say the guys who need to be 10 on 1 to win a fight , say the guy who lag everywhere , say the guys with nanoweave and HA shield who end up with 10 % life when he luckily get the last DA shot on me ,while fighting agains a medic hahaha Reming me glenbeckistan the scythe pro '' who can only do a 10 % damage to get a kills lol
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  5. LonelyTerran

    Stew and his non-existant grammar strike again.
    Oh well I just hope that SOE has the decency to refund my HA certs.
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  6. SharkSpider

    But if they nerf the shield how will bad players complain when they die to a heavy?
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  7. Posse

    Lol, your delusions never cease to amuse me.
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  8. DrPapaPenguin

    But how will i find my keys in the dark without my glow-light shield?
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  9. Stew360

    say the nanoweave , orion 99 % HA users guys ;)
  10. Posse

    Barely above 70% actually
  11. Stew360

    play medic to bring it to 50 / 50 medic HA use and come back here thanks / ignore
  12. Posse

    why should I?
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  13. ElectricSheepDream

    So a HA with OP overshield barely wins to a medic? Maybe it's time to buff the orion ?
    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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  14. gigastar

    Its like the C4 "bug" from last year.

    A nerf apparently did arrive on PTS but it obviously never went live.
  15. GlennBeckistan

    Oh Stew, you flatter me with your praise! And here I thought you didn't like me after you ignored me in-game. Now I realize, it was to prevent you from letting slip how you really feel! Don't worry, buddy, I love you too.
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  16. PraiseTheSpandex

    None where! Higby will changed done by all "pros", every some. Changes be won't shield, grabbing!
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  17. FateJH

    Don't provoke him. The forums would never survive a verbal deathmatch of such epic proportions.
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  18. bladedcross

    Trust me, if you had to listen to him cuss out everyone on the NC Command Channel on a daily basis, your amusement would cease real quick, my friend. :D
  19. Tristan

    How can you tell the difference between him cussing you out and him simply adamantly praising you?
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  20. Taemien

    Interesting question. Can't be their 1600 dps LMGs that cause it.

    Seriously, here's how you fight heavies. Put NWA on and tank them in the face. Medics have it easy since they can press F and regen while fighting them. The only medics that have some trouble are grenade bandoleer equipped ones. Put NW5 on and laugh at them.

    What we have here are support classes that don't want to fight fighting heavy equipped players looking to fight. Warriors > Pacifists

    Learn to fight while supporting and heavies are no problem. Heck knife them if you need to. Watch how clumsy those LMGs are up close. If they're shield is popped, they can't turn around on you.
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