Is reduced "spawn kill" xp relevant (anymore)?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DJPenguin, Apr 22, 2014.

  1. HadesR

    Defending the cap point should be the objective .. But what we have atm is that the best way to defend the cap point is to camp the spawn .. Which is really flawed Imo .. It relegates the point itself to being a secondary objective behind the spawn ..

    No clue how to fix it though :(
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  2. Phyr

    The cap has always been secondary. Keeping the enemy off the cap is the primary objective, and the most effective way to do that has always been spawn camping. It won't change so long as we have hard spawns and capture points.
  3. NoctD

    Only for small bases - you needed a lot more to hold down the tech plant point and multi-point bases.
  4. NoctD

    Not if you made the timers longer, and the influence dynamic based on population at the base. So that way, you can't really spawn camp and hope to cap the base quickly. Bring a platoon? You'll need more on point.
  5. Iridar51

    Really? I wouldn't know. How is spawn camping stat padding? I would expect to hear the other way around, to be a spawn room warrior is to pad stats, but with spawncamping? How? The enemy is behind one-way shields, it's not like they're free kills. Some people of course try to push out of the spawnroom, but usually spawncamping is done when the attackers have massive overpop or vehicles, and in that case the spawn campers have a lot of competition for those kills.

    Dunno, spawn camping doesn't strike me as a particularly effective way to pad stats. Spawn room warrior, long range sniper, vehicle pilot - sure, but not that.
  6. Phyr

    6 for single point bases. 6 out of 48 people, who self sacrifice their time in order to move to the next base sooner, to do exactly the same thing.
  7. NoctD

    So let's make the cap dynamic - 50% of your pop, but a slightly larger influence area around cap points.
  8. Phyr

    1: You think they could actually do this?
    2: Why? When pops are even there's more than enough fighting on the cap points. Camping the spawn room happens when the population is really unbalanced. Which, by the way, is what happened in the old days.
  9. NoctD

    There's no real fighting for the cap points these days - you know that. Someone turns it, someone else turns it back, they kill the guy that turns it back, and the cap point is generally empty and unguarded. You had to fight to uncap the spawn points back in the old days.

    Even if you couldn't totally stop the spawn camping, you still tied up some guys back in the old days. Compared to NONE now!
  10. Phyr

    We must be playing different games.
  11. DrPapaPenguin

    What's this "honour" you speak of? If "dishonourable" means "the enemy ran out into our line of fire without looking" then yes, we'd rather be dishonourable than let him take a look around, take his time, aim at us before the spawn kill multiplier falls off.
  12. NoctD

    Maybe different servers. All I see generally is empty spawn points after they've been turned. If someone gets it back, then you get a swarm making a beeline to the spawn point to recap it again. Soon as they're done and cleared out the people that turned it back, they move back to spawn camping.
  13. HadesR

    Well I did suggest it should work both ways .. And if as you say people don't camp outside to stat pad then removal of XP / Stats from both directions would not hurt anyone at all ..
  14. Phyr

    So what? How is forcing people to stay on point going to improve anything? The 3-4 people on point kill the single guy trying to flip the point, while everyone else camps the spawn. How is that an improvement?
  15. NoctD

    You split the attackers up, they're more vulnerable that way. Plus take some guys to the cap, and you'll have a decent small fight vs. each other too.

    It beats this silly spawn camping nonsense but I guess you prefer to be free to spawn camp rather than having to worry about securing the cap points too.
  16. DJPenguin

    cheezus you two need to get a room.
  17. Phyr

    Go to a large 50/50 fight and tell me there isn't fighting on the point.
  18. NoctD

    Not every fight is going to be a 50/50 fight.
  19. Phyr

    Doesn't matter. Changing cap mechanics to the old system isn't going to facilitate more fighting.
  20. NoctD

    You make no sense whatsoever. Changing the cap mechanics spread out the attackers, in turn the defenders are able to take on smaller groups of attackers. It will truly encourage fighting beyond the you spawn camp me, I reverse spawn camp you from within the shields silliness that goes on. It will actually add fighting to more areas of the base.

    But whatever - you seem reluctant to give up on your ease of spawn camping, and no amount of reasoning is going to change your desire for easy mode spawn camping.